blob: 40f3248c2361c0c1bc834e1bf413121e7e4f4e1c [file] [log] [blame]
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2011-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
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%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% fork of io_lib_format that uses trunc_io to protect against large terms
%% Renamed to couch_log_format to avoid naming collision with
%% lager_Format.
-export([format/3, format/4]).
-record(options, {
chomp = false :: boolean()
format(FmtStr, Args, MaxLen) ->
format(FmtStr, Args, MaxLen, []).
format([], [], _, _) ->
format(FmtStr, Args, MaxLen, Opts) when is_atom(FmtStr) ->
format(atom_to_list(FmtStr), Args, MaxLen, Opts);
format(FmtStr, Args, MaxLen, Opts) when is_binary(FmtStr) ->
format(binary_to_list(FmtStr), Args, MaxLen, Opts);
format(FmtStr, Args, MaxLen, Opts) when is_list(FmtStr) ->
case couch_log_util:string_p(FmtStr) of
true ->
Options = make_options(Opts, #options{}),
Cs = collect(FmtStr, Args),
{Cs2, MaxLen2} = build(Cs, [], MaxLen, Options),
%% count how many terms remain
{Count, StrLen} = lists:foldl(
({_C, _As, _F, _Adj, _P, _Pad, _Enc}, {Terms, Chars}) ->
{Terms + 1, Chars};
(_, {Terms, Chars}) ->
{Terms, Chars + 1}
{0, 0},
build2(Cs2, Count, MaxLen2 - StrLen);
false ->
format(_FmtStr, _Args, _MaxLen, _Opts) ->
collect([$~ | Fmt0], Args0) ->
{C, Fmt1, Args1} = collect_cseq(Fmt0, Args0),
[C | collect(Fmt1, Args1)];
collect([C | Fmt], Args) ->
[C | collect(Fmt, Args)];
collect([], []) ->
collect_cseq(Fmt0, Args0) ->
{F, Ad, Fmt1, Args1} = field_width(Fmt0, Args0),
{P, Fmt2, Args2} = precision(Fmt1, Args1),
{Pad, Fmt3, Args3} = pad_char(Fmt2, Args2),
{Encoding, Fmt4, Args4} = encoding(Fmt3, Args3),
{C, As, Fmt5, Args5} = collect_cc(Fmt4, Args4),
{{C, As, F, Ad, P, Pad, Encoding}, Fmt5, Args5}.
encoding([$t | Fmt], Args) ->
{unicode, Fmt, Args};
encoding(Fmt, Args) ->
{latin1, Fmt, Args}.
field_width([$- | Fmt0], Args0) ->
{F, Fmt, Args} = field_value(Fmt0, Args0),
field_width(-F, Fmt, Args);
field_width(Fmt0, Args0) ->
{F, Fmt, Args} = field_value(Fmt0, Args0),
field_width(F, Fmt, Args).
field_width(F, Fmt, Args) when F < 0 ->
{-F, left, Fmt, Args};
field_width(F, Fmt, Args) when F >= 0 ->
{F, right, Fmt, Args}.
precision([$. | Fmt], Args) ->
field_value(Fmt, Args);
precision(Fmt, Args) ->
{none, Fmt, Args}.
field_value([$* | Fmt], [A | Args]) when is_integer(A) ->
{A, Fmt, Args};
field_value([C | Fmt], Args) when is_integer(C), C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
field_value([C | Fmt], Args, 0);
field_value(Fmt, Args) ->
{none, Fmt, Args}.
field_value([C | Fmt], Args, F) when is_integer(C), C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
field_value(Fmt, Args, 10 * F + (C - $0));
%Default case
field_value(Fmt, Args, F) ->
{F, Fmt, Args}.
pad_char([$., $* | Fmt], [Pad | Args]) -> {Pad, Fmt, Args};
pad_char([$., Pad | Fmt], Args) -> {Pad, Fmt, Args};
pad_char(Fmt, Args) -> {$\s, Fmt, Args}.
%% collect_cc([FormatChar], [Argument]) ->
%% {Control,[ControlArg],[FormatChar],[Arg]}.
%% Here we collect the arguments for each control character.
