blob: b0a54645a1709ad0fe4dd09764276da3510f7adf [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-record(req, {
wcnt = 0,
rcnt = 0,
responses = []
-record(st, {
go(_DbName, [], _Options) ->
{ok, []};
go(DbName, IdsRevsOpts, Options) ->
St = init_state(DbName, IdsRevsOpts, Options),
WShards = maps:keys(St#st.workers),
RexiMon = fabric_util:create_monitors(WShards),
try fabric_util:recv(WShards, #shard.ref, fun handle_message/3, St) of
{timeout, #st{workers = #{} = Workers1}} ->
fabric_util:log_timeout(maps:keys(Workers1), "open_revs"),
{error, timeout};
Else ->
handle_message([_ | _] = Resps, Worker, #st{} = St) ->
#st{workers = Workers, reqs = Reqs, r = R} = St,
{ArgsRefs, Workers1} = maps:take(Worker, Workers),
ArgsResps = lists:zip(ArgsRefs, Resps),
Reqs1 = lists:foldl(fun responses_fold/2, Reqs, ArgsResps),
case not r_met(Reqs1, R) andalso have_viable_workers(Workers1) of
true ->
{ok, St#st{workers = Workers1, reqs = Reqs1}};
false ->
{stop, finalize(St#st.args, Reqs1)}
handle_message({rexi_DOWN, _, {_, NodeRef}, _}, _Worker, #st{} = St) ->
#st{workers = Workers, reqs = Reqs} = St,
FilterFun = fun(#shard{node = N}) -> N =:= NodeRef end,
DeadKeys = lists:filter(FilterFun, maps:keys(Workers)),
Workers1 = maps:without(DeadKeys, Workers),
DeadWorkers = maps:with(DeadKeys, Workers),
FoldFun = fun(_, ArgRefs, Acc) -> update_wcnt(Acc, ArgRefs, -1) end,
Reqs1 = maps:fold(FoldFun, Reqs, DeadWorkers),
Error = {error, {nodedown, <<"progress not possible">>}},
handle_error(Error, St#st{workers = Workers1, reqs = Reqs1});
handle_message({rexi_EXIT, Reason}, Worker, #st{} = St) ->
handle_message(Reason, Worker, St);
handle_message({error, Reason}, Worker, #st{} = St) ->
handle_message(Reason, Worker, St);
handle_message(Reason, Worker, #st{} = St) ->
#st{workers = Workers, reqs = Reqs} = St,
{DeadArgRefs, Workers1} = maps:take(Worker, Workers),
Reqs1 = update_wcnt(Reqs, DeadArgRefs, -1),
handle_error(Reason, St#st{workers = Workers1, reqs = Reqs1}).
init_state(DbName, IdsRevsOpts, Options) ->
DefaultR = integer_to_list(mem3:quorum(DbName)),
R = list_to_integer(couch_util:get_value(r, Options, DefaultR)),
{ArgRefs, Reqs0} = build_req_map(IdsRevsOpts),
ShardMap = build_worker_map(DbName, Reqs0),
{Workers, Reqs} = spawn_workers(Reqs0, ShardMap, Options),
#st{r = R, args = ArgRefs, reqs = Reqs, workers = Workers}.
responses_fold({ArgRef, NewResp}, #{} = Reqs) ->
#{ArgRef := Req} = Reqs,
#req{rcnt = R, wcnt = W, responses = Resps} = Req,
Resps1 = merge_responses(Resps, NewResp),
% If responses don't match or are "not found", don't bump rcnt so we can
% wait for more workers.
OldLen = length(Resps),
NewLen = length(Resps1),
NewR =
case {any_not_found(NewResp), OldLen} of
{true, _} -> R;
{_, 0} -> R + 1;
{_, L} when L == NewLen -> R + 1;
{_, L} when L < NewLen -> R
ArgRef => Req#req{
rcnt = NewR,
wcnt = W - 1,
responses = Resps1
handle_error(Error, #st{workers = Workers, reqs = Reqs} = St) ->
case success_possible(Reqs) of
true ->
case have_viable_workers(Workers) of
true ->
{ok, St};
false ->
% Don't have a choice, have to stop
{stop, finalize(St#st.args, Reqs)}
false ->
{error, Error}
% De-duplicate identical responses as we go along
merge_responses(Responses, Response) ->
Fun = fun(A, B) -> sort_key(A) =< sort_key(B) end,
lists:umerge(Fun, Responses, lists:usort(Fun, Response)).
