blob: 4e0c3f7400ce4dea223918042e946e45c3d53bfb [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-
%%! -pa ./src/couchdb -pa ./src/mochiweb -sasl errlog_type false -noshell
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
%% XXX: Figure out how to -include("couch_db.hrl")
-record(doc, {id= <<"">>, revs={0, []}, body={[]},
atts=[], deleted=false, meta=[]}).
-record(att, {name, type, len, md5= <<>>, revpos=0, data}).
main(_) ->
case (catch test()) of
ok ->
Other ->
etap:diag(io_lib:format("Test died abnormally: ~p", [Other])),
test() ->
ok = test_to_json_success(),
test_to_json_success() ->
Cases = [
{[{<<"_id">>, <<"">>}]},
"Empty docs are {\"_id\": \"\"}"
#doc{id= <<"foo">>},
{[{<<"_id">>, <<"foo">>}]},
"_id is added."
#doc{revs={5, ["foo"]}},
{[{<<"_id">>, <<>>}, {<<"_rev">>, <<"5-foo">>}]},
"_rev is added."
#doc{revs={5, [<<"first">>, <<"second">>]}},
{<<"_id">>, <<>>},
{<<"_rev">>, <<"5-first">>},
{<<"_revisions">>, {[
{<<"start">>, 5},
{<<"ids">>, [<<"first">>, <<"second">>]}
"_revisions include with revs option"
#doc{body={[{<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>}]}},
{[{<<"_id">>, <<>>}, {<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>}]},
"Arbitrary fields are added."
#doc{deleted=true, body={[{<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>}]}},
{[{<<"_id">>, <<>>}, {<<"_deleted">>, true}]},
"Deleted docs drop body members."
{revs_info, 4, [{<<"fin">>, deleted}, {<<"zim">>, missing}]}
{<<"_id">>, <<>>},
{<<"_revs_info">>, [
{[{<<"rev">>, <<"4-fin">>}, {<<"status">>, <<"deleted">>}]},
{[{<<"rev">>, <<"3-zim">>}, {<<"status">>, <<"missing">>}]}
"_revs_info field is added correctly."
#doc{meta=[{local_seq, 5}]},
{[{<<"_id">>, <<>>}, {<<"_local_seq">>, 5}]},
"_local_seq is added as an integer."
#doc{meta=[{conflicts, [{3, <<"yep">>}, {1, <<"snow">>}]}]},
{<<"_id">>, <<>>},
{<<"_conflicts">>, [<<"3-yep">>, <<"1-snow">>]}
"_conflicts is added as an array of strings."
#doc{meta=[{deleted_conflicts, [{10923, <<"big_cowboy_hat">>}]}]},
{<<"_id">>, <<>>},
{<<"_deleted_conflicts">>, [<<"10923-big_cowboy_hat">>]}
"_deleted_conflicsts is added as an array of strings."
name = <<"big.xml">>,
type = <<"xml/sucks">>,
data = fun() -> ok end,
len = 400
name = <<"fast.json">>,
type = <<"json/ftw">>,
data = <<"{\"so\": \"there!\"}">>,
len = 16
{<<"_id">>, <<>>},
{<<"_attachments">>, {[
{<<"big.xml">>, {[
{<<"stub">>, true},
{<<"content_type">>, <<"xml/sucks">>},
{<<"length">>, 400},
{<<"revpos">>, 0}
{<<"fast.json">>, {[
{<<"stub">>, true},
{<<"content_type">>, <<"json/ftw">>},
{<<"length">>, 16},
{<<"revpos">>, 0}
"Attachments attached as stubs only include a length."
name = <<"stuff.txt">>,
type = <<"text/plain">>,
data = fun() -> <<"diet pepsi">> end,
len = 10
name = <<"">>,
type = <<"application/food">>,
data = <<"sammich">>
{<<"_id">>, <<>>},
{<<"_attachments">>, {[
{<<"stuff.txt">>, {[
{<<"content_type">>, <<"text/plain">>},
{<<"revpos">>, 0},
{<<"data">>, <<"ZGlldCBwZXBzaQ==">>}
{<<"">>, {[
{<<"content_type">>, <<"application/food">>},
{<<"revpos">>, 0},
{<<"data">>, <<"c2FtbWljaA==">>}
"Attachments included inline with attachments option."
({Doc, EJson, Mesg}) ->
etap:is(couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, []), EJson, Mesg);
({Options, Doc, EJson, Mesg}) ->
etap:is(couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options), EJson, Mesg)
end, Cases),