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<span id="publishDate">Last Published: 2024-05-07</span>
| <span id="projectVersion">Version: 0.17-SNAPSHOT</span>
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<h2><a name="Apache_Rat_Ant_Task_Library"></a>Apache Rat Ant Task Library</h2>
<p>The Ant Task Library provides a single Ant task and a few supporting Ant types to run Rat, the <a href="../index.html">Release Audit Tool</a>, from inside <a class="externalLink" href="">Apache Ant</a>.</p>
<p>Using Ant's resource abstraction the task can be used to check files on disk as well as tarballs or even URLs directly.</p></section><section>
<h2><a name="Requirements"></a>Requirements</h2>
<p>The Rat Ant Task Library requires Apache Ant 1.7.1 or higher (it works well with 1.8.x), Apache Rat core and transitively all dependencies of Apache Rat core.</p>
<p>In order to use the tasks Java 5 is required as of Rat 0.9 - Rat 0.8 and earlier require Java 1.4.</p></section><section>
<h2><a name="Installation"></a>Installation</h2>
<p>There are several ways to use the Antlib:</p>
<li>The traditional way:
&lt;pathelement location=&quot;YOUR-PATH-TO/apache-rat-0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar&quot;/&gt;
<p>With this you can use the report task like plain Ant tasks, they'll live in the default namespace. I.e. if you can run <code>exec</code> without any namespace prefix, you can do so for <code>report</code> as well.</p></li>
<li>Similar, but assigning a namespace URI
&lt;pathelement location=&quot;YOUR-PATH-TO/apache-rat-0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar&quot;/&gt;
<p>This puts your task into a separate namespace than Ant's namespace. You would use the tasks like</p>
&lt;fileset dir=&quot;src&quot;/&gt;
<p>or a variation thereof.</p></li>
<li>Using Ant's autodiscovery. Place <code>apache-rat-tasks.jar</code> and all dependencies into a directory and use <code>ant -lib DIR-CONTAINING-THE-JAR</code> or copy it into <code>ANT_HOME/lib</code> - and then in your build file, simply declare the namespace on the <code>project</code> tag:
<p>and all tasks of this library will automatically be available in the <code>rat</code> namespace without any <code>taskdef</code>.</p></li></ul></section>
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