blob: f398b4f2a216873fc794718b527e8f7db7b9dbd6 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-define(ELECTION_DELAY, 150).
-define(ELECTION_SPLAY, 150).
-define(LEADER_HEARTBEAT, 75).
-define(CLIENT_TIMEOUT, 5_000).
% maximum number of entries to send in one go.
-define(BATCH_SIZE, 10).
% public api
% mandatory gen_statem callbacks
%% public api
start(Name, Cohort) ->
gen_statem:start({local, Name}, ?MODULE, new(Name, Cohort), []).
start_link(Name, Cohort) ->
gen_statem:start_link({local, Name}, ?MODULE, new(Name, Cohort), []).
new(Name, Cohort) ->
Peers = peers(Cohort),
name => Name,
cohort => Cohort,
term => 0,
votedFor => undefined,
votesGranted => #{},
nextIndex => maps:from_list([{Peer, 1} || Peer <- Peers]),
matchIndex => maps:from_list([{Peer, 0} || Peer <- Peers]),
log => couch_raft_log:new(),
commitIndex => 0,
froms => #{},
lastApplied => 0,
machine => <<0>>
stop(ServerRef) ->
call(ServerRef, Value) ->
gen_statem:call(ServerRef, #{type => 'ClientRequest', value => Value}, ?CLIENT_TIMEOUT).
init(Data) ->
{ok, follower, Data}.
callback_mode() ->
[handle_event_function, state_enter].
%% erlfmt-ignore
handle_event(cast, #{term := FutureTerm} = Msg, _State, #{term := CurrentTerm} = Data) when FutureTerm > CurrentTerm ->
couch_log:notice("~p received message from future term ~B, moving to that term, becoming follower and clearing votedFor", [node(), FutureTerm]),
{next_state, follower, Data#{term => FutureTerm, votedFor => undefined}, {next_event, cast, Msg}};
handle_event(enter, _OldState, follower, Data) ->
#{term := Term, froms := Froms} = Data,
couch_log:notice("~p became follower in term ~B", [node(), Term]),
Replies = [{reply, From, {error, deposed}} || From <- maps:values(Froms)],
{keep_state, Data#{votedFor => undefined, froms => #{}}, [restart_election_timeout() | Replies]};
handle_event(enter, _OldState, candidate, Data) ->
#{term := Term} = Data,
couch_log:notice("~p became candidate in term ~B", [node(), Term]),
{keep_state, start_election(Data), restart_election_timeout()};
handle_event(enter, _OldState, leader, Data) ->
#{log := Log, cohort := Cohort, term := Term} = Data,
couch_log:notice("~p became leader in term ~B", [node(), Term]),
Peers = peers(Cohort),
{keep_state, Data#{
nextIndex => maps:from_list([{Peer, couch_raft_log:index(couch_raft_log:last(Log)) + 1} || Peer <- Peers]),
matchIndex => maps:from_list([{Peer, 0} || Peer <- Peers])
}, restart_heartbeat_timeout()};
handle_event(cast, #{type := 'RequestVoteRequest', term := Term} = Msg, _State, #{term := CurrentTerm} = Data)
when Term =< CurrentTerm ->
source := MSource,
lastLogIndex := MLastLogIndex,
lastLogTerm := MLastLogTerm
} = Msg,
log := Log,
votedFor := VotedFor
} = Data,
LogOk = MLastLogTerm > couch_raft_log:term(couch_raft_log:last(Log)) orelse (MLastLogTerm == couch_raft_log:term(couch_raft_log:last(Log)) andalso MLastLogIndex >= couch_raft_log:index(couch_raft_log:last(Log))),
Grant = Term == CurrentTerm andalso LogOk andalso (VotedFor == undefined orelse VotedFor == MSource),
couch_log:notice("~p received RequestVoteRequest from ~p in term ~B when in term ~B (Grant:~p, LogOk:~p, VotedFor:~p)", [node(), MSource, Term, CurrentTerm, Grant, LogOk, VotedFor]),
Reply = #{
type => 'RequestVoteResponse',
term => CurrentTerm,
voteGranted => Grant,
source => node()
cast(MSource, Reply, Data),
Grant ->
{keep_state, Data#{votedFor => MSource}, restart_election_timeout()};
true ->
{keep_state_and_data, restart_election_timeout()}
handle_event(cast, #{type := 'RequestVoteResponse', term := PastTerm}, _State, #{term := CurrentTerm}) when PastTerm < CurrentTerm ->
couch_log:notice("~p ignored RequestVoteResponse from past term ~B", [node(), PastTerm]),
handle_event(cast, #{type := 'RequestVoteResponse', term := Term} = Msg, _State, #{term := Term} = Data) ->
#{source := MSource, voteGranted := MVoteGranted} = Msg,
#{cohort := Cohort, votesGranted := VotesGranted0} = Data,
VotesGranted1 = if MVoteGranted -> lists:usort([MSource | VotesGranted0]); true -> VotesGranted0 end,
couch_log:notice("~p received RequestVoteResponse from ~p in current term ~B (VotesGranted:~p)", [node(), MSource, Term, VotesGranted1]),
length(VotesGranted1) >= length(Cohort) div 2 + 1 ->
couch_log:notice("~p has enough votes to be leader in term ~B", [node(), Term]),
{next_state, leader, Data#{votesGranted => VotesGranted1}};
true ->
{keep_state, Data#{votesGranted => VotesGranted1}}
handle_event(cast, #{type := 'AppendEntriesRequest', term := Term} = Msg, State, #{term := CurrentTerm} = Data)
