blob: e8b9ba06776baab0755a9871deae9dd69cd0b757 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.crunch.scrunch
import java.lang.{Iterable => JIterable}
import java.util.{Collection => JCollect}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import org.apache.crunch.{PCollection => JCollection, PTable => JTable, Pair => CPair, _}
import org.apache.crunch.lib._
import org.apache.crunch.lib.join.{JoinUtils, DefaultJoinStrategy, JoinType}
import org.apache.crunch.types.{PTableType, PType}
import scala.collection.Iterable
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskInputOutputContext
import org.apache.crunch.fn.IdentityFn
class PTable[K, V](val native: JTable[K, V]) extends PCollectionLike[CPair[K, V], PTable[K, V], JTable[K, V]]
with Incrementable[PTable[K, V]] {
import PTable._
type FunctionType[T] = (K, V) => T
type CtxtFunctionType[T] = (K, V, TIOC) => T
protected def wrapFlatMapFn[T](fmt: (K, V) => TraversableOnce[T]) = flatMapFn(fmt)
protected def wrapMapFn[T](fmt: (K, V) => T) = mapFn(fmt)
protected def wrapFilterFn(fmt: (K, V) => Boolean) = filterFn(fmt)
protected def wrapFlatMapWithCtxtFn[T](fmt: (K, V, TIOC) => TraversableOnce[T]) = flatMapWithCtxtFn(fmt)
protected def wrapMapWithCtxtFn[T](fmt: (K, V, TIOC) => T) = mapWithCtxtFn(fmt)
protected def wrapFilterWithCtxtFn(fmt: (K, V, TIOC) => Boolean) = filterWithCtxtFn(fmt)
protected def wrapPairFlatMapFn[S, T](fmt: (K, V) => TraversableOnce[(S, T)]) = pairFlatMapFn(fmt)
protected def wrapPairMapFn[S, T](fmt: (K, V) => (S, T)) = pairMapFn(fmt)
def withPType(pt: PTableType[K, V]): PTable[K, V] = {
val ident: MapFn[CPair[K, V], CPair[K, V]] = IdentityFn.getInstance()
wrap(native.parallelDo("withPType", ident, pt))
def collect[T, To](pf: PartialFunction[(K, V), T])(implicit pt: PTypeH[T], b: CanParallelTransform[T, To]) = {
filter((k, v) => pf.isDefinedAt((k, v))).map((k, v) => pf((k, v)))(pt, b)
def secondarySortAndMap[K2, VX, T, To](f: (K, Iterable[(K2, VX)]) => T, numReducers: Int = -1)
(implicit ev: <:<[V, (K2, VX)], pt: PTypeH[T], b: CanParallelTransform[T, To]) = {
b(prepareSecondarySort(numReducers), secSortMap(f), pt.get(getTypeFamily()))
def secondarySortAndFlatMap[K2, VX, T, To](f: (K, Iterable[(K2, VX)]) => TraversableOnce[T], numReducers: Int = -1)
(implicit ev: <:<[V, (K2, VX)], pt: PTypeH[T], b: CanParallelTransform[T, To]) = {
b(prepareSecondarySort(numReducers), secSortFlatMap(f), pt.get(getTypeFamily()))
private def prepareSecondarySort[K2, VX](numReducers: Int)(implicit ev: <:<[V, (K2, VX)]): PGroupedTable[CPair[K, K2], (K2, VX)] = {
val basePTF = getTypeFamily().ptf
val gopts = GroupingOptions.builder()
if (numReducers > 0) {
val kt = basePTF.pairs(keyType(), valueType().getSubTypes.get(0).asInstanceOf[PType[K2]])
val ptt = basePTF.tableOf(kt, valueType.asInstanceOf[PType[(K2, VX)]])
parallelDo(new SPrepareSSFn[K, V, K2, VX], ptt).groupByKey(
def mapValues[T](f: V => T)(implicit pt: PTypeH[T]) = {
val ptf = getTypeFamily()
val ptype = ptf.tableOf(native.getKeyType(), pt.get(ptf))
parallelDo(mapValuesFn[K, V, T](f), ptype)
def mapValues[T](f: V => T, pt: PType[T]) = {
val ptype = pt.getFamily().tableOf(native.getKeyType(), pt)
parallelDo(mapValuesFn[K, V, T](f), ptype)
def mapKeys[T](f: K => T)(implicit pt: PTypeH[T]) = {
val ptf = getTypeFamily()
val ptype = ptf.tableOf(pt.get(ptf), native.getValueType())
