blob: 97834134b2f8615dcf8fd9df59c40a2607974dce [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-export([install/1, uninstall/1]).
% couch_plugins:install({"geocouch", "", "1.0.0", [{"R15B03", "+XOJP6GSzmuO2qKdnjO+mWckXVs="}]}).
% couch_plugins:install({"geocouch", "", "couchdb1.2.x_v0.3.0-11-gd83ba22", [{"R15B03", "ZetgdHj2bY2w37buulWVf3USOZs="}]}).
plugin_dir() ->
couch_config:get("couchdb", "plugin_dir").
log(T) ->
couch_log:debug("[couch_plugins] ~p ~n", [T]).
%% "geocouch", "http://localhost:8000/dist", "1.0.0"
-type plugin() :: {string(), string(), string(), list()}.
-spec install(plugin()) -> ok | {error, string()}.
install({Name, _BaseUrl, Version, Checksums} = Plugin) ->
log("Installing " ++ Name),
{ok, LocalFilename} = download(Plugin),
log("downloaded to " ++ LocalFilename),
ok = verify_checksum(LocalFilename, Checksums),
log("checksum verified"),
ok = untargz(LocalFilename),
log("extraction done"),
ok = add_code_path(Name, Version),
log("added code path"),
ok = register_plugin(Name, Version),
log("registered plugin"),
load_config(Name, Version),
log("loaded config"),
% Idempotent uninstall, if you uninstall a non-existant
% plugin, you get an `ok`.
-spec uninstall(plugin()) -> ok | {error, string()}.
uninstall({Name, _BaseUrl, Version, _Checksums}) ->
% unload config
ok = unload_config(Name, Version),
log("config unloaded"),
% delete files
ok = delete_files(Name, Version),
log("files deleted"),
% delete code path
ok = del_code_path(Name, Version),
log("deleted code path"),
% unregister plugin
ok = unregister_plugin(Name),
log("unregistered plugin"),
% done
%% * * *
%% Plugin Registration
%% On uninstall:
%% - add plugins/name = version to config
%% On uninstall:
%% - remove plugins/name from config
-spec register_plugin(string(), string()) -> ok.
register_plugin(Name, Version) ->
couch_config:set("plugins", Name, Version).
-spec unregister_plugin(string()) -> ok.
unregister_plugin(Name) ->
couch_config:delete("plugins", Name).
%% * * *
%% Load Config
%% Parses <plugindir>/priv/default.d/<pluginname.ini> and applies
%% the contents to the config system, or removes them on uninstall
-spec load_config(string(), string()) -> ok.
load_config(Name, Version) ->
loop_config(Name, Version, fun set_config/1).
-spec unload_config(string(), string()) -> ok.
unload_config(Name, Version) ->
loop_config(Name, Version, fun delete_config/1).
-spec loop_config(string(), string(), function()) -> ok.
loop_config(Name, Version, Fun) ->
fun(File) -> load_config_file(File, Fun) end,
filelib:wildcard(file_names(Name, Version))
-spec load_config_file(string(), function()) -> ok.
load_config_file(File, Fun) ->
{ok, Config} = couch_config:parse_ini_file(File),
lists:foreach(Fun, Config).
-spec set_config({{string(), string()}, string()}) -> ok.
set_config({{Section, Key}, Value}) ->
ok = couch_config:set(Section, Key, Value).
-spec delete_config({{string(), string()}, _Value}) -> ok.
delete_config({{Section, Key}, _Value}) ->
ok = couch_config:delete(Section, Key).
-spec file_names(string(), string()) -> string().
file_names(Name, Version) ->
get_file_slug(Name, Version),
%% * * *
%% Code Path Management
%% The Erlang code path is where the Erlang runtime looks for `.beam`
%% files to load on, say, `application:load()`. Since plugin directories
%% are created on demand and named after CouchDB and Erlang versions,
%% we manage the Erlang code path semi-automatically here.
-spec add_code_path(string(), string()) -> ok | {error, bad_directory}.
add_code_path(Name, Version) ->
PluginPath = plugin_dir() ++ "/" ++ get_file_slug(Name, Version) ++ "/ebin",
case code:add_path(PluginPath) of
true ->
Else ->
couch_log:error("Failed to add PluginPath: '~s'", [PluginPath]),
-spec del_code_path(string(), string()) -> ok | {error, atom()}.
del_code_path(Name, Version) ->
PluginPath = plugin_dir() ++ "/" ++ get_file_slug(Name, Version) ++ "/ebin",
case code:del_path(PluginPath) of
true ->
_Else ->
"Failed to delete PluginPath: '~s', ignoring",
%% * * *
-spec untargz(string()) -> {ok, string()} | {error, string()}.
untargz(Filename) ->
% read .gz file
{ok, GzData} = file:read_file(Filename),
% gunzip
TarData = zlib:gunzip(GzData),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(plugin_dir()),
% untar
erl_tar:extract({binary, TarData}, [{cwd, plugin_dir()}, keep_old_files]).
