blob: fdb2f4c6aa6cd5e999f812144ac84d700f501fb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
build_and_test = '''
mkdir -p ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} ${platform}
cd ${platform}
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
tar -xf ${WORKSPACE}/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
cd apache-couchdb-*
./configure --spidermonkey-version ${sm_ver}
make check || (make build-report && false)
make_packages = '''
cd ${platform}
git clone
rm -rf couchdb
mkdir couchdb
cp ${WORKSPACE}/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz couchdb
tar -xf ${WORKSPACE}/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz -C couchdb
cd couchdb-pkg
cleanup_and_save = '''
rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform}
mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform}
mv ${WORKSPACE}/${platform}/rpmbuild/RPMS/$(arch)/*rpm ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform} || true
mv ${WORKSPACE}/${platform}/couchdb/*.deb ${WORKSPACE}/pkgs/${platform} || true
update_qemu = '''
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
pipeline {
// no top-level agent; agents must be declared for each stage
agent none
environment {
COUCHAUTH = credentials('couchdb_vm2_couchdb')
recipient = ''
COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR = '/tmp/couchjslogs'
// Following fix an issue with git <= 2.6.5 where no committer
// name or email are present for reflog, required for git clone
// We need the jenkins user mapped inside of the image
// npm config cache below deals with /home/jenkins not mapping correctly
// inside the image
DOCKER_ARGS = '-e npm_config_cache=npm-cache -e HOME=. -v=/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd -v /etc/group:/etc/group'
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10', artifactNumToKeepStr: '10'))
// This fails the build immediately if any parallel step fails
preserveStashes(buildCount: 10)
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS')
stages {
stage('Build Release Tarball') {
agent {
docker {
label 'docker'
image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:buster-erlang-'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
options {
timeout(time: 15, unit: "MINUTES")
steps {
sh '''
rm -rf apache-couchdb-*
make dist
chmod -R a+w * .
post {
success {
stash includes: 'apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz', name: 'tarball'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz', fingerprint: true
cleanup {
// UGH see
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
} // stage Build Release Tarball
// TODO Rework once Improved Docker Pipeline Engine is released
stage('Test and Package') {
options {
timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
parallel {
stage('FreeBSD') {
agent {
label 'freebsd'
steps {
// deleteDir is OK here because we're not inside of a Docker container!
unstash 'tarball'
withEnv(['HOME='+pwd()]) {
sh '''
# Build CouchDB from tarball & test
mkdir build
cd build
tar -xf $WORKSPACE/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
cd apache-couchdb-*
gmake check || (build-aux/ && false)
# No package build for FreeBSD at this time
} // withEnv
} // steps
post {
always {
junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
cleanup {
sh 'killall -9 beam.smp || true'
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} || true'
} // post
} // stage FreeBSD
stage('macOS') {
agent {
label 'macos'
steps {
// deleteDir is OK here because we're not inside of a Docker container!
unstash 'tarball'
withEnv(['HOME='+pwd()]) {
sh '''
export PATH
# Build CouchDB from tarball & test
mkdir build
cd build
tar -xzf $WORKSPACE/apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz
cd apache-couchdb-*
./configure --spidermonkey-version 60
make check || (build-aux/ && false)
# No package build for macOS at this time
} // withEnv
} // steps
post {
always {
junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
cleanup {
sh 'killall -9 beam.smp || true'
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/* ${COUCHDB_IO_LOG_DIR} || true'
} // post
} // stage macOS
stage('CentOS 7') {
agent {
docker {
image 'apache/couchdbci-centos:7-erlang-'
label 'docker'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
environment {
platform = 'centos7'
sm_ver = '1.8.5'
stages {
stage('Build from tarball & test') {
steps {
unstash 'tarball'
sh( script: build_and_test )
post {
always {
junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
steps {
unstash 'tarball'
sh( script: make_packages )
sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
post {
success {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
} // stages
post {
cleanup {
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
} // post
} // stage
stage('CentOS 8') {
agent {
docker {
image 'apache/couchdbci-centos:8-erlang-'
label 'docker'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
environment {
platform = 'centos8'
sm_ver = '60'
stages {
stage('Build from tarball & test') {
steps {
unstash 'tarball'
sh( script: build_and_test )
post {
always {
junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
steps {
unstash 'tarball'
sh( script: make_packages )
sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
post {
success {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
} // stages
post {
cleanup {
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
} // post
} // stage
stage('Ubuntu Xenial') {
agent {
docker {
image 'apache/couchdbci-ubuntu:xenial-erlang-'
label 'docker'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
environment {
platform = 'xenial'
sm_ver = '1.8.5'
stages {
stage('Build from tarball & test') {
steps {
unstash 'tarball'
