blob: 6ad341bd85d82f80963d8346a582d7d3956a2393 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
main(_) ->
test_util:run(4, fun() -> test() end).
test() ->
{ok, Db} = couch_mrview_test_util:init_db(<<"foo">>, red),
test_basic(Db) ->
Result = run_query(Db, []),
Expect = {ok, [
{meta, []},
{row, [{key, null}, {value, 55}]}
etap:is(Result, Expect, "Simple reduce view works.").
test_key_range(Db) ->
Result = run_query(Db, [{start_key, [0, 2]}, {end_key, [0, 4]}]),
Expect = {ok, [
{meta, []},
{row, [{key, null}, {value, 6}]}
etap:is(Result, Expect, "Reduce with key range works.").
test_group_level(Db) ->
Result = run_query(Db, [{group_level, 1}]),
Expect = {ok, [
{meta, []},
{row, [{key, [0]}, {value, 30}]},
{row, [{key, [1]}, {value, 25}]}
etap:is(Result, Expect, "Group level works.").
test_group_exact(Db) ->
Result = run_query(Db, [{group_level, exact}]),
Expect = {ok, [
{meta, []},
{row, [{key, [0, 2]}, {value, 2}]},
{row, [{key, [0, 4]}, {value, 4}]},
{row, [{key, [0, 6]}, {value, 6}]},
{row, [{key, [0, 8]}, {value, 8}]},
{row, [{key, [0, 10]}, {value, 10}]},
{row, [{key, [1, 1]}, {value, 1}]},
{row, [{key, [1, 3]}, {value, 3}]},
{row, [{key, [1, 5]}, {value, 5}]},
{row, [{key, [1, 7]}, {value, 7}]},
{row, [{key, [1, 9]}, {value, 9}]}
etap:is(Result, Expect, "Group exact works.").
run_query(Db, Opts) ->
couch_mrview:query_view(Db, <<"_design/bar">>, <<"baz">>, Opts).