blob: 465e3f19749012a9909364fac789f5035056144a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.crunch.lib;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.crunch.DoFn;
import org.apache.crunch.Emitter;
import org.apache.crunch.MapFn;
import org.apache.crunch.PCollection;
import org.apache.crunch.PGroupedTable;
import org.apache.crunch.PTable;
import org.apache.crunch.Pair;
import org.apache.crunch.fn.IdentityFn;
import org.apache.crunch.fn.PairMapFn;
import org.apache.crunch.types.PGroupedTableType;
import org.apache.crunch.types.PTableType;
import org.apache.crunch.types.PType;
import org.apache.crunch.types.PTypeFamily;
* Methods for performing common operations on PTables.
public class PTables {
* Convert the given {@code PCollection<Pair<K, V>>} to a {@code PTable<K, V>}.
* @param pcollect The {@code PCollection} to convert
* @return A {@code PTable} that contains the same data as the input {@code PCollection}
public static <K, V> PTable<K, V> asPTable(PCollection<Pair<K, V>> pcollect) {
PType<Pair<K, V>> pt = pcollect.getPType();
PTypeFamily ptf = pt.getFamily();
PTableType<K, V> ptt = ptf.tableOf(pt.getSubTypes().get(0), pt.getSubTypes().get(1));
DoFn<Pair<K, V>, Pair<K, V>> id = IdentityFn.getInstance();
return pcollect.parallelDo("asPTable", id, ptt);
* Maps a {@code PTable<K1, V>} to a {@code PTable<K2, V>} using the given {@code MapFn<K1, K2>} on
* the keys of the {@code PTable}.
* @param ptable The {@code PTable} to be mapped
* @param mapFn The mapping function
* @param ptype The PType for the returned keys
* @return A new {@code PTable<K2, V>} instance
public static <K1, K2, V> PTable<K2, V> mapKeys(PTable<K1, V> ptable, MapFn<K1, K2> mapFn,
PType<K2> ptype) {
return mapKeys("PTables.mapKeys", ptable, mapFn, ptype);
* Maps a {@code PTable<K1, V>} to a {@code PTable<K2, V>} using the given {@code MapFn<K1, K2>} on
* the keys of the {@code PTable}.
* @param name The name of the transform
* @param ptable The {@code PTable} to be mapped
* @param mapFn The mapping function
* @param ptype The PType for the returned keys
* @return A new {@code PTable<K2, V>} instance
public static <K1, K2, V> PTable<K2, V> mapKeys(String name, PTable<K1, V> ptable, MapFn<K1, K2> mapFn,
PType<K2> ptype) {
PTypeFamily ptf = ptable.getTypeFamily();
return ptable.parallelDo(name,
new PairMapFn<K1, V, K2, V>(mapFn, IdentityFn.<V>getInstance()),
ptf.tableOf(ptype, ptable.getValueType()));
* Maps a {@code PTable<K, U>} to a {@code PTable<K, V>} using the given {@code MapFn<U, V>} on
* the values of the {@code PTable}.
* @param ptable The {@code PTable} to be mapped
* @param mapFn The mapping function
* @param ptype The PType for the returned values
* @return A new {@code PTable<K, V>} instance
public static <K, U, V> PTable<K, V> mapValues(PTable<K, U> ptable, MapFn<U, V> mapFn,
PType<V> ptype) {
return mapValues("PTables.mapValues", ptable, mapFn, ptype);
* Maps a {@code PTable<K, U>} to a {@code PTable<K, V>} using the given {@code MapFn<U, V>} on
* the values of the {@code PTable}.
* @param name The name of the transform
* @param ptable The {@code PTable} to be mapped
* @param mapFn The mapping function
* @param ptype The PType for the returned values
* @return A new {@code PTable<K, V>} instance
public static <K, U, V> PTable<K, V> mapValues(String name, PTable<K, U> ptable, MapFn<U, V> mapFn,
PType<V> ptype) {
PTypeFamily ptf = ptable.getTypeFamily();
return ptable.parallelDo(name,
new PairMapFn<K, U, K, V>(IdentityFn.<K>getInstance(), mapFn),
ptf.tableOf(ptable.getKeyType(), ptype));
* An analogue of the {@code mapValues} function for {@code PGroupedTable<K, U>} collections.
