blob: 7d166ffdc7db3ce47086ddc86ac1bbb82e463a2d [file] [log] [blame]
%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
%% @copyright 2008 Mochi Media, Inc.
%% @doc Formatter that understands records.
%% Usage:
%% 1> M = mochifmt_records:new([{rec, record_info(fields, rec)}]),
%% M:format("{}", [#rec{bar=foo}]).
%% foo
-export([new/1, get_value/3]).
new([{_Rec, RecFields}]=Recs) when is_list(RecFields) ->
{?MODULE, Recs}.
get_value(Key, Rec, {?MODULE, Recs})
when is_tuple(Rec) and is_atom(element(1, Rec)) ->
try begin
Atom = list_to_existing_atom(Key),
{_, Fields} = proplists:lookup(element(1, Rec), Recs),
element(get_rec_index(Atom, Fields, 2), Rec)
catch error:_ -> mochifmt:get_value(Key, Rec)
get_value(Key, Args, {?MODULE, _Recs}) ->
mochifmt:get_value(Key, Args).
get_rec_index(Atom, [Atom | _], Index) ->
get_rec_index(Atom, [_ | Rest], Index) ->
get_rec_index(Atom, Rest, 1 + Index).
%% Tests