blob: 88fbbaf15e8fc1492ede24b281b2b4ac5ab15ec3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.crunch;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import org.apache.crunch.util.Tuples;
* A special {@link DoFn} implementation that converts an {@link Iterable} of
* values into a single value. If a {@code CombineFn} instance is used on a
* {@link PGroupedTable}, the function will be applied to the output of the map
* stage before the data is passed to the reducer, which can improve the runtime
* of certain classes of jobs.
public abstract class CombineFn<S, T> extends DoFn<Pair<S, Iterable<T>>, Pair<S, T>> {
public static interface Aggregator<T> extends Serializable {
* Clears the internal state of this Aggregator and prepares it for the
* values associated with the next key.
void reset();
* Incorporate the given value into the aggregate state maintained by this
* instance.
void update(T value);
* Returns the current aggregated state of this instance.
Iterable<T> results();
* Interface for constructing new aggregator instances.
public static interface AggregatorFactory<T> {
Aggregator<T> create();
* A {@code CombineFn} that delegates all of the actual work to an
* {@code Aggregator} instance.
public static class AggregatorCombineFn<K, V> extends CombineFn<K, V> {
private final Aggregator<V> aggregator;
public AggregatorCombineFn(Aggregator<V> aggregator) {
this.aggregator = aggregator;
public void process(Pair<K, Iterable<V>> input, Emitter<Pair<K, V>> emitter) {
for (V v : input.second()) {
for (V v : aggregator.results()) {
emitter.emit(Pair.of(input.first(), v));
private static abstract class TupleAggregator<T> implements Aggregator<T> {
private final List<Aggregator<Object>> aggregators;
public TupleAggregator(Aggregator<?>... aggregators) {
this.aggregators = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Aggregator<?> a : aggregators) {
this.aggregators.add((Aggregator<Object>) a);
public void reset() {
for (Aggregator<?> a : aggregators) {
protected void updateTuple(Tuple t) {
for (int i = 0; i < aggregators.size(); i++) {
protected Iterable<Object> results(int index) {
return aggregators.get(index).results();
public static class PairAggregator<V1, V2> extends TupleAggregator<Pair<V1, V2>> {
public PairAggregator(Aggregator<V1> a1, Aggregator<V2> a2) {
super(a1, a2);
public void update(Pair<V1, V2> value) {
public Iterable<Pair<V1, V2>> results() {
return new Tuples.PairIterable<V1, V2>((Iterable<V1>) results(0), (Iterable<V2>) results(1));
public static class TripAggregator<A, B, C> extends TupleAggregator<Tuple3<A, B, C>> {
public TripAggregator(Aggregator<A> a1, Aggregator<B> a2, Aggregator<C> a3) {
super(a1, a2, a3);
public void update(Tuple3<A, B, C> value) {
public Iterable<Tuple3<A, B, C>> results() {
return new Tuples.TripIterable<A, B, C>((Iterable<A>) results(0), (Iterable<B>) results(1),
(Iterable<C>) results(2));
public static class QuadAggregator<A, B, C, D> extends TupleAggregator<Tuple4<A, B, C, D>> {
public QuadAggregator(Aggregator<A> a1, Aggregator<B> a2, Aggregator<C> a3, Aggregator<D> a4) {
super(a1, a2, a3, a4);
public void update(Tuple4<A, B, C, D> value) {
public Iterable<Tuple4<A, B, C, D>> results() {
return new Tuples.QuadIterable<A, B, C, D>((Iterable<A>) results(0), (Iterable<B>) results(1),
(Iterable<C>) results(2), (Iterable<D>) results(3));
public static class TupleNAggregator extends TupleAggregator<TupleN> {
private final int size;
public TupleNAggregator(Aggregator<?>... aggregators) {
size = aggregators.length;
public void update(TupleN value) {
public Iterable<TupleN> results() {
Iterable<?>[] iterables = new Iterable[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
iterables[i] = results(i);
return new Tuples.TupleNIterable(iterables);
public static final <K, V> CombineFn<K, V> aggregator(Aggregator<V> aggregator) {
return new AggregatorCombineFn<K, V>(aggregator);
public static final <K, V> CombineFn<K, V> aggregatorFactory(AggregatorFactory<V> aggregator) {
return new AggregatorCombineFn<K, V>(aggregator.create());
public static final <K, V1, V2> CombineFn<K, Pair<V1, V2>> pairAggregator(AggregatorFactory<V1> a1,
AggregatorFactory<V2> a2) {
return aggregator(new PairAggregator<V1, V2>(a1.create(), a2.create()));
public static final <K, A, B, C> CombineFn<K, Tuple3<A, B, C>> tripAggregator(AggregatorFactory<A> a1,
AggregatorFactory<B> a2, AggregatorFactory<C> a3) {
return aggregator(new TripAggregator<A, B, C>(a1.create(), a2.create(), a3.create()));
public static final <K, A, B, C, D> CombineFn<K, Tuple4<A, B, C, D>> quadAggregator(AggregatorFactory<A> a1,
AggregatorFactory<B> a2, AggregatorFactory<C> a3, AggregatorFactory<D> a4) {
