blob: cb4d32986d4e11d6f047d81888dcbc94e73ff28e [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
import mango
import user_docs
import unittest
class IndexSelectionTests:
def test_basic(self):
resp = self.db.find({"age": 123}, explain=True)
self.assertEqual(resp["index"]["type"], "json")
def test_with_and(self):
resp = self.db.find(
"name.first": "Stephanie",
"name.last": "This doesn't have to match anything.",
self.assertEqual(resp["index"]["type"], "json")
def test_with_nested_and(self):
resp = self.db.find(
{"name.first": {"$gt": "a", "$lt": "z"}, "name.last": "Foo"}, explain=True
self.assertEqual(resp["index"]["type"], "json")
def test_with_or(self):
ddocid = "_design/company_and_manager"
resp = self.db.find(
"company": {"$gt": "a", "$lt": "z"},
"$or": [{"manager": "Foo"}, {"manager": "Bar"}],
self.assertEqual(resp["index"]["ddoc"], ddocid)
def test_use_most_columns(self):
ddocid = "_design/age"
resp = self.db.find(
"name.first": "Stephanie",
"name.last": "Something or other",
"age": {"$gt": 1},
self.assertNotEqual(resp["index"]["ddoc"], ddocid)
resp = self.db.find(
"name.first": "Stephanie",
"name.last": "Something or other",
"age": {"$gt": 1},
self.assertEqual(resp["index"]["ddoc"], ddocid)
def test_no_valid_sort_index(self):
self.db.find({"_id": {"$gt": None}}, sort=["name"], return_raw=True)
except Exception as e:
self.assertEqual(e.response.status_code, 400)
raise AssertionError("bad find")
def test_invalid_use_index(self):
# ddoc id for the age index
ddocid = "_design/age"
r = self.db.find({}, use_index=ddocid, return_raw=True)
"{0} was not used because it does not contain a valid index for this query.".format(
def test_uses_index_when_no_range_or_equals(self):
# index on ["manager"] should be valid because
# selector requires "manager" to exist. The
# selector doesn't narrow the keyrange so it's
# a full index scan
selector = {"manager": {"$exists": True}}
docs = self.db.find(selector)
self.assertEqual(len(docs), 14)
resp_explain = self.db.find(selector, explain=True)
self.assertEqual(resp_explain["index"]["type"], "json")
def test_reject_use_index_invalid_fields(self):
ddocid = "_design/company_and_manager"
selector = {"company": "Pharmex"}
r = self.db.find(selector, use_index=ddocid, return_raw=True)
"{0} was not used because it does not contain a valid index for this query.".format(
# should still return a correct result
for d in r["docs"]:
self.assertEqual(d["company"], "Pharmex")
def test_reject_use_index_ddoc_and_name_invalid_fields(self):
ddocid = "_design/company_and_manager"
name = "company_and_manager"
selector = {"company": "Pharmex"}
resp = self.db.find(selector, use_index=[ddocid, name], return_raw=True)
"{0}, {1} was not used because it is not a valid index for this query.".format(
ddocid, name
# should still return a correct result
for d in resp["docs"]:
self.assertEqual(d["company"], "Pharmex")
def test_reject_use_index_sort_order(self):
# index on ["company","manager"] which should not be valid
# and there is no valid fallback (i.e. an index on ["company"])
ddocid = "_design/company_and_manager"
selector = {"company": {"$gt": None}}
self.db.find(selector, use_index=ddocid, sort=[{"company": "desc"}])
except Exception as e:
self.assertEqual(e.response.status_code, 400)
raise AssertionError("did not reject bad use_index")
def test_use_index_fallback_if_valid_sort(self):
ddocid_valid = "_design/fallbackfoo"
ddocid_invalid = "_design/fallbackfoobar"
self.db.create_index(fields=["foo"], ddoc=ddocid_invalid)
self.db.create_index(fields=["foo", "bar"], ddoc=ddocid_valid)
selector = {"foo": {"$gt": None}}
resp_explain = self.db.find(
selector, sort=["foo", "bar"], use_index=ddocid_invalid, explain=True
self.assertEqual(resp_explain["index"]["ddoc"], ddocid_valid)
resp = self.db.find(
selector, sort=["foo", "bar"], use_index=ddocid_invalid, return_raw=True
"{0} was not used because it does not contain a valid index for this query.".format(
self.assertEqual(len(resp["docs"]), 0)
def test_prefer_use_index_over_optimal_index(self):
# index on ["company"] even though index on ["company", "manager"] is better
ddocid_preferred = "_design/testsuboptimal"
self.db.create_index(fields=["baz"], ddoc=ddocid_preferred)
self.db.create_index(fields=["baz", "bar"])
selector = {"baz": {"$gt": None}, "bar": {"$gt": None}}
