blob: 6c861187f76759a8e60a5b9a92fad441d185728e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one *
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file *
* distributed with this work for additional information *
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file *
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the *
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance *
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* *
* *
* *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, *
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import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
public class XmlWriterTest {
private static final char[] ZERO_CHAR = {(char)0};
private XmlWriter writer;
private StringWriter out;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
out = new StringWriter();
writer = new XmlWriter(out);
public void returnValues() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.attribute("beta", "b"));
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.content("gamma"));
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
public void openElement() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("beta"));
assertEquals("Alpha element tag closed and beta started", "<alpha><beta", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Beta tag ended", "<alpha><beta/>", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("gamma"));
assertEquals("Gamma tag started", "<alpha><beta/><gamma", out.toString());
public void invalidElementName() throws Exception {
assertTrue("All strings ok", isValidElementName("alpha"));
assertTrue("Strings and digits ok", isValidElementName("alpha77"));
assertFalse("Must no start with digit", isValidElementName("5alpha77"));
assertFalse("Greater than not ok", isValidElementName("alph<a77"));
assertFalse("Less than not ok", isValidElementName("alph<a77"));
assertFalse("Quote not ok", isValidElementName("alph'a77"));
assertTrue("Dash ok", isValidElementName("alph-a77"));
assertTrue("Underscore ok", isValidElementName("alph_a77"));
assertTrue("Dot ok", isValidElementName("alph.a77"));
assertTrue("Colon ok", isValidElementName("alpha:77"));
assertFalse("Start with dash not ok", isValidElementName("-a77"));
assertTrue("Start with underscore ok", isValidElementName("_a77"));
assertFalse("Start with dot not ok", isValidElementName(".a77"));
assertTrue("Start with colon ok", isValidElementName(":a77"));
private boolean isValidElementName(String elementName) throws Exception {
boolean result = true;
try {
} catch (InvalidXmlException e) {
result = false;
return result;
public void callOpenElementAfterLastElementClosed() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Element alpha is closed", "<alpha/>", out.toString());
try {
fail("Cannot open new elements once the first element has been closed");
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
// Cannot open new elements once the first element has been closed
public void callCloseElementAfterLastElementClosed() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Element alpha is closed", "<alpha/>", out.toString());
try {
fail("Cannot close elements once the first element has been closed");
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
// Cannot open new elements once the first element has been closed
public void closeFirstElement() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Element alpha is closed", "<alpha/>", out.toString());
public void closeElementWithContent() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("beta"));
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha><beta", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Element beta is closed", "<alpha><beta/>", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Element beta is closed", "<alpha><beta/></alpha>", out.toString());
try {
fail("Cannot close elements once the first element has been closed");
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
// Cannot open new elements once the first element has been closed
public void closeElementBeforeFirstElement() throws Exception {
try {
fail("Cannot close elements before the first element has been closed");
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
// Cannot open new elements before the first element has been closed
public void contentAfterElement() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.content("foo bar"));
assertEquals("Alpha tag closed. Content written", "<alpha>foo bar", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.content(" and more foo bar"));
assertEquals("Alpha tag closed. Content written", "<alpha>foo bar and more foo bar", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("beta"));
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha>foo bar and more foo bar<beta", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Element beta is closed", "<alpha>foo bar and more foo bar<beta/>", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Element beta is closed", "<alpha>foo bar and more foo bar<beta/></alpha>", out.toString());
try {
writer.content("A Sentence Too far");
fail("Cannot write content once the first element has been closed");
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
// Cannot open new elements once the first element has been closed
public void contentAfterLastElement() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Element beta is closed", "<alpha/>", out.toString());
try {
writer.content("A Sentence Too far");
fail("Cannot write content once the first element has been closed");
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
// Cannot open new elements once the first element has been closed
public void writeContentBeforeFirstElement() throws Exception {
try {
writer.content("Too early");
fail("Cannot close elements before the first element has been closed");
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
// Cannot open new elements before the first element has been closed
public void contentEscaping() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.content("this&that"));
assertEquals("Amphersands must be escaped", "<alpha>this&amp;that", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.content("small<large"));
assertEquals("Left angle brackets must be escaped", "<alpha>this&amp;thatsmall&lt;large", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.content("12>1"));
assertEquals("Choose to escape right angle brackets", "<alpha>this&amp;thatsmall&lt;large12&gt;1", out.toString());
public void attributeAfterLastElement() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Element beta is closed", "<alpha/>", out.toString());
try {
writer.attribute("foo", "bar");
fail("Cannot write content once the first element has been closed");
