blob: 0b204855838ffefe6206e3cdcea9decd1b25413a [file] [log] [blame]
# This is an example piper file that will spin up a complete pbj pipeline.
# This piper will start the Apache Artemis broker pointed to by the -a parameter on the command line.
# It will pause for 5 seconds to allow Artemis to fully launch.
# This piper will then launch another instance of Apache cTAKES.
# That instance of cTAKES will run the third and final bit of the entire PBJ pipeline.
# This piper will then launch a python PBJ bit of the entire pipeline.
set SetJavaHome=no
# To run this pipeline from the command line, use the parameters:
# -p SentencePrinter
# -v {python environment Directory}
# -a {Artemis Broker Directory}
# -i {Input Document Directory}
# -o {Output Directory}
# A standard command-line option is the specification of whether or not to pip the ctakes-pbj package.
# By default ctakes-pbj will be pip ed at the beginning of a run. You can turn this off with:
# --pipPbj no
// Sets up required parameters, starts your Artemis Broker, pips the PBJ project.
load PbjStarter
// Start another instance of cTAKES, running the pipeline in StartAllExample_end.piper
// $OutputDirectory will substitute the value of this cTAKES pipeline's value for OutputDirectory.
// $ArtemisBroker will substitute the value of this cTAKES pipeline's value for ArtemisBroker.
add CtakesRunner Pipeline="-p PbjThirdStep -o $OutputDirectory -a $ArtemisBroker"
// Start the python bit of the full pipeline.
// Declare the python pipeline defining the second step in the total pipeline.
set PbjSecondStep=ctakes_pbj.examples.sentence_printer_pipeline
// There is a fixed order to queue specification in python pipelines.
// The incoming (receiver) queue is named first, the outgoing (sender) queue is named second.
add PythonRunner Command="-m $PbjSecondStep JavaToPy PyToJava" LogFile=sentence_printer_pipeline.log
// The pipeline run by this instance of cTAKES.
// Load a simple token processing pipeline from another pipeline file
load DefaultTokenizerPipeline
// Send CAS to Artemis at the specified queue. Send stop signal when processing has finished.
add PbjJmsSender SendQueue=JavaToPy SendStop=yes
//add PbjStompSender SendQueue=JavaToPy SendStop=yes