%% Be explicit to cause failure early.
collect_cc([$w | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$w, [A], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$p | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$p, [A], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$W | Fmt], [A, Depth | Args]) -> {$W, [A, Depth], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$P | Fmt], [A, Depth | Args]) -> {$P, [A, Depth], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$s | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$s, [A], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$r | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$r, [A], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$e | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$e, [A], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$f | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$f, [A], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$g | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$g, [A], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$b | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$b, [A], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$B | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$B, [A], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$x | Fmt], [A, Prefix | Args]) -> {$x, [A, Prefix], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$X | Fmt], [A, Prefix | Args]) -> {$X, [A, Prefix], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$+ | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$+, [A], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$# | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$#, [A], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$c | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$c, [A], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$~ | Fmt], Args) when is_list(Args) -> {$~, [], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$n | Fmt], Args) when is_list(Args) -> {$n, [], Fmt, Args};
collect_cc([$i | Fmt], [A | Args]) -> {$i, [A], Fmt, Args}.
%% build([Control], Pc, Indentation) -> [Char].
%% Interpret the control structures. Count the number of print
%% remaining and only calculate indentation when necessary. Must also
%% be smart when calculating indentation for characters in format.
build([{$n, _, _, _, _, _, _}], Acc, MaxLen, #options{chomp = true}) ->
%% trailing ~n, ignore
{lists:reverse(Acc), MaxLen};
build([{C, As, F, Ad, P, Pad, Enc} | Cs], Acc, MaxLen, O) ->
{S, MaxLen2} = control(C, As, F, Ad, P, Pad, Enc, MaxLen),
build(Cs, [S | Acc], MaxLen2, O);
build([$\n], Acc, MaxLen, #options{chomp = true}) ->
%% trailing \n, ignore
{lists:reverse(Acc), MaxLen};
build([$\n | Cs], Acc, MaxLen, O) ->
build(Cs, [$\n | Acc], MaxLen - 1, O);
build([$\t | Cs], Acc, MaxLen, O) ->
build(Cs, [$\t | Acc], MaxLen - 1, O);
build([C | Cs], Acc, MaxLen, O) ->
build(Cs, [C | Acc], MaxLen - 1, O);
build([], Acc, MaxLen, _O) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), MaxLen}.
build2([{C, As, F, Ad, P, Pad, Enc} | Cs], Count, MaxLen) ->
{S, Len} = control2(C, As, F, Ad, P, Pad, Enc, MaxLen div Count),
[S | build2(Cs, Count - 1, MaxLen - Len)];
build2([C | Cs], Count, MaxLen) ->
[C | build2(Cs, Count, MaxLen)];
build2([], _, _) ->
%% control(FormatChar, [Argument], FieldWidth, Adjust, Precision, PadChar,
%% Indentation) -> [Char]
%% This is the main dispatch function for the various formatting commands.
%% Field widths and precisions have already been calculated.
control($e, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when is_float(A) ->
Res = fwrite_e(A, F, Adj, P, Pad),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($f, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when is_float(A) ->
Res = fwrite_f(A, F, Adj, P, Pad),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($g, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when is_float(A) ->
Res = fwrite_g(A, F, Adj, P, Pad),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($b, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when is_integer(A) ->
Res = unprefixed_integer(A, F, Adj, base(P), Pad, true),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($B, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when is_integer(A) ->
Res = unprefixed_integer(A, F, Adj, base(P), Pad, false),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($x, [A, Prefix], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when
Res = prefixed_integer(A, F, Adj, base(P), Pad, atom_to_list(Prefix), true),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($x, [A, Prefix], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when is_integer(A) ->
%Check if Prefix a character list
true = io_lib:deep_char_list(Prefix),
Res = prefixed_integer(A, F, Adj, base(P), Pad, Prefix, true),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($X, [A, Prefix], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when
Res = prefixed_integer(A, F, Adj, base(P), Pad, atom_to_list(Prefix), false),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($X, [A, Prefix], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when is_integer(A) ->
%Check if Prefix a character list
true = io_lib:deep_char_list(Prefix),
Res = prefixed_integer(A, F, Adj, base(P), Pad, Prefix, false),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($+, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when is_integer(A) ->
Base = base(P),
Prefix = [integer_to_list(Base), $#],
Res = prefixed_integer(A, F, Adj, Base, Pad, Prefix, true),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($#, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when is_integer(A) ->
Base = base(P),
Prefix = [integer_to_list(Base), $#],
Res = prefixed_integer(A, F, Adj, Base, Pad, Prefix, false),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($c, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, unicode, L) when is_integer(A) ->
Res = char(A, F, Adj, P, Pad),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($c, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when is_integer(A) ->
Res = char(A band 255, F, Adj, P, Pad),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($~, [], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) ->
Res = char($~, F, Adj, P, Pad),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($n, [], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) ->
Res = newline(F, Adj, P, Pad),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control($i, [_A], _F, _Adj, _P, _Pad, _Enc, L) ->
{[], L};
control($s, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when is_atom(A) ->
Res = string(atom_to_list(A), F, Adj, P, Pad),
{Res, L - lists:flatlength(Res)};
control(C, A, F, Adj, P, Pad, Enc, L) ->
%% save this for later - these are all the 'large' terms
{{C, A, F, Adj, P, Pad, Enc}, L}.
