blob: 8651c8dbae48fd4df583ed6bd1715d5402fc2012 [file] [log] [blame]
// An example pipeline that does a lot of stuff.
// Write big "Welcome", "Starting", "Finished" Banners in log.
set WriteBanner=yes
// Advanced Tokenization: Regex sectionization, BIO Sentence Detector (lumper), Paragraphs, Lists.
load FullTokenizerPipeline
// OR use the standard tokenizer pipeline:
//load DefaultTokenizerPipeline
// Refined tokens, Parts of Speech.
add ContextDependentTokenizerAnnotator
add POSTagger
// Chunkers
load ChunkerSubPipe
// Default fast dictionary lookup.
set minimumSpan=2
load DictionarySubPipe
// Cleartk Entity Attributes (negation, uncertainty, etc.).
load AttributeCleartkSubPipe
// Entity Relations (degree/severity, anatomical location).
load RelationSubPipe
// Temporal (event, time, dtr, tlink).
load TemporalSubPipe
// Coreferences (e.g. patient = he).
load CorefSubPipe
// Token covered text and token span offsets. Write bev (default) and html styles.
add TokenTableFileWriter SubDirectory=bsv_tokens
add TokenTableFileWriter SubDirectory=html_tokens TableType=HTML
// Html output, write to subdirectory.
add pretty.html.HtmlTextWriter SubDirectory=html
// Text output, write to subdirectory.
add pretty.plaintext.PrettyTextWriterFit SubDirectory=text
// Table output, write to subdirectory. Write bsv (default), csv and html styles.
add SemanticTableFileWriter SubDirectory=bsv_table
add SemanticTableFileWriter SubDirectory=csv_table TableType=CSV
add SemanticTableFileWriter SubDirectory=html_table TableType=HTML
// XMI output, write to subdirectory. Warning: these can be very large.
add FileTreeXmiWriter SubDirectory=xmi
// Temporal Events and Times in Anafora format, write to subdirectory.
add EventTimeAnaforaWriter SubDirectory=anafora
// Write some information about the run.
addLast org.apache.ctakes.core.util.log.FinishedLogger