blob: 9d6dd1ec0c50dfd5af463170f4c30290dbe18583 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-define(DOCS_COUNT, 100).
-define(TIMEOUT_EUNIT, 30).
-define(i2l(I), integer_to_list(I)).
-define(io2b(Io), iolist_to_binary(Io)).
setup_checkpoints() ->
{Ctx, {Source, Target}} = couch_replicator_test_helper:test_setup(),
Fun = fun notifier_checkpoint_fun/1,
{ok, Listener} = couch_replicator_notifier:start_link(Fun),
{Ctx, {Source, Target, Listener}}.
setup_no_checkpoints() ->
{Ctx, {Source, Target}} = couch_replicator_test_helper:test_setup(),
Fun = fun notifier_no_checkpoint_fun/1,
{ok, Listener} = couch_replicator_notifier:start_link(Fun),
{Ctx, {Source, Target, Listener}}.
teardown({Ctx, {Source, Target, Listener}}) ->
couch_replicator_test_helper:test_teardown({Ctx, {Source, Target}}).
notifier_checkpoint_fun({finished, _, {CheckpointHistory}}) ->
SId = lists:keyfind(<<"session_id">>, 1, CheckpointHistory),
SId =/= false orelse ?debugFmt("~nsession_id not found when using checkpoints", []),
?assertNotEqual(false, SId);
notifier_checkpoint_fun(_) ->
notifier_no_checkpoint_fun({finished, _, {CheckpointHistory}}) ->
?assertEqual([{<<"use_checkpoints">>, false}], CheckpointHistory);
notifier_no_checkpoint_fun(_) ->
use_checkpoints_test_() ->
"Replication test using checkpoints",
fun setup_checkpoints/0,
fun teardown/1,
?TDEF_FE(use_checkpoints, ?TIMEOUT_EUNIT)
dont_use_checkpoints_test_() ->
"Replication test without using checkpoints",
fun setup_no_checkpoints/0,
fun teardown/1,
?TDEF_FE(dont_use_checkpoints, ?TIMEOUT_EUNIT)
use_checkpoints({_Ctx, {Source, Target, _}}) ->
populate_db(Source, ?DOCS_COUNT),
replicate(Source, Target, true),
compare_dbs(Source, Target).
dont_use_checkpoints({_Ctx, {Source, Target, _}}) ->
populate_db(Source, ?DOCS_COUNT),
replicate(Source, Target, false),
compare_dbs(Source, Target).
populate_db(DbName, DocCount) ->
Docs = lists:foldl(
fun(DocIdCounter, Acc) ->
Id = ?io2b(["doc", ?i2l(DocIdCounter)]),
Value = ?io2b(["val", ?i2l(DocIdCounter)]),
Doc = #doc{
id = Id,
body = {[{<<"value">>, Value}]}
[Doc | Acc]
lists:seq(1, DocCount)
{ok, _} = fabric:update_docs(DbName, Docs, [?ADMIN_CTX]).
compare_dbs(Source, Target) ->
couch_replicator_test_helper:cluster_compare_dbs(Source, Target).
db_url(DbName) ->
replicate(Source, Target, UseCheckpoints) ->
{<<"source">>, db_url(Source)},
{<<"target">>, db_url(Target)},
{<<"use_checkpoints">>, UseCheckpoints}