blob: 367c9e33536e1107b109d18471aede9dcfe83fa1 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
%% @doc Data structure used to represent document edit histories.
%% A key tree is used to represent the edit history of a document. Each node of
%% the tree represents a particular version. Relations between nodes represent
%% the order that these edits were applied. For instance, a set of three edits
%% would produce a tree of versions A->B->C indicating that edit C was based on
%% version B which was in turn based on A. In a world without replication (and
%% no ability to disable MVCC checks), all histories would be forced to be
%% linear lists of edits due to constraints imposed by MVCC (ie, new edits must
%% be based on the current version). However, we have replication, so we must
%% deal with not so easy cases, which lead to trees.
%% Consider a document in state A. This doc is replicated to a second node. We
%% then edit the document on each node leaving it in two different states, B
%% and C. We now have two key trees, A->B and A->C. When we go to replicate a
%% second time, the key tree must combine these two trees which gives us
%% A->(B|C). This is how conflicts are introduced. In terms of the key tree, we
%% say that we have two leaves (B and C) that are not deleted. The presense of
%% the multiple leaves indicate conflict. To remove a conflict, one of the
%% edits (B or C) can be deleted, which results in, A->(B|C->D) where D is an
%% edit that is specially marked with the a deleted=true flag.
%% What makes this a bit more complicated is that there is a limit to the
%% number of revisions kept, specified in couch_db.hrl (default is 1000). When
%% this limit is exceeded only the last 1000 are kept. This comes in to play
%% when branches are merged. The comparison has to begin at the same place in
%% the branches. A revision id is of the form N-XXXXXXX where N is the current
%% revision. So each path will have a start number, calculated in
%% couch_doc:to_path using the formula N - length(RevIds) + 1 So, .eg. if a doc
%% was edit 1003 times this start number would be 4, indicating that 3
%% revisions were truncated.
%% This comes into play in @see merge_at/3 which recursively walks down one
%% tree or the other until they begin at the same revision.
-export([merge/3, find_missing/2, get_key_leafs/2, get_full_key_paths/2, get/2]).
-export([map/2, get_all_leafs/1, count_leafs/1, remove_leafs/2,
get_all_leafs_full/1,stem/2,map_leafs/2, fold/3]).
% Tree::term() is really a tree(), but we don't want to require R13B04 yet
-type branch() :: {Key::term(), Value::term(), Tree::term()}.
-type path() :: {Start::pos_integer(), branch()}.
-type tree() :: [branch()]. % sorted by key
% partial trees arranged by how much they are cut off.
-spec merge([path()], path(), pos_integer()) -> {[path()],
conflicts | no_conflicts}.
merge(Paths, Path, Depth) ->
{Merged, Conflicts} = merge(Paths, Path),
{stem(Merged, Depth), Conflicts}.
%% @doc Merge a path with an existing list of paths, returning a new list of
%% paths. A return of conflicts indicates a new conflict was discovered in this
%% merge. Conflicts may already exist in the original list of paths.
-spec merge([path()], path()) -> {[path()], conflicts | no_conflicts}.
merge(Paths, Path) ->
{ok, Merged, HasConflicts} = merge_one(Paths, Path, [], false),
if HasConflicts ->
Conflicts = conflicts;
(length(Merged) =/= length(Paths)) and (length(Merged) =/= 1) ->
Conflicts = conflicts;
true ->
Conflicts = no_conflicts
{lists:sort(Merged), Conflicts}.