% Assuming docs in most cases will be identical, so check their revs and other
% metadata and avoid checking their body, which can be quite a bit a larger,
% just to figure they are actually the same.
sort_key({ok, #doc{id = Id, revs = Revs, deleted = Deleted}}) ->
{Revs, Deleted, Id};
sort_key(NotFound) ->
% Build a #{ArgRef => #req{}} map. ArgRef references the initial {{Id, Revs},
% Opts} tuples and the #req{} is a record keeping track of response for just
% that {Id, Revs} pair.
build_req_map(IdsRevsOpts) ->
Fun = fun(IdRevsOpts, Acc) ->
ArgRef = make_ref(),
{ArgRef, Acc#{ArgRef => #req{idrevs = IdRevsOpts}}}
lists:mapfoldr(Fun, #{}, IdsRevsOpts).
% Build a #{#shard{} => [ArgRef1, ArgRef2, ...]} map. This structure will be
% used for launching workers and then matching up response with the original
% args.
build_worker_map(DbName, #{} = Reqs) ->
FoldReqsFun = fun(ArgRef, #req{idrevs = IdRevs}, WAcc) ->
{{DocId, _}, _} = IdRevs,
FoldShardsFun = fun(Shard, WAccInner) ->
UpdateFun = fun(ArgRefs) -> [ArgRef | ArgRefs] end,
maps:update_with(Shard, UpdateFun, [ArgRef], WAccInner)
lists:foldl(FoldShardsFun, WAcc, mem3:shards(DbName, DocId))
maps:fold(FoldReqsFun, #{}, Reqs).
spawn_workers(#{} = Reqs, #{} = ShardMap, Options) ->
Fun = fun(Shard, ArgRefs, {WAcc, ReqsAcc}) ->
Worker = rexi_cast(Shard, ArgRefs, ReqsAcc, Options),
WAcc1 = WAcc#{Worker => ArgRefs},
ReqsAcc1 = update_wcnt(ReqsAcc, ArgRefs, 1),
{WAcc1, ReqsAcc1}
maps:fold(Fun, {#{}, Reqs}, ShardMap).
% Spawn a worker and return an updated #shard{} with worker ref
% Args are fetched from the Reqs map based on the ArgRef tag
rexi_cast(#shard{} = Shard, ArgRefs, #{} = Reqs, Options) ->
Fun = fun(ArgRef) when is_reference(ArgRef) ->
#{ArgRef := #req{idrevs = IdRevs}} = Reqs,
Args = lists:map(Fun, ArgRefs),
RexiArgs = {fabric_rpc, open_revs, [, Args, Options]},
WRef = rexi:cast(Shard#shard.node, RexiArgs),
Shard#shard{ref = WRef}.
% Update worker count for each of the #req{} records. Value may be positive
% or negative, which could be used to decrement worker counts
update_wcnt(#{} = Reqs, ArgRefs, Val) when is_integer(Val) ->
Fun = fun(Ref, Acc) ->
#{Ref := #req{wcnt = W} = Req} = Acc,
Acc#{Ref => Req#req{wcnt = W + Val}}
lists:foldl(Fun, Reqs, ArgRefs).
% Return true if we still have any outstanding workers we could wait on
have_viable_workers(#{} = Workers) ->
map_size(Workers) > 0.
% We can still return success if we either have some waiting workers, or at
% least one response already for each {Id, Revs} pair.
success_possible(#{} = Reqs) ->
Fun = fun(_, #req{wcnt = W, rcnt = R}, Acc) -> Acc andalso W + R > 0 end,
maps:fold(Fun, true, Reqs).
r_met(#{} = Reqs, ExpectedR) ->
Fun = fun(_, #req{rcnt = R}, Acc) -> min(R, Acc) end,
maps:fold(Fun, ExpectedR, Reqs) >= ExpectedR.
finalize(ArgRefs, #{} = Reqs) ->
Fun = fun(Ref) ->
#{Ref := #req{responses = Resps}} = Reqs,
lists:map(Fun, ArgRefs).
finalize_req(DocRevs) ->
Paths = lists:map(fun rev_to_path/1, DocRevs),
RevTree = couch_key_tree:multi_merge([], Paths),
TreeLeafs = couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs(RevTree),
lists:map(fun path_to_reply/1, TreeLeafs).