parallelDo(mapKeysFn[K, V, T](f), ptype)
def mapKeys[T](f: K => T, pt: PType[T]) = {
val ptype = pt.getFamily.tableOf(pt, native.getValueType())
parallelDo(mapKeysFn[K, V, T](f), ptype)
def union(others: PTable[K, V]*) = {
new PTable[K, V](native.union( : _*))
def keys() = new PCollection[K](PTables.keys(native))
def values() = new PCollection[V](PTables.values(native))
def cogroup[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], parallelism: Int = 0) = {
val jres = Cogroup.cogroup[K, V, V2](parallelism, this.native, other.native)
val ptf = getTypeFamily()
val inter = new PTable[K, CPair[JCollect[V], JCollect[V2]]](jres)
inter.parallelDo(new SMapTableValuesFn[K, CPair[JCollect[V], JCollect[V2]], (Iterable[V], Iterable[V2])] {
def apply(x: CPair[JCollect[V], JCollect[V2]]) = {
(collectionAsScalaIterable[V](x.first()), collectionAsScalaIterable[V2](x.second()))
}, ptf.tableOf(keyType, ptf.tuple2(ptf.collections(valueType), ptf.collections(other.valueType))))
protected def join[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], joinType: JoinType, parallelism: Int): PTable[K, (V, V2)] = {
val strategy = new DefaultJoinStrategy[K, V, V2](parallelism)
val jres = strategy.join(this.native, other.native, joinType)
val ptf = getTypeFamily()
val ptype = ptf.tableOf(keyType, ptf.tuple2(valueType, other.valueType))
val inter = new PTable[K, CPair[V, V2]](jres)
inter.parallelDo(new SMapTableValuesFn[K, CPair[V, V2], (V, V2)] {
def apply(x: CPair[V, V2]) = (x.first(), x.second())
}, ptype)
def join[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], parallelism: Int = -1): PTable[K, (V, V2)] = {
innerJoin(other, parallelism)
def innerJoin[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], parallelism: Int = -1): PTable[K, (V, V2)] = {
join[V2](other, JoinType.INNER_JOIN, parallelism)
def leftJoin[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], parallelism: Int = -1): PTable[K, (V, V2)] = {
join[V2](other, JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN, parallelism)
def rightJoin[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], parallelism: Int = -1): PTable[K, (V, V2)] = {
join[V2](other, JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN, parallelism)
def fullJoin[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], parallelism: Int = -1): PTable[K, (V, V2)] = {
join[V2](other, JoinType.FULL_OUTER_JOIN, parallelism)
def joinUsing[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], strategy: ScrunchJoinStrategy[K, V, V2],
joinType: JoinType): PTable[K, (V, V2)] = {
strategy.join(this, other, joinType)
def joinUsing[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], strategy: ScrunchJoinStrategy[K, V, V2]): PTable[K, (V, V2)] = {
innerJoinUsing[V2](other, strategy)
def innerJoinUsing[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], strategy: ScrunchJoinStrategy[K, V, V2]) = {
joinUsing[V2](other, strategy, JoinType.INNER_JOIN)
def leftJoinUsing[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], strategy: ScrunchJoinStrategy[K, V, V2]) = {
joinUsing[V2](other, strategy, JoinType.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN)
def rightJoinUsing[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], strategy: ScrunchJoinStrategy[K, V, V2]) = {
joinUsing[V2](other, strategy, JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN)
