blob: 05d89ce286669dd0034877cb57ad1cda603ad4bd [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
-export([start_link/0, call/3]).
-export([add_channel/3, rem_channel/2, list_custom_channels/0]).
-record(channel, {
qI = queue:new(), % client readers
qU = queue:new(), % db updater
qV = queue:new() % view index updates
-record(state, {
reqs = [],
concurrency = 20,
channels = queue:new(),
qC = queue:new(), % compaction
qR = queue:new(), % internal replication
qL = queue:new(),
-record(request, {
channel, % the name of the channel, not the actual data structure
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% WARNING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% This server relies on the internal structure of the channels queue as a %%
%% {list(), list()} to do in-place modifications of some elements. We are %%
%% "running on thin ice", as it were. %%
start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
call(Fd, Msg, Priority) ->
{Class, Channel} = analyze_priority(Priority),
Request = #request{
fd = Fd,
msg = Msg,
channel = Channel,
class = Class,
t0 = erlang:monotonic_time()
case config:get("ioq.bypass", atom_to_list(Class)) of
"true" ->
RW = rw(Msg),
catch couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, io_queue_bypassed, Class]),
catch couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, io_queue_bypassed, RW]),
gen_server:call(ioq:fd_pid(Fd), Msg, infinity);
_ ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, Request, infinity)
add_channel(Account, DbName, ChannelName) ->
ok = ioq_kv:put({Account, DbName}, ChannelName).
rem_channel(Account, DbName) ->
ok = ioq_kv:delete({Account, DbName}).
list_custom_channels() ->
init([]) ->
State = #state{
counters = ets:new(ioq_counters, []),
histos = ets:new(ioq_histos, [named_table, ordered_set])
erlang:send_after(get_interval(), self(), dump_table),
{ok, update_config(State)}.
handle_call({set_priority, Pri}, _From, State) ->
{reply, process_flag(priority, Pri), State, 0};
handle_call({set_concurrency, C}, _From, State) when is_integer(C), C > 0 ->
{reply, State#state.concurrency, State#state{concurrency = C}, 0};
handle_call(get_concurrency, _From, State) ->
{reply, State#state.concurrency, State, 0};
handle_call(get_counters, _From, #state{counters = Tab} = State) ->
{reply, Tab, State, 0};
handle_call(get_queue_depths, _From, State) ->
Channels = lists:map(fun(#channel{name=N, qI=I, qU=U, qV=V}) ->
{N, [queue:len(I), queue:len(U), queue:len(V)]}
end, queue:to_list(State#state.channels)),
Response = [
{compaction, queue:len(State#state.qC)},
{replication, queue:len(State#state.qR)},
{low, queue:len(State#state.qL)},
{channels, {Channels}}
{reply, Response, State, 0};
handle_call(reset_histos, _From, State) ->
{reply, ok, State, 0};
handle_call(#request{} = Req, From, State) ->
{noreply, enqueue_request(Req#request{from = From}, State), 0};
%% backwards-compatible mode for messages sent during hot upgrade
handle_call({Fd, Msg, Priority, T0}, From, State) ->
{Class, Chan} = analyze_priority(Priority),
R = #request{fd=Fd, msg=Msg, channel=Chan, class=Class, t0=T0, from=From},
{noreply, enqueue_request(R, State), 0};
handle_call(_Msg, _From, State) ->
{reply, ignored, State, 0}.
handle_cast(update_config, State) ->
{noreply, update_config(State), 0};
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State, 0}.