path_to_reply({?REV_MISSING, {Pos, [Rev]}}) ->
{{not_found, missing}, {Pos, Rev}};
path_to_reply({#doc{} = Doc, _}) ->
{ok, Doc}.
any_not_found([]) ->
any_not_found([_ | _] = Revs) ->
Fun = fun
({{not_found, missing}, {_, _}}) -> true;
(_) -> false
lists:any(Fun, Revs).
rev_to_path({ok, #doc{} = Doc}) ->
rev_to_path({{not_found, missing}, {Pos, Rev}}) ->
{Pos, {Rev, ?REV_MISSING, []}}.
stop_workers(#{} = Workers) ->
Fun = fun(#shard{node = Node, ref = Ref}) -> {Node, Ref} end,
NodeRefs = lists:map(Fun, maps:keys(Workers)),
setup_all() ->
meck:new([fabric, couch_stats, couch_log]),
meck:new(rexi, [passthrough]),
meck:new(mem3, [passthrough]),
meck:new(fabric_util, [passthrough]),
meck:expect(fabric, update_docs, fun(_, _, _) -> {ok, nil} end),
meck:expect(mem3, quorum, fun(_) -> 2 end),
meck:expect(mem3, shards, fun(<<"db">>, <<"a">>) ->
[#shard{node = 'n1'}, #shard{node = 'n2'}, #shard{node = 'n3'}]
meck:expect(couch_stats, increment_counter, fun(_) -> ok end),
meck:expect(couch_log, notice, fun(_, _) -> ok end),
meck:expect(rexi, cast, fun(_, _) -> make_ref() end),
meck:expect(rexi, kill_all, fun(_) -> ok end).
teardown_all(_) ->
setup() ->
teardown(_) ->
st0() ->
IdRevsOpts = [{{<<"a">>, all}, []}],
init_state(<<"db">>, IdRevsOpts, []).
foo1() -> {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"foo">>]}}}.
foo2() -> {ok, #doc{revs = {2, [<<"foo2">>, <<"foo">>]}}}.
foo2stemmed() -> {ok, #doc{revs = {2, [<<"foo2">>]}}}.
bar1() -> {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"bar">>]}}}.
bazNF() -> {{not_found, missing}, {1, <<"baz">>}}.
baz1() -> {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"baz">>]}}}.
open_revs_quorum_test_() ->
fun setup_all/0,
fun teardown_all/1,
fun setup/0,
fun teardown/1,
t_empty_request_gets_an_empty_result(_) ->
?assertEqual({ok, []}, go(<<"foo">>, [], [])).
t_initial_state(_) ->
% Smoke test that we have setup our state correctly
S0 = st0(),
?assertMatch(#st{args = [_], r = 2, reqs = #{}, workers = #{}}, S0),
#st{args = ArgsRefs, reqs = Reqs, workers = Workers} = S0,
% The args refs list is the reqs keys
?assertEqual(lists:sort(ArgsRefs), lists:sort(maps:keys(Reqs))),
% Each worker's args is from the args refs list and there are no args which
% which haven't been assigned to at least one worker.
SpawnedArgs = lists:flatten(maps:values(Workers)),
?assertEqual(lists:sort(ArgsRefs), lists:usort(SpawnedArgs)),
fun(_, #req{} = Req) ->
% 3 workers were spawned
?assertEqual(3, Req#req.wcnt),
% no workers have returned yet
?assertEqual(0, Req#req.rcnt),
% responses is an empty list (since no workers returned yet)
?assertEqual([], Req#req.responses)
t_basic_response(_) ->
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1 | _] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
Res = handle_message([[foo1(), bar1()]], W1, S0),
?assertMatch({ok, #st{}}, Res),
{ok, #st{reqs = Reqs, workers = Workers1}} = Res,
?assertEqual(2, map_size(Workers1)),
?assertNot(maps:is_key(W1, Workers1)),
?assertEqual(1, map_size(Reqs)),
[#req{wcnt = W, rcnt = R}] = maps:values(Reqs),
?assertEqual(2, W),
?assertEqual(1, R).
t_finish_quorum(_) ->
% Two messages with the same revisions means we're done
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, W2 | _] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message([[foo1(), bar1()]], W1, S0),
Res = handle_message([[bar1(), foo1()]], W2, S1),
% Got the same revisions as previous message, so we're done
?assertEqual({stop, [[foo1(), bar1()]]}, Res).
t_no_quorum_on_different_responses(_) ->
% Got different revisions, so we're waiting for more workers.