def fullJoinUsing[V2](other: PTable[K, V2], strategy: ScrunchJoinStrategy[K, V, V2]) = {
joinUsing[V2](other, strategy, JoinType.FULL_OUTER_JOIN)
def cross[K2, V2](other: PTable[K2, V2]): PTable[(K, K2), (V, V2)] = {
val ptf = getTypeFamily()
val inter = new PTable(Cartesian.cross(this.native, other.native))
val f = (k: CPair[K,K2], v: CPair[V,V2]) => CPair.of((k.first(), k.second()), (v.first(), v.second()))
inter.parallelDo(mapFn(f), ptf.tableOf(ptf.tuple2(keyType, other.keyType), ptf.tuple2(valueType, other.valueType)))
def top(limit: Int, maximize: Boolean) = {
wrap(, limit, maximize))
def groupByKey() = new PGroupedTable(native.groupByKey())
def groupByKey(partitions: Int) = new PGroupedTable(native.groupByKey(partitions))
def groupByKey(options: GroupingOptions) = new PGroupedTable(native.groupByKey(options))
protected def wrap(newNative: JCollection[_]) = {
new PTable[K, V](newNative.asInstanceOf[JTable[K, V]])
def increment(groupName: String, counterName: String, count: Long) = {
new IncrementPTable[K, V](this).apply(groupName, counterName, count)
def incrementIf(f: (K, V) => Boolean) = new IncrementIfPTable[K, V](this, incFn(f))
def incrementIfKey(f: K => Boolean) = new IncrementIfPTable[K, V](this, incKeyFn(f))
def incrementIfValue(f: V => Boolean) = new IncrementIfPTable[K, V](this, incValueFn(f))
def materialize(): Iterable[(K, V)] = {
setupRun() => (x.first, x.second))
def materializeToMap(): Map[K, V] = {
def asMap(): PObject[Map[K, V]] = {
def asPCollection(): PCollection[(K, V)] = {
val pType = getTypeFamily().tuple2(native.getKeyType, native.getValueType)
new PCollection(native.parallelDo(new MapFn[CPair[K, V], (K, V)] {
override def map(input: CPair[K, V]): (K, V) = (input.first(), input.second())
}, pType))
def pType() = native.getPTableType()
def keyType() = native.getPTableType().getKeyType()
def valueType() = native.getPTableType().getValueType()
trait SDoTableFn[K, V, T] extends DoFn[CPair[K, V], T] with Function2[K, V, TraversableOnce[T]] {
override def process(input: CPair[K, V], emitter: Emitter[T]) {
for (v <- apply(input.first(), input.second())) {
trait SMapTableFn[K, V, T] extends MapFn[CPair[K, V], T] with Function2[K, V, T] {
override def map(input: CPair[K, V]) = apply(input.first(), input.second())
trait SFilterTableFn[K, V] extends FilterFn[CPair[K, V]] with Function2[K, V, Boolean] {
override def accept(input: CPair[K, V]) = apply(input.first(), input.second())
class SDoTableWithCtxtFn[K, V, T](val f: (K, V, TaskInputOutputContext[_, _, _, _]) => TraversableOnce[T])
extends DoFn[CPair[K, V], T] {
override def process(input: CPair[K, V], emitter: Emitter[T]) {
for (v <- f(input.first(), input.second(), getContext)) {
class SMapTableWithCtxtFn[K, V, T](val f: (K, V, TaskInputOutputContext[_, _, _, _]) => T)
extends MapFn[CPair[K, V], T] {
override def map(input: CPair[K, V]) = f(input.first(), input.second(), getContext)
class SFilterTableWithCtxtFn[K, V](val f: (K, V, TaskInputOutputContext[_, _, _, _]) => Boolean)
extends FilterFn[CPair[K, V]] {
override def accept(input: CPair[K, V]) = f.apply(input.first(), input.second(), getContext)
trait SDoPairTableFn[K, V, S, T] extends DoFn[CPair[K, V], CPair[S, T]] with Function2[K, V, TraversableOnce[(S, T)]] {
override def process(input: CPair[K, V], emitter: Emitter[CPair[S, T]]) {
for (v <- apply(input.first(), input.second())) {