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
// Cannot open new elements once the first element has been closed
public void attributeContentBeforeFirstElement() throws Exception {
try {
writer.attribute("foo", "bar");
fail("Cannot close elements before the first element has been closed");
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
// Cannot open new elements before the first element has been closed
public void invalidAttributeName() throws Exception {
assertTrue("All strings ok", isValidAttributeName("alpha"));
assertTrue("Strings and digits ok", isValidAttributeName("alpha77"));
assertFalse("Must not start with digit", isValidAttributeName("5alpha77"));
assertTrue("Colon ok", isValidAttributeName("alpha:77"));
assertFalse("Greater than not ok", isValidAttributeName("alph<a77"));
assertFalse("Less than not ok", isValidAttributeName("alph<a77"));
assertFalse("Quote not ok", isValidAttributeName("alph'a77"));
private boolean isValidAttributeName(String name) throws Exception {
boolean result = true;
try {
writer.attribute(name, "");
} catch (InvalidXmlException e) {
result = false;
return result;
public void escapeAttributeContent() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.attribute("one", "this&that"));
assertEquals("Amphersands must be escaped", "<alpha one='this&amp;that'", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.attribute("two", "small<large"));
assertEquals("Left angle brackets must be escaped", "<alpha one='this&amp;that' two='small&lt;large'", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.attribute("three", "12>1"));
assertEquals("Choose to escape right angle brackets", "<alpha one='this&amp;that' two='small&lt;large' three='12&gt;1'", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.attribute("four", "'quote'"));
assertEquals("Apostrophes must be escape", "<alpha one='this&amp;that' two='small&lt;large' three='12&gt;1' four='&apos;quote&apos;'", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.attribute("five", "\"quote\""));
assertEquals("Double quotes must be escape", "<alpha one='this&amp;that' two='small&lt;large' three='12&gt;1' four='&apos;quote&apos;' five='&quot;quote&quot;'", out.toString());
public void attributeInContent() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.content("foo bar"));
try {
writer.attribute("name", "value");
fail("attributes after body content are not allowed");
} catch (InvalidXmlException e) {
// attributes after body content are not allowed
public void outOfRangeCharacter() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.content(new String(ZERO_CHAR)));
String out = this.out.toString();
assertEquals("Replace illegal characters with question marks", "<alpha>?", out);
public void attributeAfterElementClosed() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("beta"));
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha><beta", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Beta element closed", "<alpha><beta/>", out.toString());
try {
writer.attribute("name", "value");
fail("attributes after closed element are not allowed");
} catch (InvalidXmlException e) {
// attributes after body content are not allowed
public void closeDocumentBeforeOpen() throws Exception {
try {
fail("Cannot close document before the first element has been opened");
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
// Cannot open new elements before the first element has been opened
public void closeDocumentAfterRootElementClosed() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha/>", out.toString());
try {
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
fail("No exception should be thrown when called after the root element is closed.");
public void closeSimpleDocument() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("beta"));
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha><beta", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeDocument());
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha><beta/></alpha>", out.toString());
public void closeComplexDocument() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("beta"));
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha><beta", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.attribute("name", "value"));
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha><beta name='value'", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeElement());
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha><beta name='value'/>", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("beta"));
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha><beta name='value'/><beta", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.attribute("name", "value"));
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha><beta name='value'/><beta name='value'", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("gamma"));
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha><beta name='value'/><beta name='value'><gamma", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.closeDocument());
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha><beta name='value'/><beta name='value'><gamma/></beta></alpha>", out.toString());
public void writeProlog() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.startDocument());
assertEquals("Prolog written", "<?xml version='1.0'?>", out.toString());
public void writeAfterElement() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
try {
fail("Operation not allowed once an element has been written");
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
// Operation not allowed once an element has been written
public void writePrologTwo() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.startDocument());
assertEquals("Prolog written", "<?xml version='1.0'?>", out.toString());
try {
fail("Operation not allow once a prolog has been written");
} catch (OperationNotAllowedException e) {
// Operation not allowed once an prolog has been written
public void duplicateAttributes() throws Exception {
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("alpha"));
assertEquals("Alpha element started", "<alpha", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.attribute("one", "1"));
assertEquals("Attribute written", "<alpha one='1'", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.openElement("beta"));
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha one='1'><beta", out.toString());
assertEquals("XmlWriters should always return themselves",
writer, writer.attribute("one", "1"));
assertEquals("Beta element started", "<alpha one='1'><beta one='1'", out.toString());
try {
writer.attribute("one", "2");
fail("Each attribute may only be written once");
} catch (InvalidXmlException e) {
// Each attribute may only be written once