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, W2, W3] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message([[foo1(), bar1()]], W1, S0),
Res1 = handle_message([[foo2(), bar1()]], W2, S1),
?assertMatch({ok, #st{}}, Res1),
{ok, S2} = Res1,
% Now we have both case were all workers have returned and also the quorum
% was reached.
Res2 = handle_message([[foo1(), bar1()]], W3, S2),
?assertEqual({stop, [[foo2(), bar1()]]}, Res2).
t_no_quorum_on_not_found(_) ->
% Got a [] (not found), so wait for more workers
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, W2, W3] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message([[foo1(), bar1()]], W1, S0),
{ok, S2} = handle_message([[]], W2, S1),
Res2 = handle_message([[foo2(), bar1()]], W3, S2),
?assertEqual({stop, [[foo2(), bar1()]]}, Res2).
t_done_on_third(_) ->
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, W2, W3] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message([[]], W1, S0),
{ok, S2} = handle_message([[foo2(), bar1()]], W2, S1),
?assertEqual({stop, [[foo2(), bar1()]]}, handle_message([[]], W3, S2)).
t_all_different_responses(_) ->
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, W2, W3] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message([[bar1()]], W1, S0),
{ok, S2} = handle_message([[foo2(), bar1()]], W2, S1),
Res = handle_message([[foo1(), bazNF()]], W3, S2),
Expect = [[foo2(), bazNF(), bar1()]],
?assertEqual({stop, Expect}, Res).
t_ancestors_merge_correctly(_) ->
% Ancestors are merged as internal nodes correctly
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, W2, W3] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message([[foo1()]], W1, S0),
{ok, S2} = handle_message([[foo2()]], W2, S1),
?assertEqual({stop, [[foo2()]]}, handle_message([[]], W3, S2)).
t_stemmed_merge_correctly(_) ->
% Ancestors are merged as internal nodes correctly. That includes stemmed
% revisions.
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, W2, W3] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message([[foo2()]], W1, S0),
{ok, S2} = handle_message([[foo2stemmed()]], W2, S1),
?assertEqual({stop, [[foo2(), bar1()]]}, handle_message([[bar1()]], W3, S2)).
t_not_found_counted_as_descendant(_) ->
% not_found counted as a descendant when merged with found rev of at the
% same level
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, W2, W3] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message([[bar1(), bazNF()]], W1, S0),
{ok, S2} = handle_message([[bar1(), baz1()]], W2, S1),
{stop, [Revs]} = handle_message([[foo1()]], W3, S2),
?assertEqual([foo1(), baz1(), bar1()], Revs).
t_all_not_found(_) ->
% All not found responses
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, W2, W3] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message([[]], W1, S0),
{ok, S2} = handle_message([[]], W2, S1),
?assertEqual({stop, [[]]}, handle_message([[]], W3, S2)).
t_rev_not_found_returned(_) ->
% If a specific rev is not found that is returned
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, W2, W3] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message([[bazNF()]], W1, S0),
{ok, S2} = handle_message([[bazNF()]], W2, S1),
?assertEqual({stop, [[bazNF()]]}, handle_message([[bazNF()]], W3, S2)).
t_rexi_errors_progress(_) ->
% Got two rexi errors and one good result
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, _, W3] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message([[foo1()]], W1, S0),
{ok, S2} = handle_message({rexi_DOWN, nodedown, {x, n2}, y}, z, S1),
?assertEqual({stop, [[foo1()]]}, handle_message({rexi_EXIT, w}, W3, S2)).
t_generic_errors_progress(_) ->
% Got two generic errors but can still succeed
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, W2, W3] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message({error, x}, W1, S0),
{ok, S2} = handle_message([[bar1()]], W2, S1),
?assertEqual({stop, [[bar1()]]}, handle_message(z, W3, S2)).
t_failure_on_all_errors(_) ->
S0 = #st{workers = Workers0} = st0(),
[W1, _, W3] = lists:sort(maps:keys(Workers0)),
{ok, S1} = handle_message({error, k}, W1, S0),
{ok, S2} = handle_message({rexi_DOWN, nodedown, {x, n2}, y}, z, S1),
?assertEqual({error, e}, handle_message({rexi_EXIT, e}, W3, S2)).