-spec merge_one(Original::[path()], Inserted::path(), [path()], boolean()) ->
{ok, Merged::[path()], NewConflicts::boolean()}.
merge_one([], Insert, OutAcc, ConflictsAcc) ->
{ok, [Insert | OutAcc], ConflictsAcc};
merge_one([{Start, Tree}|Rest], {StartInsert, TreeInsert}, Acc, HasConflicts) ->
case merge_at([Tree], StartInsert - Start, [TreeInsert]) of
{ok, [Merged], Conflicts} ->
MergedStart = lists:min([Start, StartInsert]),
{ok, Rest ++ [{MergedStart, Merged} | Acc], Conflicts or HasConflicts};
no ->
AccOut = [{Start, Tree} | Acc],
merge_one(Rest, {StartInsert, TreeInsert}, AccOut, HasConflicts)
-spec merge_at(tree(), Place::integer(), tree()) ->
{ok, Merged::tree(), HasConflicts::boolean()} | no.
merge_at(_Ours, _Place, []) ->
merge_at([], _Place, _Insert) ->
merge_at([{Key, Value, SubTree}|Sibs], Place, InsertTree) when Place > 0 ->
% inserted starts later than committed, need to drill into committed subtree
case merge_at(SubTree, Place - 1, InsertTree) of
{ok, Merged, Conflicts} ->
{ok, [{Key, Value, Merged} | Sibs], Conflicts};
no ->
% first branch didn't merge, move to next branch
case merge_at(Sibs, Place, InsertTree) of
{ok, Merged, Conflicts} ->
{ok, [{Key, Value, SubTree} | Merged], Conflicts};
no ->
merge_at(OurTree, Place, [{Key, Value, SubTree}]) when Place < 0 ->
% inserted starts earlier than committed, need to drill into insert subtree
case merge_at(OurTree, Place + 1, SubTree) of
{ok, Merged, Conflicts} ->
{ok, [{Key, Value, Merged}], Conflicts};
no ->
merge_at([{Key, V1, SubTree}|Sibs], 0, [{Key, V2, InsertSubTree}]) ->
{Merged, Conflicts} = merge_simple(SubTree, InsertSubTree),
{ok, [{Key, value_pref(V1, V2), Merged} | Sibs], Conflicts};
merge_at([{OurKey, _, _} | _], 0, [{Key, _, _}]) when OurKey > Key ->
% siblings keys are ordered, no point in continuing
merge_at([Tree | Sibs], 0, InsertTree) ->
case merge_at(Sibs, 0, InsertTree) of
{ok, Merged, Conflicts} ->
{ok, [Tree | Merged], Conflicts};
no ->
% key tree functions
-spec merge_simple(tree(), tree()) -> {Merged::tree(), NewConflicts::boolean()}.
merge_simple([], B) ->
{B, false};
merge_simple(A, []) ->
{A, false};
merge_simple([{Key, V1, SubA} | NextA], [{Key, V2, SubB} | NextB]) ->
{MergedSubTree, Conflict1} = merge_simple(SubA, SubB),
{MergedNextTree, Conflict2} = merge_simple(NextA, NextB),
Value = value_pref(V1, V2),
{[{Key, Value, MergedSubTree} | MergedNextTree], Conflict1 or Conflict2};
merge_simple([{A, _, _} = Tree | Next], [{B, _, _} | _] = Insert) when A < B ->
{Merged, Conflict} = merge_simple(Next, Insert),
% if Merged has more branches than the input we added a new conflict
{[Tree | Merged], Conflict orelse (length(Merged) > length(Next))};
merge_simple(Ours, [Tree | Next]) ->
{Merged, Conflict} = merge_simple(Ours, Next),
{[Tree | Merged], Conflict orelse (length(Merged) > length(Next))}.
find_missing(_Tree, []) ->
find_missing([], SeachKeys) ->
find_missing([{Start, {Key, Value, SubTree}} | RestTree], SeachKeys) ->
PossibleKeys = [{KeyPos, KeyValue} || {KeyPos, KeyValue} <- SeachKeys, KeyPos >= Start],
ImpossibleKeys = [{KeyPos, KeyValue} || {KeyPos, KeyValue} <- SeachKeys, KeyPos < Start],
Missing = find_missing_simple(Start, [{Key, Value, SubTree}], PossibleKeys),
find_missing(RestTree, ImpossibleKeys ++ Missing).
