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<span id="publishDate">Last Published: 2024-05-27</span>
| <span id="projectVersion">Version: 0.17-SNAPSHOT</span>
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Frequently Asked Questions
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<li class="none"><a href="examples/verify.html" title="Running the plugin automatically">Running the plugin automatically</a></li>
<li class="none"><a href="examples/site.html" title="Adding a report to the site">Adding a report to the site</a></li>
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<h2><a name="Frequently_Asked_Questions"></a><a name="top">Frequently Asked Questions</a></h2>
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
<li><a href="#what">What is Rat?</a></li>
<li><a href="#where">Where do I find Apache Rat?</a></li>
<li><a href="#why">Why should I use the Maven plugin to run Apache Rat?</a></li></ol>
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
<li><a href="#includeSubprojects">
The apache-rat-plugin creates a report for every subproject.
I want a single report for the whole project, which includes
the subprojects.
<li><a href="#customLicense">Can I use Rat to validate against a custom license header?</a></li></ol></section>
<dt><a name="what">What is Rat?</a></dt>
Basically, you can think of it as a tool that checks,
whether you're source files are carrying proper
license headers. Almost any non-trivial organization
has a policy for license headers. In the case
of the <a class="externalLink" href="">Apache Software
Foundation (ASF)</a>, this is the
<a class="externalLink" href="">ASF
Source Header and Copyright Notice Policy</a>.
<p align="right"><a href="#top">[top]</a></p><hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="where">Where do I find Apache Rat?</a></dt>
Apache Rat is now part of the
<a class="externalLink" href="">Apache Creadur</a> project,
a home for all sorts of software that helps audit and review
software distributions.
<p align="right"><a href="#top">[top]</a></p><hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="why">Why should I use the Maven plugin to run Apache Rat?</a></dt>
<p>Because it makes running Rat trivial. Basically, you just
add the plugin to the <code>build/plugins</code> section
of your POM and run <code>mvn apache-rat:check</code>. Using Rat
cannot be simpler.
<p align="right"><a href="#top">[top]</a></p></dd></dl>
<dt><a name="includeSubprojects">
The apache-rat-plugin creates a report for every subproject.
I want a single report for the whole project, which includes
the subprojects.
<p>Set the configuration parameter &quot;excludeSubProjects&quot;
to false.</p>
<p align="right"><a href="#top">[top]</a></p><hr /></dd>
<dt><a name="customLicense">Can I use Rat to validate against a custom license header?</a></dt>
<p>See <a href="examples/custom-license.html">this example</a> to see how.</p>
<p align="right"><a href="#top">[top]</a></p></dd></dl>
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