control2($w, [A], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) ->
Term = couch_log_trunc_io:fprint(A, L, [{lists_as_strings, false}]),
Res = term(Term, F, Adj, P, Pad),
{Res, lists:flatlength(Res)};
control2($p, [A], _F, _Adj, _P, _Pad, _Enc, L) ->
Term = couch_log_trunc_io:fprint(A, L, [{lists_as_strings, true}]),
{Term, lists:flatlength(Term)};
control2($W, [A, Depth], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, L) when is_integer(Depth) ->
Term = couch_log_trunc_io:fprint(A, L, [{depth, Depth}, {lists_as_strings, false}]),
Res = term(Term, F, Adj, P, Pad),
{Res, lists:flatlength(Res)};
control2($P, [A, Depth], _F, _Adj, _P, _Pad, _Enc, L) when is_integer(Depth) ->
Term = couch_log_trunc_io:fprint(A, L, [{depth, Depth}, {lists_as_strings, true}]),
{Term, lists:flatlength(Term)};
control2($s, [L0], F, Adj, P, Pad, latin1, L) ->
List = couch_log_trunc_io:fprint(iolist_to_chars(L0), L, [{force_strings, true}]),
Res = string(List, F, Adj, P, Pad),
{Res, lists:flatlength(Res)};
control2($s, [L0], F, Adj, P, Pad, unicode, L) ->
List = couch_log_trunc_io:fprint(cdata_to_chars(L0), L, [{force_strings, true}]),
Res = uniconv(string(List, F, Adj, P, Pad)),
{Res, lists:flatlength(Res)};
control2($r, [R], F, Adj, P, Pad, _Enc, _L) ->
List = couch_log_formatter:format_reason(R),
Res = string(List, F, Adj, P, Pad),
{Res, lists:flatlength(Res)}.
iolist_to_chars([C | Cs]) when is_integer(C), C >= $\000, C =< $\377 ->
[C | iolist_to_chars(Cs)];
iolist_to_chars([I | Cs]) ->
[iolist_to_chars(I) | iolist_to_chars(Cs)];
iolist_to_chars([]) ->
iolist_to_chars(B) when is_binary(B) ->
cdata_to_chars([C | Cs]) when is_integer(C), C >= $\000 ->
[C | cdata_to_chars(Cs)];
cdata_to_chars([I | Cs]) ->
[cdata_to_chars(I) | cdata_to_chars(Cs)];
cdata_to_chars([]) ->
cdata_to_chars(B) when is_binary(B) ->
case catch unicode:characters_to_list(B) of
L when is_list(L) -> L;
_ -> binary_to_list(B)
make_options([], Options) ->
make_options([{chomp, Bool} | T], Options) when is_boolean(Bool) ->
make_options(T, Options#options{chomp = Bool}).
uniconv(C) ->
unicode:characters_to_binary(C, unicode).
uniconv(C) ->
%% Default integer base
base(none) ->
base(B) when is_integer(B) ->
%% term(TermList, Field, Adjust, Precision, PadChar)
%% Output the characters in a term.
%% Adjust the characters within the field if length less than Max padding
%% with PadChar.
term(T, none, _Adj, none, _Pad) ->
term(T, none, Adj, P, Pad) ->
term(T, P, Adj, P, Pad);
term(T, F, Adj, P0, Pad) ->
L = lists:flatlength(T),
P =
case P0 of
none -> erlang:min(L, F);
_ -> P0
L > P ->
adjust(chars($*, P), chars(Pad, F - P), Adj);
F >= P ->
adjust(T, chars(Pad, F - L), Adj)
%% fwrite_e(Float, Field, Adjust, Precision, PadChar)
%Default values
fwrite_e(Fl, none, Adj, none, Pad) ->
fwrite_e(Fl, none, Adj, 6, Pad);
fwrite_e(Fl, none, _Adj, P, _Pad) when P >= 2 ->
float_e(Fl, float_data(Fl), P);
fwrite_e(Fl, F, Adj, none, Pad) ->
fwrite_e(Fl, F, Adj, 6, Pad);
fwrite_e(Fl, F, Adj, P, Pad) when P >= 2 ->
term(float_e(Fl, float_data(Fl), P), F, Adj, F, Pad).
