blob: 00c6137b52c11731ae369b3b78c088267366bd86 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file contains commands and parameters to run the ctakes-examples "Hello World" pipeline
// with Entity Property output
readFiles org/apache/ctakes/examples/notes
// Load a simple token processing pipeline from another pipeline file
load DefaultTokenizerPipeline.piper
// Add non-core annotators
add ContextDependentTokenizerAnnotator
// The POSTagger has a -complex- startup, but it can create its own description to handle it
addDescription POSTagger
//addDescription LvgAnnotator
addDescription ThreadSafeLvg
// Default fast dictionary lookup
load DictionarySubPipe.piper
// Add Named Entity Context Entity Attribute annotators
load NeContextsSubPipe.piper
// Collect discovered Entity information for post-run access