blob: acb99f7f350968141817ae288e46a8791e88e3c8 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
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%% uniq/1: return a new list with the unique elements of the given list
-spec uniq(List1) -> List2 when
List1 :: [T],
List2 :: [T],
T :: term().
-if((?OTP_RELEASE) >= 25).
uniq(L) ->
uniq(L) ->
uniq_1(L, #{}).
uniq_1([X | Xs], M) ->
case is_map_key(X, M) of
true ->
uniq_1(Xs, M);
false ->
[X | uniq_1(Xs, M#{X => true})]
uniq_1([], _) ->