find_missing_simple(_Pos, _Tree, []) ->
find_missing_simple(_Pos, [], SeachKeys) ->
find_missing_simple(Pos, [{Key, _, SubTree} | RestTree], SeachKeys) ->
PossibleKeys = [{KeyPos, KeyValue} || {KeyPos, KeyValue} <- SeachKeys, KeyPos >= Pos],
ImpossibleKeys = [{KeyPos, KeyValue} || {KeyPos, KeyValue} <- SeachKeys, KeyPos < Pos],
SrcKeys2 = PossibleKeys -- [{Pos, Key}],
SrcKeys3 = find_missing_simple(Pos + 1, SubTree, SrcKeys2),
ImpossibleKeys ++ find_missing_simple(Pos, RestTree, SrcKeys3).
filter_leafs([], _Keys, FilteredAcc, RemovedKeysAcc) ->
{FilteredAcc, RemovedKeysAcc};
filter_leafs([{Pos, [{LeafKey, _}|_]} = Path |Rest], Keys, FilteredAcc, RemovedKeysAcc) ->
FilteredKeys = lists:delete({Pos, LeafKey}, Keys),
if FilteredKeys == Keys ->
% this leaf is not a key we are looking to remove
filter_leafs(Rest, Keys, [Path | FilteredAcc], RemovedKeysAcc);
true ->
% this did match a key, remove both the node and the input key
filter_leafs(Rest, FilteredKeys, FilteredAcc, [{Pos, LeafKey} | RemovedKeysAcc])
% Removes any branches from the tree whose leaf node(s) are in the Keys
remove_leafs(Trees, Keys) ->
% flatten each branch in a tree into a tree path
Paths = get_all_leafs_full(Trees),
% filter out any that are in the keys list.
{FilteredPaths, RemovedKeys} = filter_leafs(Paths, Keys, [], []),
SortedPaths = lists:sort(
[{Pos + 1 - length(Path), Path} || {Pos, Path} <- FilteredPaths]
% convert paths back to trees
NewTree = lists:foldl(
fun({StartPos, Path},TreeAcc) ->
[SingleTree] = lists:foldl(
fun({K,V},NewTreeAcc) -> [{K,V,NewTreeAcc}] end, [], Path),
{NewTrees, _} = merge(TreeAcc, {StartPos, SingleTree}),
end, [], SortedPaths),
{NewTree, RemovedKeys}.
% get the leafs in the tree matching the keys. The matching key nodes can be
% leafs or an inner nodes. If an inner node, then the leafs for that node
% are returned.
get_key_leafs(Tree, Keys) ->
get_key_leafs(Tree, Keys, []).
get_key_leafs(_, [], Acc) ->
{Acc, []};
get_key_leafs([], Keys, Acc) ->
{Acc, Keys};
get_key_leafs([{Pos, Tree}|Rest], Keys, Acc) ->
{Gotten, RemainingKeys} = get_key_leafs_simple(Pos, [Tree], Keys, []),
get_key_leafs(Rest, RemainingKeys, Gotten ++ Acc).
get_key_leafs_simple(_Pos, _Tree, [], _KeyPathAcc) ->
{[], []};
get_key_leafs_simple(_Pos, [], KeysToGet, _KeyPathAcc) ->
{[], KeysToGet};
get_key_leafs_simple(Pos, [{Key, _Value, SubTree}=Tree | RestTree], KeysToGet, KeyPathAcc) ->
case lists:delete({Pos, Key}, KeysToGet) of
KeysToGet -> % same list, key not found
{LeafsFound, KeysToGet2} = get_key_leafs_simple(Pos + 1, SubTree, KeysToGet, [Key | KeyPathAcc]),
{RestLeafsFound, KeysRemaining} = get_key_leafs_simple(Pos, RestTree, KeysToGet2, KeyPathAcc),
{LeafsFound ++ RestLeafsFound, KeysRemaining};
KeysToGet2 ->
LeafsFound = get_all_leafs_simple(Pos, [Tree], KeyPathAcc),
LeafKeysFound = [LeafKeyFound || {LeafKeyFound, _} <- LeafsFound],
KeysToGet2 = KeysToGet2 -- LeafKeysFound,
{RestLeafsFound, KeysRemaining} = get_key_leafs_simple(Pos, RestTree, KeysToGet2, KeyPathAcc),
{LeafsFound ++ RestLeafsFound, KeysRemaining}
get(Tree, KeysToGet) ->
{KeyPaths, KeysNotFound} = get_full_key_paths(Tree, KeysToGet),
FixedResults = [ {Value, {Pos, [Key0 || {Key0, _} <- Path]}} || {Pos, [{_Key, Value}|_]=Path} <- KeyPaths],
{FixedResults, KeysNotFound}.