return aggregator(new QuadAggregator<A, B, C, D>(a1.create(), a2.create(), a3.create(), a4.create()));
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, TupleN> tupleAggregator(AggregatorFactory<?>... factories) {
Aggregator<?>[] aggs = new Aggregator[factories.length];
for (int i = 0; i < aggs.length; i++) {
aggs[i] = factories[i].create();
return aggregator(new TupleNAggregator(aggs));
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Long> SUM_LONGS() {
return aggregatorFactory(SUM_LONGS);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Integer> SUM_INTS() {
return aggregatorFactory(SUM_INTS);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Float> SUM_FLOATS() {
return aggregatorFactory(SUM_FLOATS);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Double> SUM_DOUBLES() {
return aggregatorFactory(SUM_DOUBLES);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, BigInteger> SUM_BIGINTS() {
return aggregatorFactory(SUM_BIGINTS);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Long> MAX_LONGS() {
return aggregatorFactory(MAX_LONGS);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Long> MAX_LONGS(int n) {
return aggregator(new MaxNAggregator<Long>(n));
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Integer> MAX_INTS() {
return aggregatorFactory(MAX_INTS);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Integer> MAX_INTS(int n) {
return aggregator(new MaxNAggregator<Integer>(n));
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Float> MAX_FLOATS() {
return aggregatorFactory(MAX_FLOATS);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Float> MAX_FLOATS(int n) {
return aggregator(new MaxNAggregator<Float>(n));
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Double> MAX_DOUBLES() {
return aggregatorFactory(MAX_DOUBLES);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Double> MAX_DOUBLES(int n) {
return aggregator(new MaxNAggregator<Double>(n));
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, BigInteger> MAX_BIGINTS() {
return aggregatorFactory(MAX_BIGINTS);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, BigInteger> MAX_BIGINTS(int n) {
return aggregator(new MaxNAggregator<BigInteger>(n));
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Long> MIN_LONGS() {
return aggregatorFactory(MIN_LONGS);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Long> MIN_LONGS(int n) {
return aggregator(new MinNAggregator<Long>(n));
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Integer> MIN_INTS() {
return aggregatorFactory(MIN_INTS);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Integer> MIN_INTS(int n) {
return aggregator(new MinNAggregator<Integer>(n));
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Float> MIN_FLOATS() {
return aggregatorFactory(MIN_FLOATS);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Float> MIN_FLOATS(int n) {
return aggregator(new MinNAggregator<Float>(n));
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Double> MIN_DOUBLES() {
return aggregatorFactory(MIN_DOUBLES);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, Double> MIN_DOUBLES(int n) {
return aggregator(new MinNAggregator<Double>(n));
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, BigInteger> MIN_BIGINTS() {
return aggregatorFactory(MIN_BIGINTS);
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, BigInteger> MIN_BIGINTS(int n) {
return aggregator(new MinNAggregator<BigInteger>(n));
public static final <K, V> CombineFn<K, V> FIRST_N(int n) {
return aggregator(new FirstNAggregator<V>(n));
public static final <K, V> CombineFn<K, V> LAST_N(int n) {
return aggregator(new LastNAggregator<V>(n));
* Used to concatenate strings, with a separator between each strings. There
* is no limits of length for the concatenated string.
* @param separator
* the separator which will be appended between each string
* @param skipNull
* define if we should skip null values. Throw
* NullPointerException if set to false and there is a null
* value.
* @return
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, String> STRING_CONCAT(final String separator, final boolean skipNull) {
return aggregator(new StringConcatAggregator(separator, skipNull));
* Used to concatenate strings, with a separator between each strings. You
* can specify the maximum length of the output string and of the input
* strings, if they are > 0. If a value is <= 0, there is no limits.
* Any too large string (or any string which would made the output too
* large) will be silently discarded.
* @param separator
* the separator which will be appended between each string
* @param skipNull
* define if we should skip null values. Throw
* NullPointerException if set to false and there is a null
* value.
