blob: 967ac72ca9a6c18b69cd4db71904b5f64317815b [file] [log] [blame]
JAX-RS Big Query Demo
This demo demonstrates how Google BigQuery service can be used with
OAuth2 Authorization Code flow and a Google server-to-server flow and shows
Apache CXF OIDC RP and JOSE support in action.
The demo accesses public BigQuery data sets - it is easy to modify it to access
the project-specific datasets if preferred.
First, create a Big Query project as described in
1. OAuth2 Authorization Code flow.
Create a client id and secret as described in
Set Redirect URI to
Build the demo with "mvn install" and start it with
mvn jetty:run-war -Dclient_id=${client_id} -Dclient_secret=${client_secret} -Dproject_id=${project_id}
where ${client_id} and ${client_secret} are Client Id and Secret, and ${project_id} is the id of your Google project.
Then start a browser and go to
2. Server to Server Flow.
Create a client with a service account as described in,
choose "Generate New P12 Key" and save it to the local disk.
Build the demo with "mvn install" and start it with
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="/home/pathto/BigQueryProjectKey.p12 notasecret ${client_email} ${project_id}"
where ${client_email} is Service Account Client Email and ${project_id} is the id of your Google project.