-spec delete_files(string(), string()) -> ok | {error, atom()}.
delete_files(Name, Version) ->
PluginPath = plugin_dir() ++ "/" ++ get_file_slug(Name, Version),
% downloads a pluygin .tar.gz into a local plugins directory
-spec download(string()) -> ok | {error, string()}.
download({Name, _BaseUrl, Version, _Checksums} = Plugin) ->
TargetFile = filename:join(mochitemp:gettempdir(), get_filename(Name, Version)),
case file_exists(TargetFile) of
%% wipe and redownload
true -> file:delete(TargetFile);
_Else -> ok
Url = get_url(Plugin),
HTTPOptions = [
% 30 seconds
{connect_timeout, 30 * 1000},
% 30 seconds
{timeout, 30 * 1000}
% todo: windows
Options = [
% /tmp/something
{stream, TargetFile},
{body_format, binary},
{full_result, false}
% todo: reduce to just httpc:request()
case httpc:request(get, {Url, []}, HTTPOptions, Options) of
{ok, _Result} ->
log("downloading " ++ Url),
{ok, TargetFile};
Error ->
-spec verify_checksum(string(), list()) -> ok | {error, string()}.
verify_checksum(Filename, Checksums) ->
CouchDBVersion = couchdb_version(),
case proplists:get_value(CouchDBVersion, Checksums) of
undefined ->
"[couch_plugins] Can't find checksum for CouchDB Version"
" '~s'",
{error, no_couchdb_checksum};
OTPChecksum ->
OTPRelease = erlang:system_info(otp_release),
case proplists:get_value(OTPRelease, OTPChecksum) of
undefined ->
"[couch_plugins] Can't find checksum for Erlang Version"
" '~s'",
{error, no_erlang_checksum};
Checksum ->
do_verify_checksum(Filename, Checksum)
-spec do_verify_checksum(string(), string()) -> ok | {error, string()}.
do_verify_checksum(Filename, Checksum) ->
couch_log:debug("Checking Filename: ~s", [Filename]),
case file:read_file(Filename) of
{ok, Data} ->
ComputedChecksum = binary_to_list(base64:encode(crypto:hash(sha, Data))),
case ComputedChecksum of
Checksum ->
_Else ->
"Checksum mismatch. Wanted: '~p'. Got '~p'",
[Checksum, ComputedChecksum]
{error, checksum_mismatch}
Error ->
%% utils
-spec get_url(plugin()) -> string().
get_url({Name, BaseUrl, Version, _Checksums}) ->
BaseUrl ++ "/" ++ get_filename(Name, Version).
-spec get_filename(string(), string()) -> string().
get_filename(Name, Version) ->
get_file_slug(Name, Version) ++ ".tar.gz".
-spec get_file_slug(string(), string()) -> string().
get_file_slug(Name, Version) ->
% OtpRelease does not include patch levels like the -1 in R15B03-1
OTPRelease = erlang:system_info(otp_release),
CouchDBVersion = couchdb_version(),
string:join([Name, Version, OTPRelease, CouchDBVersion], "-").
-spec file_exists(string()) -> boolean().
file_exists(Filename) ->
-spec does_file_exist(term()) -> boolean().
does_file_exist({error, enoent}) -> false;
does_file_exist(_Else) -> true.
couchdb_version() ->
% installing a plugin:
% - POST /_plugins -d {plugin-def}
% - get plugin definition
% - get download URL (matching erlang version)
% - download archive
% - match checksum
% - untar-gz archive into a plugins dir
% - code:add_path(“geocouch-{geocouch_version}-{erlang_version}/ebin”)
% - [cp geocouch-{geocouch_version}-{erlang_version}/etc/ ]
% - application:start(geocouch)
% - register plugin in plugin registry
% Plugin registry impl:
% - _plugins database
% - pro: known db ops
% - con: no need for replication, needs to be system db etc.
% - _config/plugins namespace in config
% - pro: lightweight, fits rarely-changing nature better
% - con: potentially not flexible enough
% /geocouch
% /geocouch/dist/
% /geocouch/dist/geocouch-{geocouch_version}-{erlang_version}.tar.gz
% tar.gz includes:
% geocouch-{geocouch_version}-{erlang_version}/
% geocouch-{geocouch_version}-{erlang_version}/ebin
% [geocouch-{geocouch_version}-{erlang_version}/config/config.erlt]
% [geocouch-{geocouch_version}-{erlang_version}/share/]