sh( script: build_and_test )
post {
always {
junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
steps {
sh( script: make_packages )
sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
post {
success {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
} // stages
post {
cleanup {
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
} // post
} // stage
stage('Ubuntu Bionic') {
agent {
docker {
image 'apache/couchdbci-ubuntu:bionic-erlang-'
label 'docker'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
environment {
platform = 'bionic'
sm_ver = '1.8.5'
stages {
stage('Build from tarball & test') {
steps {
unstash 'tarball'
sh( script: build_and_test )
post {
always {
junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
steps {
sh( script: make_packages )
sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
post {
success {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
} // stages
post {
cleanup {
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
} // post
} // stage
stage('Ubuntu Focal') {
agent {
docker {
image 'apache/couchdbci-ubuntu:focal-erlang-'
label 'docker'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
environment {
platform = 'focal'
sm_ver = '68'
stages {
stage('Build from tarball & test') {
steps {
unstash 'tarball'
sh( script: build_and_test )
post {
always {
junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
steps {
sh( script: make_packages )
sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
post {
success {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
} // stages
post {
cleanup {
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
} // post
} // stage
stage('Debian Stretch') {
agent {
docker {
image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:stretch-erlang-'
label 'docker'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
environment {
platform = 'stretch'
sm_ver = '1.8.5'
stages {
stage('Build from tarball & test') {
steps {
unstash 'tarball'
sh( script: build_and_test )
post {
always {
junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
steps {
sh( script: make_packages )
sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
post {
success {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
} // stages
post {
cleanup {
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
} // post
} // stage
stage('Debian Buster amd64') {
agent {
docker {
image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:buster-erlang-'
label 'docker'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
environment {
platform = 'buster'
sm_ver = '60'
stages {
stage('Build from tarball & test') {
steps {
unstash 'tarball'
sh( script: build_and_test )
post {
always {
junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
steps {
sh( script: make_packages )
sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
post {
success {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
} // stages
post {
cleanup {
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
} // post
} // stage
stage('Debian Buster arm64v8') {
agent {
docker {
image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-'
label 'arm64v8'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
environment {
platform = 'buster'
sm_ver = '1.8.5'
stages {
stage('Build from tarball & test') {
steps {
unstash 'tarball'
sh( script: build_and_test )
post {
always {
junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
steps {
sh( script: make_packages )
sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
post {
success {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
} // stages
post {
cleanup {
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
} // post
} // stage
stage('Debian Buster ppc64le') {
agent {
docker {
image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:ppc64le-buster-erlang-'
label 'ppc64le'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
environment {
platform = 'buster'
sm_ver = '60'
stages {
stage('Build from tarball & test') {
steps {
unstash 'tarball'
sh( script: build_and_test )
post {
always {
junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
steps {
sh( script: make_packages )
sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
post {
success {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
} // stages
post {
cleanup {
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
} // post
} // stage
// stage('Debian Buster s390x') {
// agent {
// docker {
// image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:s390x-buster-erlang-'
// label 's390x'
// args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
// registryUrl ''
// registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
// }
// }
// environment {
// platform = 'buster'
// sm_ver = '60'
// }
// stages {
// stage('Build from tarball & test') {
// steps {
// unstash 'tarball'
// sh( script: build_and_test )
// }
// post {
// always {
// junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
// }
// }
// }
// stage('Build CouchDB packages') {
// steps {
// sh( script: make_packages )
// sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
// }
// post {
// success {
// archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
// }
// }
// }
// } // stages
// post {
// cleanup {
// sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
// }
// } // post
// } // stage
* Example of how to do a qemu-based run, please leave here
stage('Debian Buster arm64v8') {
// the process is convoluted to ensure we have the latest qemu static binaries on the node first
// before trying to run a foreign docker container type. Alternately ensuring the `update_qemu`
// container is run on every Jenkins agent *after every restart of the Docker daemon* would work.