get_full_key_paths(Tree, Keys) ->
get_full_key_paths(Tree, Keys, []).
get_full_key_paths(_, [], Acc) ->
{Acc, []};
get_full_key_paths([], Keys, Acc) ->
{Acc, Keys};
get_full_key_paths([{Pos, Tree}|Rest], Keys, Acc) ->
{Gotten, RemainingKeys} = get_full_key_paths(Pos, [Tree], Keys, []),
get_full_key_paths(Rest, RemainingKeys, Gotten ++ Acc).
get_full_key_paths(_Pos, _Tree, [], _KeyPathAcc) ->
{[], []};
get_full_key_paths(_Pos, [], KeysToGet, _KeyPathAcc) ->
{[], KeysToGet};
get_full_key_paths(Pos, [{KeyId, Value, SubTree} | RestTree], KeysToGet, KeyPathAcc) ->
KeysToGet2 = KeysToGet -- [{Pos, KeyId}],
CurrentNodeResult =
case length(KeysToGet2) =:= length(KeysToGet) of
true -> % not in the key list.
false -> % this node is the key list. return it
[{Pos, [{KeyId, Value} | KeyPathAcc]}]
{KeysGotten, KeysRemaining} = get_full_key_paths(Pos + 1, SubTree, KeysToGet2, [{KeyId, Value} | KeyPathAcc]),
{KeysGotten2, KeysRemaining2} = get_full_key_paths(Pos, RestTree, KeysRemaining, KeyPathAcc),
{CurrentNodeResult ++ KeysGotten ++ KeysGotten2, KeysRemaining2}.
get_all_leafs_full(Tree) ->
get_all_leafs_full(Tree, []).
get_all_leafs_full([], Acc) ->
get_all_leafs_full([{Pos, Tree} | Rest], Acc) ->
get_all_leafs_full(Rest, get_all_leafs_full_simple(Pos, [Tree], []) ++ Acc).
get_all_leafs_full_simple(_Pos, [], _KeyPathAcc) ->
get_all_leafs_full_simple(Pos, [{KeyId, Value, []} | RestTree], KeyPathAcc) ->
[{Pos, [{KeyId, Value} | KeyPathAcc]} | get_all_leafs_full_simple(Pos, RestTree, KeyPathAcc)];
get_all_leafs_full_simple(Pos, [{KeyId, Value, SubTree} | RestTree], KeyPathAcc) ->
get_all_leafs_full_simple(Pos + 1, SubTree, [{KeyId, Value} | KeyPathAcc]) ++ get_all_leafs_full_simple(Pos, RestTree, KeyPathAcc).
get_all_leafs(Trees) ->
get_all_leafs(Trees, []).
get_all_leafs([], Acc) ->
get_all_leafs([{Pos, Tree}|Rest], Acc) ->
get_all_leafs(Rest, get_all_leafs_simple(Pos, [Tree], []) ++ Acc).
get_all_leafs_simple(_Pos, [], _KeyPathAcc) ->
get_all_leafs_simple(Pos, [{KeyId, Value, []} | RestTree], KeyPathAcc) ->
[{Value, {Pos, [KeyId | KeyPathAcc]}} | get_all_leafs_simple(Pos, RestTree, KeyPathAcc)];
get_all_leafs_simple(Pos, [{KeyId, _Value, SubTree} | RestTree], KeyPathAcc) ->
get_all_leafs_simple(Pos + 1, SubTree, [KeyId | KeyPathAcc]) ++ get_all_leafs_simple(Pos, RestTree, KeyPathAcc).