emitter.emit(CPair.of(v._1, v._2))
trait SMapPairTableFn[K, V, S, T] extends MapFn[CPair[K, V], CPair[S, T]] with Function2[K, V, (S, T)] {
override def map(input: CPair[K, V]) = {
val t = apply(input.first(), input.second())
CPair.of(t._1, t._2)
trait SMapTableValuesFn[K, V, T] extends MapFn[CPair[K, V], CPair[K, T]] with Function1[V, T] {
override def map(input: CPair[K, V]) = CPair.of(input.first(), apply(input.second()))
trait SMapTableKeysFn[K, V, T] extends MapFn[CPair[K, V], CPair[T, V]] with Function1[K, T] {
override def map(input: CPair[K, V]) = CPair.of(apply(input.first()), input.second())
private class SPrepareSSFn[K, V, K2, VX] extends MapFn[CPair[K, V], CPair[CPair[K, K2], (K2, VX)]] {
override def map(input: CPair[K, V]): CPair[CPair[K, K2], (K2, VX)] = {
val sec = input.second().asInstanceOf[(K2, VX)]
CPair.of(CPair.of(input.first(), sec._1), sec)
trait SecSortFlatMapFn[K, K2, VX, T] extends DoFn[CPair[CPair[K, K2], JIterable[(K2, VX)]], T]
with Function2[K, Iterable[(K2, VX)], TraversableOnce[T]] {
override def process(input: CPair[CPair[K, K2], JIterable[(K2, VX)]], emitter: Emitter[T]) {
val iter = iterableAsScalaIterable(input.second())
for (v <- apply(input.first().first(), iter)) {
trait SecSortMapFn[K, K2, VX, T] extends MapFn[CPair[CPair[K, K2], JIterable[(K2, VX)]], T]
with Function2[K, Iterable[(K2, VX)], T] {
override def map(input: CPair[CPair[K, K2], JIterable[(K2, VX)]]) = {
apply(input.first().first(), iterableAsScalaIterable(input.second()))
object PTable {
type TIOC = TaskInputOutputContext[_, _, _, _]
def flatMapFn[K, V, T](fn: (K, V) => TraversableOnce[T]) = {
new SDoTableFn[K, V, T] { def apply(k: K, v: V) = fn(k, v) }
def mapFn[K, V, T](fn: (K, V) => T) = {
new SMapTableFn[K, V, T] { def apply(k: K, v: V) = fn(k, v) }
def filterFn[K, V](fn: (K, V) => Boolean) = {
new SFilterTableFn[K, V] { def apply(k: K, v: V) = fn(k, v) }
def flatMapWithCtxtFn[K, V, T](fn: (K, V, TIOC) => TraversableOnce[T]) = {
new SDoTableWithCtxtFn[K, V, T](fn)
def mapWithCtxtFn[K, V, T](fn: (K, V, TIOC) => T) = {
new SMapTableWithCtxtFn[K, V, T](fn)
def filterWithCtxtFn[K, V](fn: (K, V, TIOC) => Boolean) = {
new SFilterTableWithCtxtFn[K, V](fn)
def mapValuesFn[K, V, T](fn: V => T) = {
new SMapTableValuesFn[K, V, T] { def apply(v: V) = fn(v) }
def mapKeysFn[K, V, T](fn: K => T) = {
new SMapTableKeysFn[K, V, T] { def apply(k: K) = fn(k) }
def pairMapFn[K, V, S, T](fn: (K, V) => (S, T)) = {
new SMapPairTableFn[K, V, S, T] { def apply(k: K, v: V) = fn(k, v) }
def pairFlatMapFn[K, V, S, T](fn: (K, V) => TraversableOnce[(S, T)]) = {
new SDoPairTableFn[K, V, S, T] { def apply(k: K, v: V) = fn(k, v) }
def incFn[K, V, T](fn: (K, V) => T) = new Function1[CPair[K, V], T] with Serializable {
def apply(p: CPair[K, V]): T = fn(p.first(), p.second())
def incKeyFn[K, V, T](fn: K => T) = new Function1[CPair[K, V], T] with Serializable {
def apply(p: CPair[K, V]): T = fn(p.first())
def incValueFn[K, V, T](fn: V => T) = new Function1[CPair[K, V], T] with Serializable {
def apply(p: CPair[K, V]): T = fn(p.second())
def secSortFlatMap[K, K2, VX, T](fn: (K, Iterable[(K2, VX)]) => TraversableOnce[T]) = {
new SecSortFlatMapFn[K, K2, VX, T] {
def apply(k: K, v: Iterable[(K2, VX)]) = fn(k, v)
def secSortMap[K, K2, VX, T](fn: (K, Iterable[(K2, VX)]) => T) = new SecSortMapFn[K, K2, VX, T] {
def apply(k: K, v: Iterable[(K2, VX)]) = fn(k, v)