* @param maxOutputLength
* the maximum length of the output string. If it's set <= 0,
* there is no limits. The number of characters of the output
* string will be < maxOutputLength.
* @param maxInputLength
* the maximum length of the input strings. If it's set <= 0,
* there is no limits. The number of characters of the int string
* will be < maxInputLength to be concatenated.
* @return
public static final <K> CombineFn<K, String> STRING_CONCAT(final String separator, final boolean skipNull, final long maxOutputLength, final long maxInputLength) {
return aggregator(new StringConcatAggregator(separator, skipNull, maxOutputLength, maxInputLength));
public static class SumLongs implements Aggregator<Long> {
private long sum = 0;
public void reset() {
sum = 0;
public void update(Long next) {
sum += next;
public Iterable<Long> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(sum);
public static AggregatorFactory<Long> SUM_LONGS = new AggregatorFactory<Long>() {
public Aggregator<Long> create() {
return new SumLongs();
public static class SumInts implements Aggregator<Integer> {
private int sum = 0;
public void reset() {
sum = 0;
public void update(Integer next) {
sum += next;
public Iterable<Integer> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(sum);
public static AggregatorFactory<Integer> SUM_INTS = new AggregatorFactory<Integer>() {
public Aggregator<Integer> create() {
return new SumInts();
public static class SumFloats implements Aggregator<Float> {
private float sum = 0;
public void reset() {
sum = 0f;
public void update(Float next) {
sum += next;
public Iterable<Float> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(sum);
public static AggregatorFactory<Float> SUM_FLOATS = new AggregatorFactory<Float>() {
public Aggregator<Float> create() {
return new SumFloats();
public static class SumDoubles implements Aggregator<Double> {
private double sum = 0;
public void reset() {
sum = 0f;
public void update(Double next) {
sum += next;
public Iterable<Double> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(sum);
public static AggregatorFactory<Double> SUM_DOUBLES = new AggregatorFactory<Double>() {
public Aggregator<Double> create() {
return new SumDoubles();
public static class SumBigInts implements Aggregator<BigInteger> {
private BigInteger sum = BigInteger.ZERO;
public void reset() {
sum = BigInteger.ZERO;
public void update(BigInteger next) {
sum = sum.add(next);
public Iterable<BigInteger> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(sum);
public static AggregatorFactory<BigInteger> SUM_BIGINTS = new AggregatorFactory<BigInteger>() {
public Aggregator<BigInteger> create() {
return new SumBigInts();
public static class MaxLongs implements Aggregator<Long> {
private Long max = null;
public void reset() {
max = null;
public void update(Long next) {
if (max == null || max < next) {
max = next;
public Iterable<Long> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(max);
public static AggregatorFactory<Long> MAX_LONGS = new AggregatorFactory<Long>() {
public Aggregator<Long> create() {
return new MaxLongs();
public static class MaxInts implements Aggregator<Integer> {
private Integer max = null;
public void reset() {
max = null;
public void update(Integer next) {
if (max == null || max < next) {
max = next;
public Iterable<Integer> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(max);
public static AggregatorFactory<Integer> MAX_INTS = new AggregatorFactory<Integer>() {
public Aggregator<Integer> create() {
return new MaxInts();
public static class MaxFloats implements Aggregator<Float> {
private Float max = null;
public void reset() {
max = null;
public void update(Float next) {
if (max == null || max < next) {
max = next;
public Iterable<Float> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(max);
public static AggregatorFactory<Float> MAX_FLOATS = new AggregatorFactory<Float>() {
public Aggregator<Float> create() {
return new MaxFloats();
public static class MaxDoubles implements Aggregator<Double> {
private Double max = null;
public void reset() {
max = null;
public void update(Double next) {
if (max == null || max < next) {
max = next;
public Iterable<Double> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(max);
public static AggregatorFactory<Double> MAX_DOUBLES = new AggregatorFactory<Double>() {
public Aggregator<Double> create() {
return new MaxDoubles();
public static class MaxBigInts implements Aggregator<BigInteger> {
private BigInteger max = null;
public void reset() {
max = null;
public void update(BigInteger next) {
if (max == null || max.compareTo(next) < 0) {
max = next;
public Iterable<BigInteger> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(max);
public static AggregatorFactory<BigInteger> MAX_BIGINTS = new AggregatorFactory<BigInteger>() {
public Aggregator<BigInteger> create() {
return new MaxBigInts();
public static class MinLongs implements Aggregator<Long> {
private Long min = null;
public void reset() {
min = null;
public void update(Long next) {
if (min == null || min > next) {
min = next;