handle_info({Ref, Reply}, #state{reqs = Reqs} = State) ->
case lists:keytake(Ref, #request.ref, Reqs) of
{value, #request{from=From} = Req, Reqs2} ->
TResponse = erlang:monotonic_time(),
erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
reply_to_all(From, Reply),
update_histograms(ioq_histos, Req, TResponse),
{noreply, State#state{reqs = Reqs2}, 0};
false ->
{noreply, State, 0}
handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Reason}, #state{reqs = Reqs} = State) ->
case lists:keytake(Ref, #request.ref, Reqs) of
{value, #request{from=From}, Reqs2} ->
reply_to_all(From, {'EXIT', Reason}),
{noreply, State#state{reqs = Reqs2}, 0};
false ->
{noreply, State, 0}
handle_info(dump_table, State) ->
erlang:send_after(get_interval(), self(), dump_table),
{noreply, dump_table(State), 0};
handle_info(timeout, State) ->
{noreply, maybe_submit_request(State)};
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State, 0}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, #state{}=State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
update_config(State) ->
Concurrency = try
list_to_integer(config:get("ioq", "concurrency", "20"))
catch _:_ ->
DeDupe = config:get("ioq", "dedupe", "true") == "true",
P1 = to_float(catch config:get("ioq", "customer", "1.0")),
P2 = to_float(catch config:get("ioq", "replication", "0.001")),
P3 = to_float(catch config:get("ioq", "compaction", "0.0001")),
P4 = to_float(catch config:get("ioq", "low", "0.0001")),
P5 = to_float(catch config:get("ioq", "reads", "1.0")),
P6 = to_float(catch config:get("ioq", "writes", "1.0")),
P7 = to_float(catch config:get("ioq", "views", "1.0")),
concurrency = Concurrency,
dedupe = DeDupe,
class_priorities = [P1, P2, P3, P4],
op_priorities = [P5, P6, P7]
reply_to_all([], _Reply) ->
reply_to_all([From|Rest], Reply) ->
gen_server:reply(From, Reply),
reply_to_all(Rest, Reply);
reply_to_all(From, Reply) ->
gen_server:reply(From, Reply).
analyze_priority({interactive, Shard}) ->
{interactive, channel_name(Shard)};
analyze_priority({db_update, Shard}) ->
{db_update, channel_name(Shard)};
analyze_priority({view_update, Shard, _GroupId}) ->
{view_update, channel_name(Shard)};
analyze_priority({db_compact, _Shard}) ->
{db_compact, nil};
analyze_priority({view_compact, _Shard, _GroupId}) ->
{view_compact, nil};
analyze_priority({internal_repl, _Shard}) ->
{internal_repl, nil};
analyze_priority({low, _Shard}) ->
{low, nil};
analyze_priority(_Else) ->
{other, other}.
channel_name(Shard) ->
try split(Shard) of
[<<"shards">>, _, <<"heroku">>, AppId | _] ->
<<AppId/binary, ".heroku">>;
[<<"shards">>, _, DbName] ->
ioq_kv:get({other, DbName}, other);
[<<"shards">>, _, Account, DbName] ->
ioq_kv:get({Account, DbName}, Account);
[<<"shards">>, _, Account | DbParts] ->
ioq_kv:get({Account, filename:join(DbParts)}, Account);
_ ->
catch _:_ ->
enqueue_request(#request{class = db_compact} = Req, State) ->
State#state{qC = update_queue(Req, State#state.qC, State#state.dedupe)};
enqueue_request(#request{class = view_compact} = Req, State) ->
State#state{qC = update_queue(Req, State#state.qC, State#state.dedupe)};
enqueue_request(#request{class = internal_repl} = Req, State) ->
State#state{qR = update_queue(Req, State#state.qR, State#state.dedupe)};
enqueue_request(#request{class = low} = Req, State) ->
State#state{qL = update_queue(Req, State#state.qL, State#state.dedupe)};
enqueue_request(Req, State) ->
enqueue_channel(Req, State).
find_channel(Account, {A, B}) ->
case lists:keyfind(Account,, A) of
false ->
case lists:keyfind(Account,, B) of
false ->
{new, #channel{name = Account}};
#channel{} = Channel ->
{2, Channel}
#channel{} = Channel ->
{1, Channel}
update_channel(Ch, #request{class = view_update} = Req, Dedupe) ->
Ch#channel{qV = update_queue(Req, Ch#channel.qV, Dedupe)};
update_channel(Ch, #request{class = db_update} = Req, Dedupe) ->
Ch#channel{qU = update_queue(Req, Ch#channel.qU, Dedupe)};
update_channel(Ch, Req, Dedupe) ->
% everything else is interactive IO class
Ch#channel{qI = update_queue(Req, Ch#channel.qI, Dedupe)}.
