blob: a108a44d38ff5b99f1615a9d86cd7f57c46d53e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.crunch.scrunch
import org.apache.crunch.{PCollection => JCollection, PGroupedTable => JGroupedTable, PTable => JTable, DoFn, Emitter}
import org.apache.crunch.{Pair => CPair}
import org.apache.crunch.types.{PTypes, PType}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import scala.collection.Iterable
import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, Set => MSet, Map => MMap}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskInputOutputContext
import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificRecord
import org.apache.thrift.{TFieldIdEnum, TBase}
trait CanParallelTransform[El, To] {
def apply[A](c: PCollectionLike[A, _, JCollection[A]], fn: DoFn[A, El], ptype: PType[El]): To
trait LowPriorityParallelTransforms {
implicit def single[B] = new CanParallelTransform[B, PCollection[B]] {
def apply[A](c: PCollectionLike[A, _, JCollection[A]], fn: DoFn[A, B], ptype: PType[B]) = {
c.parallelDo(fn, ptype)
object CanParallelTransform extends LowPriorityParallelTransforms {
def tableType[K, V](ptype: PType[(K, V)]) = {
val st = ptype.getSubTypes()
ptype.getFamily().tableOf(st.get(0).asInstanceOf[PType[K]], st.get(1).asInstanceOf[PType[V]])
implicit def keyvalue[K, V] = new CanParallelTransform[(K, V), PTable[K,V]] {
def apply[A](c: PCollectionLike[A, _, JCollection[A]], fn: DoFn[A, (K, V)], ptype: PType[(K, V)]) = {
c.parallelDo(kvWrapFn(fn), tableType(ptype))
def kvWrapFn[A, K, V](fn: DoFn[A, (K, V)]) = {
new DoFn[A, CPair[K, V]] {
override def setContext(ctxt: TaskInputOutputContext[_, _, _, _]) {
override def initialize() {
override def process(input: A, emitFn: Emitter[CPair[K, V]]) {
fn.process(input, new Emitter[(K, V)] {
override def emit(kv: (K, V)) { emitFn.emit(CPair.of(kv._1, kv._2)) }
override def flush() { emitFn.flush() }
override def cleanup(emitFn: Emitter[CPair[K, V]]) {
fn.cleanup(new Emitter[(K, V)] {
override def emit(kv: (K, V)) { emitFn.emit(CPair.of(kv._1, kv._2)) }
override def flush() { emitFn.flush() }
trait PTypeH[T] extends Serializable {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily): PType[T]
trait VeryLowPriorityPTypeH {
implicit def records[T <: AnyRef : ClassTag] = new PTypeH[T] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.records(implicitly[ClassTag[T]]).asInstanceOf[PType[T]]
trait LowPriorityPTypeH extends VeryLowPriorityPTypeH {
implicit def caseClasses[T <: Product: TypeTag] = new PTypeH[T] {
override def get(ptf: PTypeFamily): PType[T] = ptf.caseClasses[T]
object PTypeH extends GeneratedTupleConversions with LowPriorityPTypeH {
implicit val longs = new PTypeH[Long] { def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.longs }
implicit val jlongs = new PTypeH[java.lang.Long] { def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.jlongs }
implicit val ints = new PTypeH[Int] { def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.ints }
implicit val jints = new PTypeH[java.lang.Integer] { def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.jints }
implicit val floats = new PTypeH[Float] { def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.floats }
implicit val jfloats = new PTypeH[java.lang.Float] { def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.jfloats }
implicit val doubles = new PTypeH[Double] { def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.doubles }
implicit val jdoubles = new PTypeH[java.lang.Double] { def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.jdoubles }
implicit val booleans = new PTypeH[Boolean] { def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.booleans }
implicit val jbooleans = new PTypeH[java.lang.Boolean] { def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.jbooleans }
implicit val strings = new PTypeH[String] { def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.strings }
implicit val bytes = new PTypeH[ByteBuffer] { def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = ptf.bytes }
implicit def jenums[E <: java.lang.Enum[E] : ClassTag] = new PTypeH[E] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily): PType[E] = ptf.jenums(implicitly[ClassTag[E]])
implicit def writables[W <: Writable : ClassTag] = new PTypeH[W] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily): PType[W] = ptf.writables(implicitly[ClassTag[W]])
implicit def protos[T <: Message : ClassTag] = new PTypeH[T] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
PTypes.protos(implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]], ptf.ptf)
implicit def thrifts[T <: TBase[_ <: TBase[_, _], _ <: TFieldIdEnum] : ClassTag] = new PTypeH[T] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
PTypes.thrifts(implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]], ptf.ptf)
implicit def specifics[T <: SpecificRecord : ClassTag] = new PTypeH[T] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = Avros.specifics[T]()
implicit def options[T: PTypeH] = new PTypeH[Option[T]] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
implicit def eithers[L: PTypeH, R: PTypeH] = new PTypeH[Either[L, R]] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
ptf.eithers(implicitly[PTypeH[L]].get(ptf), implicitly[PTypeH[R]].get(ptf))
implicit def arrays[T: PTypeH] = {
new PTypeH[Array[T]] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
implicit def collections[T: PTypeH] = {
new PTypeH[Iterable[T]] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
implicit def lists[T: PTypeH] = {
new PTypeH[List[T]] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
implicit def listbuffers[T: PTypeH] = {
new PTypeH[ListBuffer[T]] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
implicit def sets[T: PTypeH] = {
new PTypeH[Set[T]] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
implicit def msets[T: PTypeH] = {
new PTypeH[MSet[T]] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
implicit def maps[K: PTypeH, V: PTypeH] = {
new PTypeH[Map[K, V]] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
ptf.maps(implicitly[PTypeH[K]].get(ptf), implicitly[PTypeH[V]].get(ptf))
implicit def mmaps[K: PTypeH, V: PTypeH] = {
new PTypeH[MMap[K, V]] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
ptf.mutableMaps(implicitly[PTypeH[K]].get(ptf), implicitly[PTypeH[V]].get(ptf))
implicit def pairs[A: PTypeH, B: PTypeH] = {
new PTypeH[(A, B)] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
ptf.tuple2(implicitly[PTypeH[A]].get(ptf), implicitly[PTypeH[B]].get(ptf))
implicit def trips[A: PTypeH, B: PTypeH, C: PTypeH] = {
new PTypeH[(A, B, C)] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
ptf.tuple3(implicitly[PTypeH[A]].get(ptf), implicitly[PTypeH[B]].get(ptf),
implicit def quads[A: PTypeH, B: PTypeH, C: PTypeH, D: PTypeH] = {
new PTypeH[(A, B, C, D)] {
def get(ptf: PTypeFamily) = {
ptf.tuple4(implicitly[PTypeH[A]].get(ptf), implicitly[PTypeH[B]].get(ptf),
implicitly[PTypeH[C]].get(ptf), implicitly[PTypeH[D]].get(ptf))
object Conversions {
implicit def jtable2ptable[K, V](jtable: JTable[K, V]) = {
new PTable[K, V](jtable)
implicit def jcollect2pcollect[S](jcollect: JCollection[S]) = {
new PCollection[S](jcollect)
implicit def jgrouped2pgrouped[K, V](jgrouped: JGroupedTable[K, V]) = {
new PGroupedTable[K, V](jgrouped)
implicit def pair2tuple[K, V](p: CPair[K, V]) = (p.first(), p.second())
implicit def tuple2pair[K, V](t: (K, V)) = CPair.of(t._1, t._2)
implicit def ptable2pcollect[K, V](table: PTable[K, V]): PCollection[(K, V)] = table.asPCollection()