public Iterable<Long> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(min);
public static AggregatorFactory<Long> MIN_LONGS = new AggregatorFactory<Long>() {
public Aggregator<Long> create() {
return new MinLongs();
public static class MinInts implements Aggregator<Integer> {
private Integer min = null;
public void reset() {
min = null;
public void update(Integer next) {
if (min == null || min > next) {
min = next;
public Iterable<Integer> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(min);
public static AggregatorFactory<Integer> MIN_INTS = new AggregatorFactory<Integer>() {
public Aggregator<Integer> create() {
return new MinInts();
public static class MinFloats implements Aggregator<Float> {
private Float min = null;
public void reset() {
min = null;
public void update(Float next) {
if (min == null || min > next) {
min = next;
public Iterable<Float> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(min);
public static AggregatorFactory<Float> MIN_FLOATS = new AggregatorFactory<Float>() {
public Aggregator<Float> create() {
return new MinFloats();
public static class MinDoubles implements Aggregator<Double> {
private Double min = null;
public void reset() {
min = null;
public void update(Double next) {
if (min == null || min > next) {
min = next;
public Iterable<Double> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(min);
public static AggregatorFactory<Double> MIN_DOUBLES = new AggregatorFactory<Double>() {
public Aggregator<Double> create() {
return new MinDoubles();
public static class MinBigInts implements Aggregator<BigInteger> {
private BigInteger min = null;
public void reset() {
min = null;
public void update(BigInteger next) {
if (min == null || min.compareTo(next) > 0) {
min = next;
public Iterable<BigInteger> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(min);
public static AggregatorFactory<BigInteger> MIN_BIGINTS = new AggregatorFactory<BigInteger>() {
public Aggregator<BigInteger> create() {
return new MinBigInts();
public static class MaxNAggregator<V extends Comparable<V>> implements Aggregator<V> {
private final int arity;
private transient SortedSet<V> elements;
public MaxNAggregator(int arity) {
this.arity = arity;
public void reset() {
if (elements == null) {
elements = Sets.newTreeSet();
} else {
public void update(V value) {
if (elements.size() < arity) {
} else if (value.compareTo(elements.first()) > 0) {
public Iterable<V> results() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(elements);
public static class MinNAggregator<V extends Comparable<V>> implements Aggregator<V> {
private final int arity;
private transient SortedSet<V> elements;
public MinNAggregator(int arity) {
this.arity = arity;
public void reset() {
if (elements == null) {
elements = Sets.newTreeSet();
} else {
public void update(V value) {
if (elements.size() < arity) {
} else if (value.compareTo(elements.last()) < 0) {
public Iterable<V> results() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(elements);
public static class FirstNAggregator<V> implements Aggregator<V> {
private final int arity;
private final List<V> elements;
public FirstNAggregator(int arity) {
this.arity = arity;
this.elements = Lists.newArrayList();
public void reset() {
public void update(V value) {
if (elements.size() < arity) {
public Iterable<V> results() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(elements);
public static class LastNAggregator<V> implements Aggregator<V> {
private final int arity;
private final LinkedList<V> elements;
public LastNAggregator(int arity) {
this.arity = arity;
this.elements = Lists.newLinkedList();
public void reset() {
public void update(V value) {
if (elements.size() == arity + 1) {
public Iterable<V> results() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(elements);
public static class StringConcatAggregator implements Aggregator<String> {
private final String separator;
private final boolean skipNulls;
private final long maxOutputLength;
private final long maxInputLength;
private long currentLength;
private final LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
private transient Joiner joiner;
public StringConcatAggregator(final String separator, final boolean skipNulls) {
this.separator = separator;
this.skipNulls = skipNulls;
this.maxInputLength = 0;
this.maxOutputLength = 0;
public StringConcatAggregator(final String separator, final boolean skipNull, final long maxOutputLength, final long maxInputLength) {
this.separator = separator;
this.skipNulls = skipNull;
this.maxOutputLength = maxOutputLength;
this.maxInputLength = maxInputLength;
this.currentLength = -separator.length();
public void reset() {
if (joiner == null) {
joiner = skipNulls ? Joiner.on(separator).skipNulls() : Joiner.on(separator);
public void update(final String next) {
long length = (next == null) ? 0 : next.length() + separator.length();
if (maxOutputLength > 0 && currentLength + length > maxOutputLength || maxInputLength > 0 && next.length() > maxInputLength) {
if (maxOutputLength > 0) {
currentLength += length;
public Iterable<String> results() {
return ImmutableList.of(joiner.join(list));