resp = self.db.find(selector, use_index=ddocid_preferred, return_raw=True)
self.assertTrue("warning" not in resp)
resp_explain = self.db.find(selector, use_index=ddocid_preferred, explain=True)
self.assertEqual(resp_explain["index"]["ddoc"], ddocid_preferred)
# This doc will not be saved given the new ddoc validation code
# in couch_mrview
def test_manual_bad_view_idx01(self):
design_doc = {
"_id": "_design/bad_view_index",
"language": "query",
"views": {
"queryidx1": {
"map": {"fields": {"age": "asc"}},
"reduce": "_count",
"options": {"def": {"fields": [{"age": "asc"}]}, "w": 2},
"views": {
"views001": {
"map": "function(employee){if("
+ "{emit(employee.number,;}}"
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
def test_explain_sort_reverse(self):
selector = {"manager": {"$gt": None}}
resp_explain = self.db.find(
selector, fields=["manager"], sort=[{"manager": "desc"}], explain=True
self.assertEqual(resp_explain["index"]["type"], "json")
class JSONIndexSelectionTests(mango.UserDocsTests, IndexSelectionTests):
def setUpClass(klass):
super(JSONIndexSelectionTests, klass).setUpClass()
def test_uses_all_docs_when_fields_do_not_match_selector(self):
# index exists on ["company", "manager"] but not ["company"]
# so we should fall back to all docs (so we include docs
# with no "manager" field)
selector = {"company": "Pharmex"}
docs = self.db.find(selector)
self.assertEqual(len(docs), 1)
self.assertEqual(docs[0]["company"], "Pharmex")
self.assertNotIn("manager", docs[0])
resp_explain = self.db.find(selector, explain=True)
self.assertEqual(resp_explain["index"]["type"], "special")
def test_uses_all_docs_when_selector_doesnt_require_fields_to_exist(self):
# as in test above, use a selector that doesn't overlap with the index
# due to an explicit exists clause
selector = {"company": "Pharmex", "manager": {"$exists": False}}
docs = self.db.find(selector)
self.assertEqual(len(docs), 1)
self.assertEqual(docs[0]["company"], "Pharmex")
self.assertNotIn("manager", docs[0])
resp_explain = self.db.find(selector, explain=True)
self.assertEqual(resp_explain["index"]["type"], "special")
@unittest.skipUnless(mango.has_text_service(), "requires text service")
class TextIndexSelectionTests(mango.UserDocsTests):
def setUpClass(klass):
super(TextIndexSelectionTests, klass).setUpClass()
if mango.has_text_service():
user_docs.add_text_indexes(klass.db, {})
def test_with_text(self):
resp = self.db.find(
"$text": "Stephanie",
"name.first": "Stephanie",
"name.last": "This doesn't have to match anything.",
self.assertEqual(resp["index"]["type"], "text")
def test_no_view_index(self):
resp = self.db.find({"name.first": "Ohai!"}, explain=True)
self.assertEqual(resp["index"]["type"], "text")
def test_with_or(self):
resp = self.db.find(
"$or": [
{"name.first": "Stephanie"},
{"name.last": "This doesn't have to match anything."},
self.assertEqual(resp["index"]["type"], "text")
def test_manual_bad_text_idx(self):
design_doc = {
"_id": "_design/bad_text_index",
"language": "query",
"indexes": {
"text_index": {
"default_analyzer": "keyword",
"default_field": {},
"selector": {},
"fields": "all_fields",
"analyzer": {
"name": "perfield",
"default": "keyword",
"fields": {"$default": "standard"},
"indexes": {
"st_index": {
"analyzer": "standard",
"index": 'function(doc){\n index("st_index", doc.geometry);\n}',
docs = self.db.find({"age": 48})
self.assertEqual(len(docs), 1)
self.assertEqual(docs[0]["name"]["first"], "Stephanie")
self.assertEqual(docs[0]["age"], 48)
@unittest.skipUnless(mango.has_text_service(), "requires text service")
class MultiTextIndexSelectionTests(mango.UserDocsTests):
def setUpClass(klass):
super(MultiTextIndexSelectionTests, klass).setUpClass()
if mango.has_text_service():
klass.db.create_text_index(ddoc="foo", analyzer="keyword")
klass.db.create_text_index(ddoc="bar", analyzer="email")
def test_fallback_to_json_with_multi_text(self):
resp = self.db.find(
{"name.first": "A first name", "name.last": "A last name"}, explain=True
self.assertEqual(resp["index"]["type"], "json")
def test_multi_text_index_is_error(self):
self.db.find({"$text": "a query"}, explain=True)
except Exception as e:
self.assertEqual(e.response.status_code, 400)
def test_use_index_works(self):
resp = self.db.find({"$text": "a query"}, use_index="foo", explain=True)
self.assertEqual(resp["index"]["ddoc"], "_design/foo")