blob: f35a0e2ed24592e3d2f66c1ed552b2e9961e7563 [file] [log] [blame]
Building and Installating the STS
STS with LDAP backend
Build the STS:
mvn clean install -Pldap
Create Signing certificates
Proceed with the following steps to update the signing certificates:
keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -validity 3600 -alias realma -keystore stsrealm_a.jks -dname "cn=REALMA" -keypass realma -storepass storepass
keytool -export -keystore stsrealm_a.jks -storepass storepass -export -alias realma -file realma.cert
keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -validity 3600 -alias realmb -keystore stsrealm_b.jks -dname "cn=REALMB" -keypass realmb -storepass storepass
keytool -export -keystore stsrealm_b.jks -storepass storepass -export -alias realmb -file realmb.cert
keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore ststrust.jks -storepass storepass -alias realma -file realma.cert -noprompt
keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore ststrust.jks -storepass storepass -alias realmb -file realmb.cert -noprompt