count_leafs([]) ->
count_leafs([{_Pos,Tree}|Rest]) ->
count_leafs_simple([Tree]) + count_leafs(Rest).
count_leafs_simple([]) ->
count_leafs_simple([{_Key, _Value, []} | RestTree]) ->
1 + count_leafs_simple(RestTree);
count_leafs_simple([{_Key, _Value, SubTree} | RestTree]) ->
count_leafs_simple(SubTree) + count_leafs_simple(RestTree).
fold(_Fun, Acc, []) ->
fold(Fun, Acc0, [{Pos, Tree}|Rest]) ->
Acc1 = fold_simple(Fun, Acc0, Pos, [Tree]),
fold(Fun, Acc1, Rest).
fold_simple(_Fun, Acc, _Pos, []) ->
fold_simple(Fun, Acc0, Pos, [{Key, Value, SubTree} | RestTree]) ->
Type = if SubTree == [] -> leaf; true -> branch end,
Acc1 = Fun({Pos, Key}, Value, Type, Acc0),
Acc2 = fold_simple(Fun, Acc1, Pos+1, SubTree),
fold_simple(Fun, Acc2, Pos, RestTree).
map(_Fun, []) ->
map(Fun, [{Pos, Tree}|Rest]) ->
case erlang:fun_info(Fun, arity) of
{arity, 2} ->
[NewTree] = map_simple(fun(A,B,_C) -> Fun(A,B) end, Pos, [Tree]),
[{Pos, NewTree} | map(Fun, Rest)];
{arity, 3} ->
[NewTree] = map_simple(Fun, Pos, [Tree]),
[{Pos, NewTree} | map(Fun, Rest)]
map_simple(_Fun, _Pos, []) ->
map_simple(Fun, Pos, [{Key, Value, SubTree} | RestTree]) ->
Value2 = Fun({Pos, Key}, Value,
if SubTree == [] -> leaf; true -> branch end),
[{Key, Value2, map_simple(Fun, Pos + 1, SubTree)} | map_simple(Fun, Pos, RestTree)].
map_leafs(_Fun, []) ->
map_leafs(Fun, [{Pos, Tree}|Rest]) ->
[NewTree] = map_leafs_simple(Fun, Pos, [Tree]),
[{Pos, NewTree} | map_leafs(Fun, Rest)].
map_leafs_simple(_Fun, _Pos, []) ->
map_leafs_simple(Fun, Pos, [{Key, Value, []} | RestTree]) ->
Value2 = Fun({Pos, Key}, Value),
[{Key, Value2, []} | map_leafs_simple(Fun, Pos, RestTree)];
map_leafs_simple(Fun, Pos, [{Key, Value, SubTree} | RestTree]) ->
[{Key, Value, map_leafs_simple(Fun, Pos + 1, SubTree)} | map_leafs_simple(Fun, Pos, RestTree)].
stem(Trees, Limit) ->
% flatten each branch in a tree into a tree path, sort by starting rev #
Paths = lists:sort(lists:map(fun({Pos, Path}) ->
StemmedPath = lists:sublist(Path, Limit),
{Pos + 1 - length(StemmedPath), StemmedPath}
end, get_all_leafs_full(Trees))),
% convert paths back to trees
fun({StartPos, Path},TreeAcc) ->
[SingleTree] = lists:foldl(
fun({K,V},NewTreeAcc) -> [{K,V,NewTreeAcc}] end, [], Path),
{NewTrees, _} = merge(TreeAcc, {StartPos, SingleTree}),
end, [], Paths).
value_pref(Tuple, _) when is_tuple(Tuple),
(tuple_size(Tuple) == 3 orelse tuple_size(Tuple) == 4) ->
value_pref(_, Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple),
(tuple_size(Tuple) == 3 orelse tuple_size(Tuple) == 4) ->
value_pref(?REV_MISSING, Other) ->
value_pref(Other, ?REV_MISSING) ->
value_pref(Last, _) ->
% Tests moved to test/etap/06?-*.t