agent {
any {
options {
timeout(time: 120, unit: "MINUTES")
environment {
platform = 'aarch64-debian-stretch'
sm_ver = '60'
stages {
stage('Install latest qemu binaries') {
steps {
sh( script: update_qemu )
stage('Pull latest docker image') {
steps {
sh "docker pull apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-"
stage('Build from tarball & test & packages') {
steps {
withDockerContainer(image: "apache/couchdbci-debian:arm64v8-buster-erlang-", args: "${DOCKER_ARGS}") {
unstash 'tarball'
withEnv(['MIX_HOME='+pwd(), 'HEX_HOME='+pwd()]) {
sh( script: build_and_test )
sh( script: make_packages )
sh( script: cleanup_and_save )
post {
always {
// junit '**/.eunit/*.xml, **/_build/*/lib/couchdbtest/*.xml, **/src/mango/nosetests.xml, **/test/javascript/junit.xml'
success {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'pkgs/**', fingerprint: true
} // stages
post {
cleanup {
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
} // post
} // stage
} // parallel
} // stage "Test and Package"
stage('Publish') {
when {
expression { return env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /master|2.*.x|3.*.x|4.*.x|jenkins-.*/ }
agent {
docker {
image 'apache/couchdbci-debian:buster-erlang-'
label 'docker'
args "${DOCKER_ARGS}"
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'dockerhub_creds'
options {
timeout(time: 90, unit: "MINUTES")
steps {
withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey(credentialsId: 'jenkins-key', keyFileVariable: 'KEY')]) {
sh 'rm -rf ${WORKSPACE}/*'
unstash 'tarball'
unarchive mapping: ['pkgs/' : '.']
echo 'Retrieving & cleaning current repo-nightly tree...'
sh '''
rsync -avz -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY"$BRANCH_NAME . || mkdir -p $BRANCH_NAME
rm -rf $BRANCH_NAME/debian/* $BRANCH_NAME/el6/* $BRANCH_NAME/el7/* $BRANCH_NAME/el8/*
rsync -avz -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY" .
echo 'Building Debian repo...'
sh '''
git clone
cp js/debian-stretch/*.deb pkgs/stretch
reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb stretch pkgs/stretch/*.deb
cp js/debian-buster/*.deb pkgs/stretch
reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb buster pkgs/buster/*.deb
cp js/ubuntu-xenial/*.deb pkgs/xenial
reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb xenial pkgs/xenial/*.deb
cp js/ubuntu-bionic/*.deb pkgs/bionic
reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb bionic pkgs/bionic/*.deb
reprepro -b couchdb-pkg/repo includedeb focal pkgs/focal/*.deb
echo 'Building CentOS repos...'
sh '''
cp js/centos-7/*rpm pkgs/centos7
cp js/centos-8/*rpm pkgs/centos8
cd pkgs/centos7 && createrepo --database .
cd ../centos8 && createrepo --database .
echo 'Building tree to upload...'
sh '''
mv couchdb-pkg/repo/pool $BRANCH_NAME/debian
mv couchdb-pkg/repo/dists $BRANCH_NAME/debian
mv pkgs/centos7/* $BRANCH_NAME/el7
mv pkgs/centos8/* $BRANCH_NAME/el8
mv apache-couchdb-*.tar.gz $BRANCH_NAME/source
cd $BRANCH_NAME/source
ls -1tr | head -n -10 | xargs -d '\n' rm -f --
cd ../..
echo 'rsyncing tree to repo-nightly...'
sh '''
rsync -avz --delete -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $KEY" $BRANCH_NAME
rm -rf $BRANCH_NAME couchdb-pkg *.tar.gz
} // withCredentials
} // steps
} // stage
} // stages
post {
success {
mail to: "${env.recipient}",
replyTo: "${env.recipient}",
subject: "[Jenkins] SUCCESS: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",
body: "Yay, we passed. ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}"
unstable {
mail to: "${env.recipient}",
replyTo: "${env.recipient}",
subject: "[Jenkins] SUCCESS: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",
body: "Eep! Build is unstable... ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}"
failure {
mail to: "${env.recipient}",
replyTo: "${env.recipient}",
subject: "[Jenkins] FAILURE: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",
body: "Boo, we failed. ${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}"
} // pipeline