%Negative numbers
float_e(Fl, Fd, P) when Fl < 0.0 ->
[$- | float_e(-Fl, Fd, P)];
float_e(_Fl, {Ds, E}, P) ->
case float_man(Ds, 1, P - 1) of
{[$0 | Fs], true} -> [[$1 | Fs] | float_exp(E)];
{Fs, false} -> [Fs | float_exp(E - 1)]
%% float_man([Digit], Icount, Dcount) -> {[Chars],CarryFlag}.
%% Generate the characters in the mantissa from the digits with Icount
%% characters before the '.' and Dcount decimals. Handle carry and let
%% caller decide what to do at top.
float_man(Ds, 0, Dc) ->
{Cs, C} = float_man(Ds, Dc),
{[$. | Cs], C};
float_man([D | Ds], I, Dc) ->
case float_man(Ds, I - 1, Dc) of
{Cs, true} when D =:= $9 -> {[$0 | Cs], true};
{Cs, true} -> {[D + 1 | Cs], false};
{Cs, false} -> {[D | Cs], false}
%Pad with 0's
float_man([], I, Dc) ->
{string:chars($0, I, [$. | string:chars($0, Dc)]), false}.
float_man([D | _], 0) when D >= $5 -> {[], true};
float_man([_ | _], 0) ->
{[], false};
float_man([D | Ds], Dc) ->
case float_man(Ds, Dc - 1) of
{Cs, true} when D =:= $9 -> {[$0 | Cs], true};
{Cs, true} -> {[D + 1 | Cs], false};
{Cs, false} -> {[D | Cs], false}
%Pad with 0's
float_man([], Dc) ->
{string:chars($0, Dc), false}.
%% float_exp(Exponent) -> [Char].
%% Generate the exponent of a floating point number. Always include sign.
float_exp(E) when E >= 0 ->
[$e, $+ | integer_to_list(E)];
float_exp(E) ->
[$e | integer_to_list(E)].
%% fwrite_f(FloatData, Field, Adjust, Precision, PadChar)
%Default values
fwrite_f(Fl, none, Adj, none, Pad) ->
fwrite_f(Fl, none, Adj, 6, Pad);
fwrite_f(Fl, none, _Adj, P, _Pad) when P >= 1 ->
float_f(Fl, float_data(Fl), P);
fwrite_f(Fl, F, Adj, none, Pad) ->
fwrite_f(Fl, F, Adj, 6, Pad);
fwrite_f(Fl, F, Adj, P, Pad) when P >= 1 ->
term(float_f(Fl, float_data(Fl), P), F, Adj, F, Pad).
float_f(Fl, Fd, P) when Fl < 0.0 ->
[$- | float_f(-Fl, Fd, P)];
float_f(Fl, {Ds, E}, P) when E =< 0 ->
%Prepend enough 0's
float_f(Fl, {string:chars($0, -E + 1, Ds), 1}, P);
float_f(_Fl, {Ds, E}, P) ->
case float_man(Ds, E, P) of
%Handle carry
{Fs, true} -> "1" ++ Fs;
{Fs, false} -> Fs
%% float_data([FloatChar]) -> {[Digit],Exponent}
float_data(Fl) ->
float_data(float_to_list(Fl), []).
float_data([$e | E], Ds) ->
{lists:reverse(Ds), list_to_integer(E) + 1};
float_data([D | Cs], Ds) when D >= $0, D =< $9 ->
float_data(Cs, [D | Ds]);
float_data([_ | Cs], Ds) ->
float_data(Cs, Ds).
%% fwrite_g(Float, Field, Adjust, Precision, PadChar)
%% Use the f form if Float is >= 0.1 and < 1.0e4,
%% and the prints correctly in the f form, else the e form.