when Term =< CurrentTerm ->
source := MSource,
prevLogIndex := MPrevLogIndex,
prevLogTerm := MPrevLogTerm,
entries := MEntries,
commitIndex := MCommitIndex
} = Msg,
log := Log
} = Data,
LogOk = MPrevLogIndex == 0 orelse (MPrevLogIndex > 0 andalso MPrevLogIndex =< couch_raft_log:index(couch_raft_log:last(Log)) andalso MPrevLogTerm == couch_raft_log:term(couch_raft_log:nth(MPrevLogIndex,Log))),
Term < CurrentTerm orelse (Term == CurrentTerm andalso State == follower andalso not LogOk) ->
Reply = #{
type => 'AppendEntriesResponse',
term => CurrentTerm,
success => false,
matchIndex => 0,
source => node()
cast(MSource, Reply, Data),
State == leader ->
true ->
{keep_state_and_data, restart_election_timeout()}
Term == CurrentTerm andalso State == candidate ->
{next_state, follower, Data, {next_event, cast, Msg}};
Term == CurrentTerm andalso State == follower andalso LogOk ->
MEntries == [] ->
Reply = #{
type => 'AppendEntriesResponse',
term => CurrentTerm,
success => true,
matchIndex => MPrevLogIndex,
source => node()
couch_log:debug("~p received heartbeat and everything matches, sending matchIndex:~p", [node(), MPrevLogIndex]),
cast(MSource, Reply, Data),
{keep_state, update_state_machine(Data#{commitIndex => MCommitIndex}), restart_election_timeout()};
true ->
Index = MPrevLogIndex + 1,
LastLogIndex = couch_raft_log:index(couch_raft_log:last(Log)),
LastLogIndex >= Index ->
NthLogTerm = couch_raft_log:term(couch_raft_log:nth(Index, Log)),
FirstEntryTerm = couch_raft_log:term(hd(MEntries)),
NthLogTerm == FirstEntryTerm ->
Reply = #{
type => 'AppendEntriesResponse',
term => CurrentTerm,
success => true,
matchIndex => MPrevLogIndex + length(MEntries),
source => node()
couch_log:notice("~p received entry:~p that's already applied, sending matchIndex:~p", [node(), MEntries, MPrevLogIndex + length(MEntries)]),
cast(MSource, Reply, Data),
{keep_state, update_state_machine(Data#{commitIndex => MCommitIndex}), restart_election_timeout()};
NthLogTerm /= FirstEntryTerm ->
couch_log:notice("~p received conflicting entry:~p, deleting it", [node(), MEntries]),
{keep_state, Data#{log => lists:sublist(Log, LastLogIndex - 1)}, [{next_event, cast, Msg}, restart_election_timeout()]}
LastLogIndex == MPrevLogIndex ->
couch_log:notice("~p received new entries:~p, appending it to log", [node(), MEntries]),
{keep_state, Data#{log => couch_raft_log:append(Log, MEntries)}, [{next_event, cast, Msg}, restart_election_timeout()]}
handle_event(cast, #{type := 'AppendEntriesResponse', term := PastTerm}, _State, #{term := CurrentTerm}) when PastTerm < CurrentTerm ->
couch_log:notice("~p ignored AppendEntriesResponse from past term ~B", [node(), PastTerm]),
handle_event(cast, #{type := 'AppendEntriesResponse', term := Term} = Msg, _State, #{term := Term} = Data) ->
#{success := MSuccess, matchIndex := MMatchIndex, source := MSource} = Msg,
#{nextIndex := NextIndex, matchIndex := MatchIndex} = Data,
couch_log:debug("~p received AppendEntriesResponse from ~p in current term ~B (Success:~p)", [node(), MSource, Term, MSuccess]),
SourceNextIndex = maps:get(MSource, NextIndex),
MSuccess ->
{keep_state, Data#{
nextIndex => NextIndex#{MSource => MMatchIndex + 1},
matchIndex => MatchIndex#{MSource => MMatchIndex}
true ->
{keep_state, Data#{
nextIndex => NextIndex#{MSource => max(SourceNextIndex - 1, 1)}
handle_event({call, From}, #{type := 'ClientRequest'} = Msg, leader, Data) ->
#{value := Value} = Msg,
#{term := Term, log := Log, froms := Froms} = Data,
EntryIndex = couch_raft_log:index(couch_raft_log:last(Log)) + 1,
Entry = {EntryIndex, Term, Value},
{keep_state, Data#{log => couch_raft_log:append(Log, [Entry]), froms => Froms#{EntryIndex => From}}};
handle_event({call, From}, #{type := 'ClientRequest'}, _State, _Data) ->
{keep_state_and_data, {reply, From, {error, not_leader}}};
handle_event(state_timeout, new_election, State, Data) when State == follower; State == candidate ->
#{term := Term} = Data,
couch_log:notice("~p election timeout in state ~p, term ~B", [node(), State, Term]),
{next_state, candidate, start_election(Data), restart_election_timeout()};
handle_event(state_timeout, heartbeat, leader, Data) ->
#{term := Term} = Data,
couch_log:debug("~p leader sending a heartbeat in term ~B", [node(), Term]),
ok = send_append_entries(Data),
{keep_state, advance_commit_index(Data), restart_heartbeat_timeout()};
handle_event(EventType, EventContent, State, Data) ->
{stop, {unknown_event, EventType, EventContent, State, Data}}.
