blob: 72959829c8618d1243d2db1e23e232852f0eb295 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
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.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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.. default-domain:: config
.. highlight:: ini
Configuring Clustering
.. _config/cluster:
Cluster Options
.. config:section:: cluster :: Cluster Options
.. config:option:: q :: Default number of shards for newly created database
Sets the default number of shards for newly created databases. The
default value, ``2``, splits a database into 2 separate partitions. ::
q = 2
For systems with only a few, heavily accessed, large databases, or
for servers with many CPU cores, consider increasing this value to
``4`` or ``8``.
The value of ``q`` can also be overridden on a per-DB basis, at DB
creation time.
.. seealso::
:http:put:`PUT /{db} </{db}>`
.. config:option:: n :: Number of replicas of each document
Sets the number of replicas of each document in a cluster. CouchDB will
only place one replica per node in a cluster. When set up through the
:ref:`Cluster Setup Wizard <cluster/setup/wizard>`, a standalone single
node will have ``n = 1``, a two node cluster will have ``n = 2``, and
any larger cluster will have ``n = 3``. It is recommended not to set
``n`` greater than ``3``. ::
n = 3
.. config:option:: placement :: Sets the cluster-wide replica placement policy
.. warning::
Use of this option will **override** the ``n`` option for replica
cardinality. Use with care.
Sets the cluster-wide replica placement policy when creating new
databases. The value must be a comma-delimited list of strings of the
format ``zone_name:#``, where ``zone_name`` is a zone as specified in
the ``nodes`` database and ``#`` is an integer indicating the number of
replicas to place on nodes with a matching ``zone_name``.
This parameter is not specified by default. ::
placement = metro-dc-a:2,metro-dc-b:1
.. seealso::
.. config:option:: seedlist:: Optional, comma-delimited list of nodes that should \
be contacted to join cluster
An optional, comma-delimited list of node names that this node should
contact in order to join a cluster. If a seedlist is configured the ``_up``
endpoint will return a 404 until the node has successfully contacted at
least one of the members of the seedlist and replicated an up-to-date copy
of the ``_nodes``, ``_dbs``, and ``_users`` system databases.
seedlist =,
.. config:option:: reconnect_interval_sec:: Cluster connectivity check period.
.. versionadded:: 3.3
Period in seconds specifying how often to attempt reconnecting to
disconnected nodes. There is a 25% random jitter applied to this
RPC Performance Tuning
.. config:section:: rexi :: Internal RPC Tuning
CouchDB uses distributed Erlang to communicate between nodes in a cluster.
The ``rexi`` library provides an optimized RPC mechanism over this
communication channel. There are a few configuration knobs for this system,
although in general the defaults work well.
.. config:option:: buffer_count :: Number of buffered messages before dropping
The local RPC server will buffer messages if a remote node goes unavailable.
This flag determines how many messages will be buffered before the local
server starts dropping messages. Default value is ``2000``.
.. config:option:: server_per_node :: Enable or disable one local `gen_server` \
process per node
By default, rexi will spawn one local gen_server process for each node in
the cluster. Disabling this flag will cause CouchDB to use a single process
for all RPC communication, which is not recommended in high throughput
.. config:option:: stream_limit :: Number of send messages without waiting \
for acknowledgement from the coordinator
.. versionadded:: 3.0
This flag comes into play during streaming operations like views and change
feeds. It controls how many messages a remote worker process can send to a
coordinator without waiting for an acknowledgement from the coordinator
process. If this value is too large the coordinator can become overwhelmed
by messages from the worker processes and actually deliver lower overall
throughput to the client. In CouchDB 2.x this value was hard-coded to
``10``. In the 3.x series it is configurable and defaults to ``5``.
Databases with a high ``q`` value are especially sensitive to this setting.