blob: 1fad202800cf6533d6203f56438d38302069810e [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-export([new/0, insert/2, update/2, close/1]).
new() ->
{gb_trees:empty(), dict:new()}.
insert(DbName, {Tree0, Dict0}) ->
Lru = couch_util:unique_monotonic_integer(),
{gb_trees:insert(Lru, DbName, Tree0), dict:store(DbName, Lru, Dict0)}.
update(DbName, {Tree0, Dict0}) ->
case dict:find(DbName, Dict0) of
{ok, Old} ->
New = couch_util:unique_monotonic_integer(),
Tree = gb_trees:insert(New, DbName, gb_trees:delete(Old, Tree0)),
Dict = dict:store(DbName, New, Dict0),
{Tree, Dict};
error ->
% We closed this database before processing the update. Ignore
{Tree0, Dict0}
%% Attempt to close the oldest idle database.
close({Tree, _} = Cache) ->
close_int(gb_trees:next(gb_trees:iterator(Tree)), Cache).
%% internals
close_int(none, _) ->
close_int({Lru, DbName, Iter}, {Tree, Dict} = Cache) ->
CouchDbs = couch_server:couch_dbs(DbName),
CouchDbsPidToName = couch_server:couch_dbs_pid_to_name(DbName),
case ets:update_element(CouchDbs, DbName, {#entry.lock, locked}) of
true ->
[#entry{db = Db, pid = Pid}] = ets:lookup(CouchDbs, DbName),
case couch_db:is_idle(Db) of
true ->
true = ets:delete(CouchDbs, DbName),
true = ets:delete(CouchDbsPidToName, Pid),
exit(Pid, kill),
{true, {gb_trees:delete(Lru, Tree), dict:erase(DbName, Dict)}};
false ->
ElemSpec = {#entry.lock, unlocked},
true = ets:update_element(CouchDbs, DbName, ElemSpec),
couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, couch_server, lru_skip]),
close_int(gb_trees:next(Iter), update(DbName, Cache))
false ->
NewTree = gb_trees:delete(Lru, Tree),
NewIter = gb_trees:iterator(NewTree),
close_int(gb_trees:next(NewIter), {NewTree, dict:erase(DbName, Dict)})