blob: df96560b4e0f4c3239f6841bc143ef1148384a24 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
import copy
import mango
DOCS = [
{"_id": "aaa", "name": "Jimi", "location": "AUS", "age": 27},
{"_id": "abc", "name": "Eddie", "location": "AND", "age": 65},
{"_id": "bbb", "name": "Harry", "location": "CAN", "age": 21},
{"_id": "ccc", "name": "Eddie", "location": "DEN", "age": 37},
{"_id": "ddd", "name": "Jones", "location": "ETH", "age": 49},
def to_utf8_bytes(list):
return [x.encode() for x in list]
class BeginsWithOperator(mango.DbPerClass):
def setUp(self):
self.db.create_index(["name", "location"])
def get_mrargs(self, selector, sort=None):
explain = self.db.find(selector, sort=sort, explain=True)
return explain["mrargs"]
def assertDocIds(self, user_ids, docs):
user_ids_returned = list(d["_id"] for d in docs)
self.assertEqual(user_ids, user_ids_returned)
def test_basic(self):
docs = self.db.find({"location": {"$beginsWith": "A"}})
self.assertEqual(len(docs), 2)
self.assertDocIds(["aaa", "abc"], docs)
def test_json_range(self):
mrargs = self.get_mrargs({"location": {"$beginsWith": "A"}})
self.assertEqual(mrargs["start_key"], ["A"])
end_key_bytes = to_utf8_bytes(mrargs["end_key"])
self.assertEqual(end_key_bytes, [b"A\xef\xbf\xbf", b"<MAX>"])
def test_compound_key(self):
selector = {"name": "Eddie", "location": {"$beginsWith": "A"}}
mrargs = self.get_mrargs(selector)
self.assertEqual(mrargs["start_key"], ["Eddie", "A"])
end_key_bytes = to_utf8_bytes(mrargs["end_key"])
self.assertEqual(end_key_bytes, [b"Eddie", b"A\xef\xbf\xbf", b"<MAX>"])
docs = self.db.find(selector)
self.assertEqual(len(docs), 1)
self.assertDocIds(["abc"], docs)
def test_sort(self):
selector = {"location": {"$beginsWith": "A"}}
cases = [
"sort": ["location"],
"start_key": [b"A"],
"end_key": [b"A\xef\xbf\xbf", b"<MAX>"],
"direction": "fwd",
"sort": [{"location": "desc"}],
"start_key": [b"A\xef\xbf\xbf", b"<MAX>"],
"end_key": [b"A"],
"direction": "rev",
for case in cases:
with self.subTest(sort=case["sort"]):
mrargs = self.get_mrargs(selector, sort=case["sort"])
self.assertEqual(to_utf8_bytes(mrargs["start_key"]), case["start_key"])
self.assertEqual(to_utf8_bytes(mrargs["end_key"]), case["end_key"])
self.assertEqual(mrargs["direction"], case["direction"])
def test_all_docs_range(self):
mrargs = self.get_mrargs({"_id": {"$beginsWith": "a"}})
self.assertEqual(mrargs["start_key"], "a")
end_key_bytes = to_utf8_bytes(mrargs["end_key"])
self.assertEqual(end_key_bytes, [b"a", b"\xef\xbf\xbf"])
def test_no_index(self):
selector = {"foo": {"$beginsWith": "a"}}
resp_explain = self.db.find(selector, explain=True)
mrargs = resp_explain["mrargs"]
self.assertEqual(resp_explain["index"]["type"], "special")
self.assertEqual(mrargs["start_key"], None)
self.assertEqual(mrargs["end_key"], "<MAX>")
def test_invalid_operand(self):
self.db.find({"_id": {"$beginsWith": True}})
except Exception as e:
self.assertEqual(e.response.status_code, 400)
resp = e.response.json()
self.assertEqual(resp["error"], "invalid_operator")
raise AssertionError("expected find error")
def test_does_not_match_non_string_value(self):
docs = self.db.find({"age": {"$beginsWith": "a"}})
self.assertEqual(len(docs), 0)
def test_no_matches(self):
docs = self.db.find({"name": {"$beginsWith": "Z"}})
self.assertEqual(len(docs), 0)
def test_case_sensitivity(self):
docs = self.db.find({"name": {"$beginsWith": "j"}})
self.assertEqual(len(docs), 0)
docs = self.db.find({"name": {"$beginsWith": "J"}})
self.assertEqual(len(docs), 2)