blob: 9ae56b27e9976ef8a83fdf537ba1f4e61de777b0 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-define(USER, "jan").
-define(PASS, "apple").
-define(PERSIST, false).
setup() ->
Hashed = couch_passwords:hash_admin_password(?PASS),
ok = config:set("admins", ?USER, ?b2l(Hashed), ?PERSIST),
Addr = config:get("httpd", "bind_address", ""),
Port = integer_to_list(mochiweb_socket_server:get(couch_httpd, port)),
"http://" ++ Addr ++ ":" ++ Port.
teardown(_BaseUri) ->
ok = config:delete("couch_httpd_auth", "same_site", ?PERSIST),
ok = config:delete("admins", ?USER, ?PERSIST).
get_cookie(BaseUri, User, Password) ->
{ok, _, Headers, _} = test_request:post(
BaseUri ++ "/_session",
[{"Content-Type", "application/json"}],
couch_util:json_encode(#{username => ?l2b(User), password => ?l2b(Password)})
proplists:get_value("Set-Cookie", Headers).
same_site_cookie_test_() ->
"same-site cookie tests",
fun test_util:start_couch/0,
fun test_util:stop_couch/1,
fun setup/0,
fun teardown/1,
same_site_none(BaseUri) ->
ok = config:set("couch_httpd_auth", "same_site", "None", ?PERSIST),
Cookie = get_cookie(BaseUri, ?USER, ?PASS),
?assertNotEqual(nomatch, string:find(Cookie, "; SameSite=None")).
same_site_missing(BaseUri) ->
ok = config:set("couch_httpd_auth", "same_site", "", ?PERSIST),
Cookie = get_cookie(BaseUri, ?USER, ?PASS),
?assertNotEqual(undefined, Cookie),
?assertEqual(nomatch, string:find(Cookie, "; SameSite=")).
same_site_strict(BaseUri) ->
ok = config:set("couch_httpd_auth", "same_site", "Strict", ?PERSIST),
Cookie = get_cookie(BaseUri, ?USER, ?PASS),
?assertNotEqual(nomatch, string:find(Cookie, "; SameSite=Strict")).
same_site_lax(BaseUri) ->
ok = config:set("couch_httpd_auth", "same_site", "Lax", ?PERSIST),
Cookie = get_cookie(BaseUri, ?USER, ?PASS),
?assertNotEqual(nomatch, string:find(Cookie, "; SameSite=Lax")).
same_site_invalid(BaseUri) ->
ok = config:set("couch_httpd_auth", "same_site", "Invalid", ?PERSIST),
Cookie = get_cookie(BaseUri, ?USER, ?PASS),
?assertEqual(nomatch, string:find(Cookie, "; SameSite=")).