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%% Implementation of NIST Special Publication 800-38F
%% For wrapping and unwrapping keys with AES.
-export([key_wrap/2, key_unwrap/2]).
-define(ICV1, 16#A6A6A6A6A6A6A6A6).
-spec key_wrap(WrappingKey :: aegis_key_manager:key_fun(), KeyToWrap :: aegis_key_manager:key_fun()) -> binary().
key_wrap(WrappingKeyFun, KeyToWrapFun)
when is_function(WrappingKeyFun, 0), is_function(KeyToWrapFun, 0) ->
N = bit_size(KeyToWrapFun()) div 64,
wrap(WrappingKeyFun, <<?ICV1:64>>, KeyToWrapFun(), 1, 6 * N).
wrap(_WrappingKeyFun, A, R, T, End) when T > End ->
<<A/binary, R/binary>>;
wrap(WrappingKeyFun, A, R, T, End) ->
<<R1:64, Rest/binary>> = R,
<<MSB_B:64, LSB_B:64>> = ?aes_ecb_encrypt(WrappingKeyFun(), <<A/binary, R1:64>>),
wrap(WrappingKeyFun, <<(MSB_B bxor T):64>>, <<Rest/binary, LSB_B:64>>, T + 1, End).
-spec key_unwrap(WrappingKey :: aegis_key_manager:key_fun(), KeyToUnwrap :: binary()) -> aegis_key_manager:key_fun() | fail.
key_unwrap(WrappingKeyFun, KeyToUnwrap)
when is_function(WrappingKeyFun, 0), bit_size(KeyToUnwrap) rem 64 == 0 ->
N = (bit_size(KeyToUnwrap) div 64),
<<A:64, R/binary>> = KeyToUnwrap,
case unwrap(WrappingKeyFun, <<A:64>>, R, 6 * (N - 1)) of
<<?ICV1:64, UnwrappedKey/binary>> ->
fun() -> UnwrappedKey end;
_ ->
unwrap(_WrappingKeyFun, A, R, 0) ->
<<A/binary, R/binary>>;
unwrap(WrappingKeyFun, <<A:64>>, R, T) ->
RestSize = bit_size(R) - 64,
<<Rest:RestSize, R2: 64>> = R,
<<MSB_B:64, LSB_B:64>> = ?aes_ecb_decrypt(WrappingKeyFun(), <<(A bxor T):64, R2:64>>),
unwrap(WrappingKeyFun, <<MSB_B:64>>, <<LSB_B:64, Rest:RestSize>>, T - 1).
wrap_test_() ->
%% 128 KEK / 128 DATA
%% 192 KEK / 128 DATA
%% 256 KEK / 128 DATA
%% 192 KEK / 192 DATA
%% 256 KEK / 192 DATA
%% 256 KEK / 256 DATA
test_wrap_unwrap(WrappingKey, KeyToWrap, ExpectedWrappedKey) ->
[?_assertEqual(ExpectedWrappedKey, key_wrap(WrappingKey, KeyToWrap)),
?_assertEqual(KeyToWrap, key_unwrap(WrappingKey, key_wrap(WrappingKey, KeyToWrap)))].
fail_test() ->
KEK = <<16#000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F:256>>,
CipherText = <<16#28C9F404C4B810F4CBCCB35CFB87F8263F5786E2D80ED326CBC7F0E71A99F43BFB988B9B7A02DD20:320>>,
?assertEqual(fail, key_unwrap(KEK, CipherText)).