send_append_entries(#{cohort := Cohort} = Data) ->
send_append_entries(peers(Cohort), Data).
send_append_entries([], _Data) ->
send_append_entries([Peer | Rest], Data) ->
#{term := Term, nextIndex := NextIndex, log := Log, commitIndex := CommitIndex} = Data,
PrevLogIndex = maps:get(Peer, NextIndex) - 1,
PrevLogTerm = if PrevLogIndex > 0 -> couch_raft_log:term(couch_raft_log:nth(PrevLogIndex, Log)); true -> 0 end,
LastEntry = min(couch_raft_log:index(couch_raft_log:last(Log)), PrevLogIndex + 2),
Entries = couch_raft_log:sublist(Log, PrevLogIndex + 1, ?BATCH_SIZE),
Msg = #{
type => 'AppendEntriesRequest',
term => Term,
source => node(),
prevLogIndex => PrevLogIndex,
prevLogTerm => PrevLogTerm,
entries => Entries,
commitIndex => min(CommitIndex, LastEntry)
cast(Peer, Msg, Data),
send_append_entries(Rest, Data).
advance_commit_index(Data) ->
#{matchIndex := MatchIndex, log := Log, cohort := Cohort, term := Term} = Data,
LastTerm = couch_raft_log:term(couch_raft_log:last(Log)),
LastIndexes = lists:sort([couch_raft_log:index(couch_raft_log:last(Log)) | maps:values(MatchIndex)]),
NewCommitIndex = lists:nth(length(Cohort) div 2 + 1, LastIndexes),
LastTerm == Term ->
update_state_machine(Data#{commitIndex => NewCommitIndex});
true ->
update_state_machine(#{lastApplied := Same, commitIndex := Same} = Data) ->
update_state_machine(#{lastApplied := LastApplied, commitIndex := CommitIndex} = Data) when LastApplied < CommitIndex ->
#{log := Log, froms := Froms0, machine := Machine0} = Data,
From = LastApplied + 1,
To = min(couch_raft_log:index(couch_raft_log:last(Log)), CommitIndex),
Fun = fun(Index, {Froms, Machine}) ->
Value = couch_raft_log:value(couch_raft_log:nth(Index, Log)),
Result = crypto:hash(sha256, <<Machine/binary, Value/binary>>),
case maps:is_key(Index, Froms) of
true ->
gen_statem:reply(maps:get(Index, Froms), Result),
{maps:remove(Index, Froms), Result};
false ->
{Froms, Result}
{Froms1, Machine1} = lists:foldl(Fun, {Froms0, Machine0}, lists:seq(From, To)),
Data#{froms => Froms1, machine => Machine1, lastApplied => To}.
start_election(Data) ->
#{term := Term, cohort := Cohort, log := Log} = Data,
ElectionTerm = Term + 1,
couch_log:notice("~p starting election in term ~B", [node(), ElectionTerm]),
RequestVote = #{
type => 'RequestVoteRequest',
term => ElectionTerm,
lastLogIndex => couch_raft_log:index(couch_raft_log:last(Log)),
lastLogTerm => couch_raft_log:term(couch_raft_log:last(Log)),
source => node()
lists:foreach(fun(Peer) -> cast(Peer, RequestVote, Data) end, peers(Cohort)),
Data#{term => ElectionTerm, votedFor => node(), votesGranted => [node()]}.
cast(Node, Msg, #{name := Name}) ->
gen_statem:cast({Name, Node}, Msg).
restart_election_timeout() ->
{state_timeout, ?ELECTION_DELAY + rand:uniform(?ELECTION_SPLAY), new_election}.
restart_heartbeat_timeout() ->
{state_timeout, ?LEADER_HEARTBEAT, heartbeat}.
peers(Cohort) ->
Cohort -- [node()].