%% Precision always means the # of significant digits.
fwrite_g(Fl, F, Adj, none, Pad) ->
fwrite_g(Fl, F, Adj, 6, Pad);
fwrite_g(Fl, F, Adj, P, Pad) when P >= 1 ->
A = abs(Fl),
E =
A < 1.0e-1 -> -2;
A < 1.0e0 -> -1;
A < 1.0e1 -> 0;
A < 1.0e2 -> 1;
A < 1.0e3 -> 2;
A < 1.0e4 -> 3;
true -> fwrite_f
P =< 1, E =:= -1;
P - 1 > E, E >= -1 ->
fwrite_f(Fl, F, Adj, P - 1 - E, Pad);
P =< 1 ->
fwrite_e(Fl, F, Adj, 2, Pad);
true ->
fwrite_e(Fl, F, Adj, P, Pad)
%% string(String, Field, Adjust, Precision, PadChar)
string(S, none, _Adj, none, _Pad) ->
string(S, F, Adj, none, Pad) ->
string_field(S, F, Adj, lists:flatlength(S), Pad);
string(S, none, _Adj, P, Pad) ->
string_field(S, P, left, lists:flatlength(S), Pad);
string(S, F, Adj, P, Pad) when F >= P ->
N = lists:flatlength(S),
F > P ->
N > P ->
adjust(flat_trunc(S, P), chars(Pad, F - P), Adj);
N < P ->
adjust([S | chars(Pad, P - N)], chars(Pad, F - P), Adj);
% N == P
true ->
adjust(S, chars(Pad, F - P), Adj)
% F == P
true ->
string_field(S, F, Adj, N, Pad)
string_field(S, F, _Adj, N, _Pad) when N > F ->
flat_trunc(S, F);
string_field(S, F, Adj, N, Pad) when N < F ->
adjust(S, chars(Pad, F - N), Adj);
% N == F
string_field(S, _, _, _, _) ->
%% unprefixed_integer(Int, Field, Adjust, Base, PadChar, Lowercase)
%% -> [Char].
unprefixed_integer(Int, F, Adj, Base, Pad, Lowercase) when
Base >= 2, Base =< 1 + $Z - $A + 10
Int < 0 ->
S = cond_lowercase(erlang:integer_to_list(-Int, Base), Lowercase),
term([$- | S], F, Adj, none, Pad);
true ->
S = cond_lowercase(erlang:integer_to_list(Int, Base), Lowercase),
term(S, F, Adj, none, Pad)
%% prefixed_integer(Int, Field, Adjust, Base, PadChar, Prefix, Lowercase)
%% -> [Char].
prefixed_integer(Int, F, Adj, Base, Pad, Prefix, Lowercase) when
Base >= 2, Base =< 1 + $Z - $A + 10
Int < 0 ->
S = cond_lowercase(erlang:integer_to_list(-Int, Base), Lowercase),
term([$-, Prefix | S], F, Adj, none, Pad);
true ->
S = cond_lowercase(erlang:integer_to_list(Int, Base), Lowercase),
term([Prefix | S], F, Adj, none, Pad)
%% char(Char, Field, Adjust, Precision, PadChar) -> [Char].
char(C, none, _Adj, none, _Pad) ->
char(C, F, _Adj, none, _Pad) ->
chars(C, F);
char(C, none, _Adj, P, _Pad) ->
chars(C, P);
char(C, F, Adj, P, Pad) when F >= P ->
adjust(chars(C, P), chars(Pad, F - P), Adj).
%% newline(Field, Adjust, Precision, PadChar) -> [Char].
newline(none, _Adj, _P, _Pad) -> "\n";
newline(F, right, _P, _Pad) -> chars($\n, F).
%% Utilities
adjust(Data, [], _) -> Data;
adjust(Data, Pad, left) -> [Data | Pad];
adjust(Data, Pad, right) -> [Pad | Data].
%% Flatten and truncate a deep list to at most N elements.
flat_trunc(List, N) when is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
flat_trunc(List, N, []).
flat_trunc(L, 0, R) when is_list(L) ->
flat_trunc([H | T], N, R) ->
flat_trunc(T, N - 1, [H | R]);
flat_trunc([], _, R) ->
%% A deep version of string:chars/2,3
chars(_C, 0) ->
chars(C, 1) ->
chars(C, 2) ->
[C, C];
chars(C, 3) ->
[C, C, C];
chars(C, N) when is_integer(N), (N band 1) =:= 0 ->
S = chars(C, N bsr 1),
[S | S];
chars(C, N) when is_integer(N) ->
S = chars(C, N bsr 1),
[C, S | S].
%chars(C, N, Tail) ->
% [chars(C, N)|Tail].
%% Lowercase conversion
cond_lowercase(String, true) ->
cond_lowercase(String, false) ->
lowercase([H | T]) when is_integer(H), H >= $A, H =< $Z ->
[(H - $A + $a) | lowercase(T)];
lowercase([H | T]) ->
[H | lowercase(T)];
lowercase([]) ->