* @param ptable The {@code PGroupedTable} to be mapped
* @param mapFn The mapping function
* @param ptype The PType for the returned values
* @return A new {@code PTable<K, V>} instance
public static <K, U, V> PTable<K, V> mapValues(PGroupedTable<K, U> ptable,
MapFn<Iterable<U>, V> mapFn,
PType<V> ptype) {
return mapValues("PTables.mapValues", ptable, mapFn, ptype);
* An analogue of the {@code mapValues} function for {@code PGroupedTable<K, U>} collections.
* @param name The name of the operation
* @param ptable The {@code PGroupedTable} to be mapped
* @param mapFn The mapping function
* @param ptype The PType for the returned values
* @return A new {@code PTable<K, V>} instance
public static <K, U, V> PTable<K, V> mapValues(String name,
PGroupedTable<K, U> ptable,
MapFn<Iterable<U>, V> mapFn,
PType<V> ptype) {
PTypeFamily ptf = ptable.getTypeFamily();
return ptable.parallelDo(name,
new PairMapFn<K, Iterable<U>, K, V>(IdentityFn.<K>getInstance(), mapFn),
ptf.tableOf((PType<K>) ptable.getPType().getSubTypes().get(0), ptype));
* Extract the keys from the given {@code PTable<K, V>} as a {@code PCollection<K>}.
* @param ptable The {@code PTable}
* @return A {@code PCollection<K>}
public static <K, V> PCollection<K> keys(PTable<K, V> ptable) {
return ptable.parallelDo("PTables.keys", new DoFn<Pair<K, V>, K>() {
public void process(Pair<K, V> input, Emitter<K> emitter) {
}, ptable.getKeyType());
* Extract the values from the given {@code PTable<K, V>} as a {@code PCollection<V>}.
* @param ptable The {@code PTable}
* @return A {@code PCollection<V>}
public static <K, V> PCollection<V> values(PTable<K, V> ptable) {
return ptable.parallelDo("PTables.values", new DoFn<Pair<K, V>, V>() {
public void process(Pair<K, V> input, Emitter<V> emitter) {
}, ptable.getValueType());
* Create a detached value for a table {@link Pair}.
* @param tableType The table type
* @param value The value from which a detached value is to be created
* @return The detached value
* @see PType#getDetachedValue(Object)
public static <K, V> Pair<K, V> getDetachedValue(PTableType<K, V> tableType, Pair<K, V> value) {
return Pair.of(tableType.getKeyType().getDetachedValue(value.first()), tableType.getValueType()
* Created a detached value for a {@link PGroupedTable} value.
* @param groupedTableType The grouped table type
* @param value The value from which a detached value is to be created
* @return The detached value
* @see PType#getDetachedValue(Object)
public static <K, V> Pair<K, Iterable<V>> getGroupedDetachedValue(
PGroupedTableType<K, V> groupedTableType, Pair<K, Iterable<V>> value) {
PTableType<K, V> tableType = groupedTableType.getTableType();
List<V> detachedIterable = Lists.newArrayList();
PType<V> valueType = tableType.getValueType();
for (V v : value.second()) {
return Pair.of(tableType.getKeyType().getDetachedValue(value.first()),
(Iterable<V>) detachedIterable);
* Swap the key and value part of a table. The original PTypes are used in the opposite order
* @param table PTable to process
* @param <K> Key type (will become value type)
* @param <V> Value type (will become key type)
* @return PType&lt;V, K&gt; containing the same data as the original
public static <K, V> PTable<V, K> swapKeyValue(PTable<K, V> table) {
PTypeFamily ptf = table.getTypeFamily();
return table.parallelDo(new MapFn<Pair<K, V>, Pair<V, K>>() {
public Pair<V, K> map(Pair<K, V> input) {
return Pair.of(input.second(), input.first());
}, ptf.tableOf(table.getValueType(), table.getKeyType()));