blob: d49d8839a7b84658b871f93cfc55a7beaad7b26e [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-export([await/2, commit/2, get_update_seq/1, info/1, search/2]).
-export([group1/7, group2/2]).
-export([delete/2, update/3, cleanup/1, cleanup/2, rename/1]).
-export([analyze/2, version/0, disk_size/1]).
-export([set_purge_seq/2, get_purge_seq/1, get_root_dir/0]).
open_index(Peer, Path, Analyzer) ->
rpc({main, clouseau()}, {open, Peer, Path, Analyzer}).
disk_size(Path) ->
rpc({main, clouseau()}, {disk_size, Path}).
get_root_dir() ->
rpc({main, clouseau()}, {get_root_dir}).
await(Ref, MinSeq) ->
rpc(Ref, {await, MinSeq}).
commit(Ref, NewCommitSeq) ->
rpc(Ref, {commit, NewCommitSeq}).
info(Ref) ->
rpc(Ref, info).
get_update_seq(Ref) ->
rpc(Ref, get_update_seq).
set_purge_seq(Ref, Seq) ->
rpc(Ref, {set_purge_seq, Seq}).
get_purge_seq(Ref) ->
rpc(Ref, get_purge_seq).
search(Ref, Args) ->
case rpc(Ref, {search, Args}) of
{ok, Response} when is_list(Response) ->
{ok, #top_docs{
update_seq = couch_util:get_value(update_seq, Response),
total_hits = couch_util:get_value(total_hits, Response),
hits = couch_util:get_value(hits, Response),
counts = couch_util:get_value(counts, Response),
ranges = couch_util:get_value(ranges, Response)
Else ->
group1(Ref, Query, GroupBy, Refresh, Sort, Offset, Limit) ->
rpc(Ref, {group1, Query, GroupBy, Refresh, Sort, Offset, Limit}).
group2(Ref, Args) ->
rpc(Ref, {group2, Args}).
delete(Ref, Id) ->
rpc(Ref, {delete, couch_util:to_binary(Id)}).
update(Ref, Id, Fields) ->
rpc(Ref, {update, Id, Fields}).
cleanup(DbName) ->
gen_server:cast({cleanup, clouseau()}, {cleanup, DbName}).
rename(DbName) ->
gen_server:cast({cleanup, clouseau()}, {rename, DbName}).
cleanup(DbName, ActiveSigs) ->
gen_server:cast({cleanup, clouseau()}, {cleanup, DbName, ActiveSigs}).
analyze(Analyzer, Text) ->
rpc({analyzer, clouseau()}, {analyze, Analyzer, Text}).
version() ->
rpc({main, clouseau()}, version).
connected() ->
HiddenNodes = erlang:nodes(hidden),
case lists:member(clouseau(), HiddenNodes) of
true ->
false ->
% We might have just booted up, so let's ping
pong == net_adm:ping(clouseau())
rpc(Ref, Msg) ->
ioq:call_search(Ref, Msg, erlang:get(io_priority)).
clouseau() ->
list_to_atom(config:get("dreyfus", "name", "clouseau@")).