blob: 8b0f6b04991bac2b7900a07c03b3d3752e9ae31e [file] [log] [blame]
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* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* * distributed with this work for additional information
* * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.crunch.scrunch
import org.apache.crunch.fn.{Aggregators => JAgg}
import org.apache.crunch._
import{UnmodifiableIterator, ImmutableList}
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import java.lang.{Iterable => JIterable}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions
import com.twitter.algebird.Monoid
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import java.util
* Scrunch versions of the common Aggregator types from Crunch.
object Aggregators {
def sum[T: Monoid]: Aggregator[T] = sumUsing(implicitly[Monoid[T]])
def sumUsing[T](m: Monoid[T]): Aggregator[T] = new SimpleAggregator[T] {
def reset {
sum =
def update(next: T) {
sum =, next)
def results: JIterable[T] = {
return ImmutableList.of(sum)
private var sum: T =
def max[T: Ordering] = new SimpleAggregator[T] {
def reset {
max = None
def update(next: T) {
if (max.isEmpty || implicitly[Ordering[T]].lt(max.get, next)) {
max = Some(next)
def results: JIterable[T] = {
return JavaConversions.asJavaIterable(max.toIterable)
private var max: Option[T] = None
def min[T: Ordering] = new SimpleAggregator[T] {
def reset {
min = None
def update(next: T) {
if (min.isEmpty || implicitly[Ordering[T]].gt(min.get, next)) {
min = Some(next)
def results: JIterable[T] = {
return JavaConversions.asJavaIterable(min.toIterable)
private var min: Option[T] = None
* Return the first {@code n} values (or fewer if there are fewer values than {@code n}).
* @param n The number of values to return
* @return The newly constructed instance
def first[V](n: Int): Aggregator[V] = JAgg.FIRST_N(n)
* Return the last {@code n} values (or fewer if there are fewer values than {@code n}).
* @param n The number of values to return
* @return The newly constructed instance
def last[V](n: Int) = JAgg.LAST_N(n)
* Concatenate strings, with a separator between strings. There
* is no limits of length for the concatenated string.
* <p><em>Note: String concatenation is not commutative, which means the
* result of the aggregation is not deterministic!</em></p>
* @param separator
* the separator which will be appended between each string
* @param skipNull
* define if we should skip null values. Throw
* NullPointerException if set to false and there is a null
* value.
* @return The newly constructed instance
def concat(separator: String, skipNull: Boolean) = JAgg.STRING_CONCAT(separator, skipNull)
* Concatenate strings, with a separator between strings. You can specify
* the maximum length of the output string and of the input strings, if
* they are &gt; 0. If a value is &lt;= 0, there is no limit.
* <p>Any too large string (or any string which would made the output too
* large) will be silently discarded.</p>
* <p><em>Note: String concatenation is not commutative, which means the
* result of the aggregation is not deterministic!</em></p>
* @param separator
* the separator which will be appended between each string
* @param skipNull
* define if we should skip null values. Throw
* NullPointerException if set to false and there is a null
* value.
* @param maxOutputLength
* the maximum length of the output string. If it's set &lt;= 0,
* there is no limit. The number of characters of the output
* string will be &lt; maxOutputLength.
* @param maxInputLength
* the maximum length of the input strings. If it's set <= 0,
* there is no limit. The number of characters of the input string
* will be &lt; maxInputLength to be concatenated.
* @return The newly constructed instance
def concat(separator: String, skipNull: Boolean, maxOutputLength: Long, maxInputLength: Long) =
JAgg.STRING_CONCAT(separator, skipNull, maxOutputLength, maxInputLength)
* Collect the unique elements of the input, as defined by the {@code equals} method for
* the input objects. No guarantees are made about the order in which the final elements
* will be returned.
* @return The newly constructed instance
def unique[V]: Aggregator[V] = JAgg.UNIQUE_ELEMENTS()
* Collect a sample of unique elements from the input, where 'unique' is defined by
* the {@code equals} method for the input objects. No guarantees are made about which
* elements will be returned, simply that there will not be any more than the given sample
* size for any key.
* @param maximumSampleSize The maximum number of unique elements to return per key
* @return The newly constructed instance
def sampleUnique(maximumSampleSize: Int) = JAgg.SAMPLE_UNIQUE_ELEMENTS(maximumSampleSize)
* Apply separate aggregators to each component of a {@link Tuple2}.
def pair[V1, V2](a1: Aggregator[V1], a2: Aggregator[V2]): Aggregator[(V1, V2)] = {
new Aggregators.PairAggregator[V1, V2](a1, a2)
* Apply separate aggregators to each component of a {@link Tuple3}.
def trip[V1, V2, V3](a1: Aggregator[V1], a2: Aggregator[V2], a3: Aggregator[V3]): Aggregator[(V1, V2, V3)] = {
new Aggregators.TripAggregator[V1, V2, V3](a1, a2, a3)
* Apply separate aggregators to each component of a {@link Tuple4}.
def quad[V1, V2, V3, V4](a1: Aggregator[V1], a2: Aggregator[V2], a3: Aggregator[V3], a4: Aggregator[V4])
: Aggregator[(V1, V2, V3, V4)] = {
new Aggregators.QuadAggregator[V1, V2, V3, V4](a1, a2, a3, a4)
* Apply separate aggregators to each component of a {@link Product} subclass.
def product[T <: Product : ClassTag](aggregators: Aggregator[_]*): Aggregator[T] = {
new Aggregators.ProductAggregator[T](Array(aggregators : _*),
* Base class for aggregators that do not require any initialization.
abstract class SimpleAggregator[T] extends Aggregator[T] {
def initialize(conf: Configuration) {
private class ProductAggregator[T <: Product](val aggs: Array[Aggregator[_]], val clazz: Class[T])
extends Aggregator[T] {
def initialize(configuration: Configuration) {
for (a <- aggs) {
def reset() {
for (a <- aggs) {
override def update(t: T) {
var i: Int = 0
while (i < aggs.length) {
i = i + 1
override def results: JIterable[T] = {
val res =
return new JIterable[T] {
override def iterator(): util.Iterator[T] = {
return new AggIterator[T](res, clazz)
private class AggIterator[T](val results: Array[List[_]], val clazz: Class[T]) extends UnmodifiableIterator[T] {
var offset = 0
val maxoffset =
val construct = clazz.getConstructors.find(_.getParameterTypes.length == results.length)
override def hasNext: Boolean = offset < maxoffset
override def next(): T = {
val refs = => x(offset)).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]
offset = offset + 1
construct.get.newInstance(refs : _*).asInstanceOf[T]
private class PairAggregator[A, B](val a1: Aggregator[A], val a2: Aggregator[B])
extends ProductAggregator[(A, B)](Array(a1, a2), classOf[(A, B)]) {
private class TripAggregator[A, B, C](val a1: Aggregator[A], val a2: Aggregator[B], val a3: Aggregator[C])
extends ProductAggregator[(A, B, C)](Array(a1, a2, a3), classOf[(A, B, C)]) {
private class QuadAggregator[A, B, C, D](val a1: Aggregator[A], val a2: Aggregator[B],
val a3: Aggregator[C], val a4: Aggregator[D])
extends ProductAggregator[(A, B, C, D)](Array(a1, a2, a3, a4), classOf[(A, B, C, D)]) {