blob: 21f02f784169faceff596fb82d9a089b769a0aa3 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
% public API
-export([start_link/0, stop/0]).
-export([debug/2, info/2, warn/2, error/2]).
-export([debug_on/0, info_on/0, warn_on/0, get_level/0, get_level_integer/0, set_level/1]).
% gen_event callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_event/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-export([handle_info/2, handle_call/2]).
-define(LEVEL_ERROR, 4).
-define(LEVEL_WARN, 3).
-define(LEVEL_INFO, 2).
-define(LEVEL_DEBUG, 1).
-record(state, {
debug(Format, Args) ->
{ConsoleMsg, FileMsg} = get_log_messages(self(), debug, Format, Args),
gen_event:sync_notify(error_logger, {couch_debug, ConsoleMsg, FileMsg}).
info(Format, Args) ->
{ConsoleMsg, FileMsg} = get_log_messages(self(), info, Format, Args),
gen_event:sync_notify(error_logger, {couch_info, ConsoleMsg, FileMsg}).
warn(Format, Args) ->
{ConsoleMsg, FileMsg} = get_log_messages(self(), warn, Format, Args),
gen_event:sync_notify(error_logger, {couch_warn, ConsoleMsg, FileMsg}).
error(Format, Args) ->
{ConsoleMsg, FileMsg} = get_log_messages(self(), error, Format, Args),
gen_event:sync_notify(error_logger, {couch_error, ConsoleMsg, FileMsg}).
level_integer(error) -> ?LEVEL_ERROR;
level_integer(warn) -> ?LEVEL_WARN;
level_integer(info) -> ?LEVEL_INFO;
level_integer(debug) -> ?LEVEL_DEBUG;
level_integer(_Else) -> ?LEVEL_ERROR. % anything else default to ERROR level
level_atom(?LEVEL_ERROR) -> error;
level_atom(?LEVEL_WARN) -> warn;
level_atom(?LEVEL_INFO) -> info;
level_atom(?LEVEL_DEBUG) -> debug.
start_link() ->
couch_event_sup:start_link({local, couch_log}, error_logger, couch_log, []).
stop() ->
init([]) ->
% read config and register for configuration changes
% just stop if one of the config settings change. couch_server_sup
% will restart us and then we will pick up the new settings.
ok = couch_config:register(
fun("log", "file") ->
("log", "level") ->
("log", "include_sasl") ->
Filename = couch_config:get("log", "file", "couchdb.log"),
Level = level_integer(list_to_atom(couch_config:get("log", "level", "info"))),
Sasl = couch_config:get("log", "include_sasl", "true") =:= "true",
case ets:info(?MODULE) of
undefined -> ets:new(?MODULE, [named_table]);
_ -> ok
ets:insert(?MODULE, {level, Level}),
case file:open(Filename, [append]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
{ok, #state{fd = Fd, level = Level, sasl = Sasl}};
{error, Reason} ->
ReasonStr = file:format_error(Reason),
io:format("Error opening log file ~s: ~s", [Filename, ReasonStr]),
{stop, {error, ReasonStr, Filename}}
debug_on() ->
get_level_integer() =< ?LEVEL_DEBUG.
info_on() ->
get_level_integer() =< ?LEVEL_INFO.
warn_on() ->
get_level_integer() =< ?LEVEL_WARN.
set_level(LevelAtom) ->
get_level() ->
get_level_integer() ->
ets:lookup_element(?MODULE, level, 2)
catch error:badarg ->
set_level_integer(Int) ->
gen_event:call(error_logger, couch_log, {set_level_integer, Int}).
handle_event({couch_error, ConMsg, FileMsg}, State) ->
log(State, ConMsg, FileMsg),
{ok, State};
handle_event({couch_warn, ConMsg, FileMsg}, #state{level = LogLevel} = State)
when LogLevel =< ?LEVEL_WARN ->
log(State, ConMsg, FileMsg),
{ok, State};
handle_event({couch_info, ConMsg, FileMsg}, #state{level = LogLevel} = State)
when LogLevel =< ?LEVEL_INFO ->
log(State, ConMsg, FileMsg),
{ok, State};
handle_event({couch_debug, ConMsg, FileMsg}, #state{level = LogLevel} = State)
when LogLevel =< ?LEVEL_DEBUG ->
log(State, ConMsg, FileMsg),
{ok, State};
handle_event({error_report, _, {Pid, _, _}}=Event, #state{sasl = true} = St) ->
{ConMsg, FileMsg} = get_log_messages(Pid, error, "~p", [Event]),
log(St, ConMsg, FileMsg),
{ok, St};
handle_event({error, _, {Pid, Format, Args}}, #state{sasl = true} = State) ->
{ConMsg, FileMsg} = get_log_messages(Pid, error, Format, Args),
log(State, ConMsg, FileMsg),
{ok, State};
handle_event(_Event, State) ->
{ok, State}.
handle_call({set_level_integer, NewLevel}, State) ->
ets:insert(?MODULE, {level, NewLevel}),
{ok, ok, State#state{level = NewLevel}}.
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{ok, State}.
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
terminate(_Arg, #state{fd = Fd}) ->
log(#state{fd = Fd}, ConsoleMsg, FileMsg) ->
ok = io:put_chars(ConsoleMsg),
ok = io:put_chars(Fd, FileMsg).
get_log_messages(Pid, Level, Format, Args) ->
ConsoleMsg = unicode:characters_to_binary(io_lib:format(
"[~s] [~p] " ++ Format ++ "~n", [Level, Pid | Args])),
FileMsg = ["[", couch_util:rfc1123_date(), "] ", ConsoleMsg],
{ConsoleMsg, iolist_to_binary(FileMsg)}.
% Read Bytes bytes from the end of log file, jumping Offset bytes towards
% the beginning of the file first.
% Log File FilePos
% ----------
% | | 10
% | | 20
% | | 30
% | | 40
% | | 50
% | | 60
% | | 70 -- Bytes = 20 --
% | | 80 | Chunk
% | | 90 -- Offset = 10 --
% |__________| 100
read(Bytes, Offset) ->
LogFileName = couch_config:get("log", "file"),
LogFileSize = filelib:file_size(LogFileName),
MaxChunkSize = list_to_integer(
couch_config:get("httpd", "log_max_chunk_size", "1000000")),
case Bytes > MaxChunkSize of
true ->
throw({bad_request, "'bytes' cannot exceed " ++
false ->
{ok, Fd} = file:open(LogFileName, [read]),
Start = lists:max([LogFileSize - Bytes - Offset, 0]),
% TODO: truncate chopped first line
% TODO: make streaming
{ok, Chunk} = file:pread(Fd, Start, Bytes),
ok = file:close(Fd),