blob: 6433d3d894cee44b600fe94b6fdf472f6e89f71d [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
setup("mocked") ->
fun setup_mocked/1;
setup("not_mocked") ->
fun setup_not_mocked/1.
setup_mocked({Endpoint, {_Path, Module, Function}}) ->
catch meck:unload(Module),
meck:new(Module, [passthrough, non_strict]),
Expected = mock_handler(Endpoint, Module, Function),
setup_not_mocked({_Endpoint, {_Path, Module, _Function}}) ->
catch meck:unload(Module),
meck:new(Module, [non_strict]),
teardown({_Endpoint, {Module, _F, _A}}, _) ->
catch meck:unload(Module),
handlers(url_handler) ->
{<<"">>, chttpd_misc, handle_welcome_req},
{<<"favicon.ico">>, chttpd_misc, handle_favicon_req},
{<<"_utils">>, chttpd_misc, handle_utils_dir_req},
{<<"_all_dbs">>, chttpd_misc, handle_all_dbs_req},
{<<"_dbs_info">>, chttpd_misc, handle_dbs_info_req},
{<<"_active_tasks">>, chttpd_misc, handle_task_status_req},
{<<"_node">>, chttpd_node, handle_node_req},
{<<"_reload_query_servers">>, chttpd_misc, handle_reload_query_servers_req},
{<<"_replicate">>, chttpd_misc, handle_replicate_req},
{<<"_uuids">>, chttpd_misc, handle_uuids_req},
{<<"_session">>, chttpd_auth, handle_session_req},
{<<"_up">>, chttpd_misc, handle_up_req},
{<<"_membership">>, mem3_httpd, handle_membership_req},
{<<"_db_updates">>, global_changes_httpd, handle_global_changes_req},
{<<"_cluster_setup">>, setup_httpd, handle_setup_req},
{<<"anything">>, chttpd_db, handle_request}
handlers(db_handler) ->
{<<"_view_cleanup">>, chttpd_db, handle_view_cleanup_req},
{<<"_compact">>, chttpd_db, handle_compact_req},
{<<"_design">>, chttpd_db, handle_design_req},
{<<"_temp_view">>, chttpd_view, handle_temp_view_req},
{<<"_changes">>, chttpd_db, handle_changes_req},
{<<"_shards">>, mem3_httpd, handle_shards_req},
{<<"_index">>, mango_httpd, handle_req},
{<<"_explain">>, mango_httpd, handle_req},
{<<"_find">>, mango_httpd, handle_req}
handlers(design_handler) ->
{<<"_view">>, chttpd_view, handle_view_req},
{<<"_show">>, chttpd_show, handle_doc_show_req},
{<<"_list">>, chttpd_show, handle_view_list_req},
{<<"_update">>, chttpd_show, handle_doc_update_req},
{<<"_info">>, chttpd_db, handle_design_info_req},
{<<"_rewrite">>, chttpd_rewrite, handle_rewrite_req}
endpoints_test_() ->
"Checking dynamic endpoints",
fun() -> test_util:start_couch([chttpd, mem3, global_changes, mango, setup]) end,
fun test_util:stop/1,
"mocked", url_handler, fun ensure_called/2),
"mocked", db_handler, fun ensure_called/2),
"mocked", design_handler, fun ensure_called/2),
"not_mocked", url_handler, fun verify_we_fail_if_missing/2),
"not_mocked", db_handler, fun verify_we_fail_if_missing/2),
"not_mocked", design_handler, fun verify_we_fail_if_missing/2)
check_dynamic_endpoints(Setup, EndpointType, TestFun) ->
"Checking '"
++ atom_to_list(EndpointType)
++ "' [" ++ Setup ++ "] dynamic endpoints",
make_test_case(Setup, EndpointType, Spec, TestFun)
|| Spec <- handlers(EndpointType)
make_test_case(Setup, EndpointType, {Path, Module, Function}, TestFun) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s -- \"~s\"", [EndpointType, ?b2l(Path)])),
foreachx, setup(Setup), fun teardown/2,
{{EndpointType, {Path, Module, Function}}, TestFun}
mock_handler(url_handler = Endpoint, M, F) ->
meck:expect(M, F, fun(X) -> {return, Endpoint, X} end),
fun M:F/1;
mock_handler(db_handler = Endpoint, M, F) ->
meck:expect(M, F, fun(X, Y) -> {return, Endpoint, X, Y} end),
fun M:F/2;
mock_handler(design_handler = Endpoint, M, F) ->
meck:expect(M, F, fun(X, Y, Z) -> {return, Endpoint, X, Y, Z} end),
fun M:F/3.
ensure_called({url_handler = Endpoint, {Path, _M, _Fun}}, ExpectedFun) ->
HandlerFun = handler(Endpoint, Path),
?assertEqual(ExpectedFun, HandlerFun),
?assertMatch({return, Endpoint, x}, HandlerFun(x))
ensure_called({db_handler = Endpoint, {Path, _M, _Fun}}, ExpectedFun) ->
HandlerFun = handler(Endpoint, Path),
?assertEqual(ExpectedFun, HandlerFun),
?assertMatch({return, Endpoint, x, y}, HandlerFun(x, y))
ensure_called({design_handler = Endpoint, {Path, _M, _Fun}}, ExpectedFun) ->
HandlerFun = handler(Endpoint, Path),
?assertEqual(ExpectedFun, HandlerFun),
?assertMatch({return, Endpoint, x, y, z}, HandlerFun(x, y, z))
%% Test the test: when the final target function is missing,
%% the Fun call must fail.
verify_we_fail_if_missing({url_handler = Endpoint, {Path, _M, _Fun}}, _) ->
HandlerFun = handler(Endpoint, Path),
?assertError(undef, HandlerFun(x))
verify_we_fail_if_missing({db_handler = Endpoint, {Path, _M, _Fun}}, _) ->
HandlerFun = handler(Endpoint, Path),
?assertError(undef, HandlerFun(x, y))
verify_we_fail_if_missing({design_handler = Endpoint, {Path, _M, _Fun}}, _) ->
HandlerFun = handler(Endpoint, Path),
?assertError(undef, HandlerFun(x, y, z))
handler(url_handler, HandlerKey) ->
chttpd_handlers:url_handler(HandlerKey, fun chttpd_db:handle_request/1);
handler(db_handler, HandlerKey) ->
chttpd_handlers:db_handler(HandlerKey, fun chttpd_db:db_req/2);
handler(design_handler, HandlerKey) ->
chttpd_handlers:design_handler(HandlerKey, fun dummy/3).
dummy(_, _, _) ->