blob: 7338e5b3e3577062006d496939192ce019984ff5 [file] [log] [blame]
JAX-RS OData Demo
This demo shows a CXF JAX-RS service interposing over Apache Olingo based OData 4 service.
This demo was built by copying some of the files and the code described at
After bulding the demo and starting it with "mvn -Pserver", do
1. curl -H "application/json" http://localhost:9000/DemoService/DemoService.svc/Products
It will return the OData model describing the products
2. curl -H "application/json" http://localhost:9000/DemoService/DemoService.svc/$metadata
It will return the OData model describing the products metadata
3. curl -H "application/json" http://localhost:9000/DemoService/DemoService.svc
It will return the OData service metadata