update_queue(#request{from=From, fd=Fd, msg={pread_iolist, Pos}}=Req, Q, DD) ->
case maybe_dedupe(Fd, Pos, Q, DD) of
false ->
queue:in(Req, Q);
{Elem, N, #request{from=From1}=Match} ->
catch couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, io_queue, merged]),
Match1 = Match#request{from=append(From, From1)},
L = element(Elem, Q),
{H, [Match|T]} = lists:split(N, L),
setelement(Elem, Q, H ++ [Match1|T])
update_queue(Req, Q, _Dedupe) ->
queue:in(Req, Q).
append(A, B) when is_list(B) ->
append(A, B) ->
[A, B].
maybe_dedupe(Fd, Pos, Q, Dedupe) ->
case Dedupe of
true -> matching_request(Fd, Pos, Q);
false -> false
matching_request(Fd, Pos, {A, B}) ->
case matching_request(Fd, Pos, A) of
false ->
case matching_request(Fd, Pos, B) of
false ->
{N, Request} ->
{2, N, Request}
{N, Request} ->
{1, N, Request}
matching_request(Fd, Pos, List) ->
matching_request(Fd, Pos, 0, List).
matching_request(_Fd, _Pos, _N, []) ->
matching_request(Fd, Pos, N, [#request{fd=Fd, msg={pread_iolist, Pos}}=Req|_]) ->
{N, Req};
matching_request(Fd, Pos, N, [_|Rest]) ->
matching_request(Fd, Pos, N + 1, Rest).
enqueue_channel(#request{channel=Account} = Req, #state{channels=Q} = State) ->
DD = State#state.dedupe,
case find_channel(Account, Q) of
{new, Channel0} ->
State#state{channels = queue:in(update_channel(Channel0, Req, DD), Q)};
{Elem, Channel0} ->
Channel = update_channel(Channel0, Req, DD),
% the channel already exists in the queue - update it in place
L = element(Elem, Q),
NewL = lists:keyreplace(Account,, L, Channel),
NewQ = setelement(Elem, Q, NewL),
State#state{channels = NewQ}
maybe_submit_request(#state{concurrency=C,reqs=R} = St) when length(R) < C ->
case make_next_request(St) of
St ->
NewState when length(R) >= C-1 ->
NewState ->
maybe_submit_request(State) ->
sort_queues(QueuesAndPriorities, Normalization, Choice) ->
sort_queues(QueuesAndPriorities, Normalization, Choice, 0, [], []).
sort_queues([{Q, _Pri}], _Norm, _Choice, _X, [], Acc) ->
lists:reverse([Q | Acc]);
sort_queues([{Q, Pri}], Norm, Choice, _X, Skipped, Acc) ->
sort_queues(lists:reverse(Skipped), Norm - Pri, Choice, 0, [], [Q | Acc]);
sort_queues([{Q, Pri} | Rest], Norm, Choice, X, Skipped, Acc) ->
if Choice < ((X + Pri) / Norm) ->
Remaining = lists:reverse(Skipped, Rest),
sort_queues(Remaining, Norm - Pri, Choice, 0, [], [Q | Acc]);
true ->
sort_queues(Rest, Norm, Choice, X + Pri, [{Q, Pri} | Skipped], Acc)
make_next_request(State) ->
channels = Ch,
qC = QC,
qR = QR,
qL = QL,
class_priorities = ClassP,
op_priorities = OpP
} = State,
{Item, [NewCh, NewQR, NewQC, NewQL]} =
choose_next_request([Ch, QR, QC, QL], ClassP),
case Item of nil ->
#channel{qI = QI, qU = QU, qV = QV} = Channel ->
% An IO channel has at least one interactive or view indexing request.
% If the channel has more than one request, we'll toss it back into the
% queue after we've extracted one here
{Item2, [QI2, QU2, QV2]} =
choose_next_request([QI, QU, QV], OpP),
case queue:is_empty(QU2) andalso
queue:is_empty(QI2) andalso
queue:is_empty(QV2) of
true ->
NewCh2 = NewCh;
false ->
NewCh2 = queue:in(Channel#channel{qI=QI2, qU=QU2, qV=QV2}, NewCh)
submit_request(Item2, State#state{channels=NewCh2, qC=NewQC,
qR=NewQR, qL=NewQL});
_ ->
% Item is a background (compaction or internal replication) task
submit_request(Item, State#state{channels=NewCh, qC=NewQC, qR=NewQR,
submit_request(Request, State) ->
channel = Channel,
fd = IOF,
msg = Call,
t0 = T0,
class = IOClass
} = Request,
#state{reqs = Reqs, counters = Counters} = State,
Fd = ioq:fd_pid(IOF),
% make the request
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Fd),
Fd ! {'$gen_call', {self(), Ref}, Call},
% record some stats
RW = rw(Call),
SubmitTime = erlang:monotonic_time(),
Latency = erlang:convert_time_unit(SubmitTime - T0, native, millisecond),
catch couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, io_queue, IOClass]),
catch couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, io_queue, RW]),
catch couch_stats:update_histogram([couchdb, io_queue, latency], Latency),
update_counter(Counters, Channel, IOClass, RW),
State#state{reqs = [Request#request{tsub=SubmitTime, ref=Ref} | Reqs]}.
update_counter(Tab, Channel, IOClass, RW) ->
upsert(Tab, {Channel, IOClass, RW}, 1).
update_histograms(Tab, Req, TResponse) ->
#request{t0=T0, tsub=TSubmit, class=Class, channel=Channel, msg=Msg} = Req,
Delta1 = erlang:convert_time_unit(
TSubmit - T0, native, microsecond),
Delta2 = erlang:convert_time_unit(
TResponse - TSubmit, native, microsecond),
Bin1 = timebin(Delta1),
Bin2 = timebin(Delta2),
Bin3 = timebin(Delta1+Delta2),
if Channel =/= nil ->
upsert(Tab, {Channel, submit_delay, Bin1}, 1),
upsert(Tab, {Channel, svctm, Bin2}, 1),
upsert(Tab, {Channel, iowait, Bin3}, 1);
true -> ok end,
Key = make_key(Class, Msg),
upsert(Tab, {Key, submit_delay, Bin1}, 1),
upsert(Tab, {Key, svctm, Bin2}, 1),
upsert(Tab, {Key, iowait, Bin3}, 1).
make_key(db_compact, _) ->
make_key(view_compact, _) ->
make_key(internal_repl, _) ->
make_key(low, _) ->
make_key(view_update, _) ->
make_key(db_update, _) ->
make_key(interactive, {pread_iolist, _}) ->
make_key(interactive, {append_bin, _}) ->
make_key(_, _) ->
upsert(Tab, Key, Incr) ->
try ets:update_counter(Tab, Key, Incr)
catch error:badarg ->
ets:insert(Tab, {Key, Incr})
timebin(V) when V =< 0 ->
timebin(V) ->
choose_next_request(Qs, Priorities) ->
Norm = lists:sum(Priorities),
QueuesAndPriorities = lists:zip(Qs, Priorities),
SortedQueues = sort_queues(QueuesAndPriorities, Norm, rand:uniform()),
{Item, NewQueues} = choose_prioritized_request(SortedQueues),
Map0 = lists:zip(SortedQueues, NewQueues),
{Item, [element(2, lists:keyfind(Q, 1, Map0)) || Q <- Qs]}.
choose_prioritized_request(Qs) ->
choose_prioritized_request(Qs, []).
choose_prioritized_request([], Empties) ->
{nil, lists:reverse(Empties)};
choose_prioritized_request([Q | Rest], Empties) ->
case queue:out(Q) of
{empty, _} ->
choose_prioritized_request(Rest, [Q | Empties]);
{{value, Item}, NewQ} ->
{Item, lists:reverse([NewQ | Empties], Rest)}
to_float("0") ->
to_float("1") ->
to_float(String) when is_list(String) ->
try list_to_float(String) catch error:badarg -> 0.5 end;
to_float(_) ->
dump_table(#state{counters = Tab} = State) ->
Pid = spawn(fun save_to_db/0),
ets:give_away(Tab, Pid, nil),
State#state{counters = ets:new(ioq_counters, [])}.
save_to_db() ->
Timeout = get_interval(),
receive {'ETS-TRANSFER', Tab, _, _} ->
Dict = ets:foldl(fun table_fold/2, dict:new(), Tab),
TS = list_to_binary(iso8601_timestamp()),
Doc = {[
{<<"_id">>, TS},
{type, ioq},
{node, node()},
{accounts, {dict:to_list(Dict)}}
fabric:update_doc(get_stats_dbname(), Doc, [])
error:database_does_not_exist ->
couch_log:debug("Missing IOQ stats db: ~s", [get_stats_dbname()]);
error:conflict ->
couch_log:info("~p:save_to_db conflict saving ~p", [?MODULE, Doc])
after Timeout ->
error_logger:error_report({?MODULE, "ets transfer failed"})
table_fold({{other, _, _}, _}, D) ->
table_fold({{Channel, interactive, reads}, X}, D) ->
dict:update(Channel, fun([A,B,C]) -> [A+X,B,C] end, [X,0,0], D);
table_fold({{Channel, interactive, writes}, X}, D) ->
dict:update(Channel, fun([A,B,C]) -> [A,B+X,C] end, [0,X,0], D);
table_fold({{Channel, db_update, reads}, X}, D) ->
dict:update(Channel, fun([A,B,C]) -> [A,B+X,C] end, [0,X,0], D);
table_fold({{Channel, db_update, writes}, X}, D) ->
dict:update(Channel, fun([A,B,C]) -> [A,B+X,C] end, [0,X,0], D);
table_fold({{Channel, view_update, reads}, X}, D) ->
dict:update(Channel, fun([A,B,C]) -> [A,B,C+X] end, [0,0,X], D);
table_fold({{Channel, view_update, writes}, X}, D) ->
dict:update(Channel, fun([A,B,C]) -> [A,B,C+X] end, [0,0,X], D);
table_fold(_, D) ->
iso8601_timestamp() ->
{_,_,Micro} = Now = os:timestamp(),
{{Year,Month,Date},{Hour,Minute,Second}} = calendar:now_to_datetime(Now),
Format = "~4.10.0B-~2.10.0B-~2.10.0BT~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B.~6.10.0BZ",
io_lib:format(Format, [Year, Month, Date, Hour, Minute, Second, Micro]).
get_interval() ->
config:get_integer("ioq", "stats_interval", 60*1000).
get_stats_dbname() ->
config:get("ioq", "stats_db", "stats").
split(B) when is_binary(B) ->
split(B, 0, 0, []);
split(B) -> B.
split(B, O, S, Acc) ->
case B of
<<_:O/binary>> ->
Len = O - S,
<<_:S/binary, Part:Len/binary>> = B,
lists:reverse(Acc, [Part]);
<<_:O/binary, $/, _/binary>> ->
Len = O - S,
<<_:S/binary, Part:Len/binary, _/binary>> = B,
split(B, O+1, O+1, [Part | Acc]);
_ ->
split(B, O+1, S, Acc)
rw({pread_iolist, _}) ->
rw({append_bin, _}) ->
rw(_) ->
sort_queues_test() ->
?assertEqual([a, b, c], sort_queues([{a,0.5}, {b,0.2}, {c,0.3}], 1, 0.10)),
?assertEqual([a, c, b], sort_queues([{a,0.5}, {b,0.2}, {c,0.3}], 1, 0.45)),
?assertEqual([b, a, c], sort_queues([{a,0.5}, {b,0.2}, {c,0.3}], 1, 0.60)),
?assertEqual([b, c, a], sort_queues([{a,0.5}, {b,0.2}, {c,0.3}], 1, 0.65)),
?assertEqual([c, a, b], sort_queues([{a,0.5}, {b,0.2}, {c,0.3}], 1, 0.71)),
?assertEqual([c, b, a], sort_queues([{a,0.5}, {b,0.2}, {c,0.3}], 1, 0.90)).