blob: 224a6f66fb3b6aac127db0a0f34ae9cdc5391841 [file] [log] [blame]
* This temporarily uses the PouchDB map reduce implementation
* These files are modified locally until we make a more general version and
* push it back upstream.
* Original file:
/*global Pouch: true */
//"use strict";
// This is the first implementation of a basic plugin, we register the
// plugin object with pouch and it is mixin'd to each database created
// (regardless of adapter), adapters can override plugins by providing
// their own implementation. functions on the plugin object that start
// with _ are reserved function that are called by pouchdb for special
// notifications.
// If we wanted to store incremental views we can do it here by listening
// to the changes feed (keeping track of our last update_seq between page loads)
// and storing the result of the map function (possibly using the upcoming
// extracted adapter functions)
// Modules
function(app, FauxtonAPI, Collate) {
var Pouch = {};
Pouch.collate = Collate.collate;
//var MapReduce = function(db) {
var MapReduce = function() {
var builtInReduce = {
"_sum": function(keys, values){
return sum(values);
"_count": function(keys, values, rereduce){
if (rereduce){
return sum(values);
} else {
return values.length;
"_stats": function(keys, values, rereduce){
return {
'sum': sum(values),
'min': Math.min.apply(null, values),
'max': Math.max.apply(null, values),
'count': values.length,
'sumsqr': (function(){
_sumsqr = 0;
for(var idx in values){
_sumsqr += values[idx] * values[idx];
return _sumsqr;
function viewQuery(fun, options) {
console.log("IN VIEW QUERY");
if (!options.complete) {
function sum(values) {
return values.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }, 0);
var results = [];
var current = null;
var num_started= 0;
var completed= false;
var emit = function(key, val) {
//console.log("IN EMIT: ", key, val, current);
var viewRow = {
id: current.doc._id,
key: key,
value: val
//console.log("VIEW ROW: ", viewRow);
if (options.startkey && Pouch.collate(key, options.startkey) < 0) return;
if (options.endkey && Pouch.collate(key, options.endkey) > 0) return;
if (options.key && Pouch.collate(key, options.key) !== 0) return;
if (options.include_docs) {
throw({error: "Include Docs not supported"});
//in this special case, join on _id (issue #106)
if (val && typeof val === 'object' && val._id){
function(_, joined_doc){
if (joined_doc) {
viewRow.doc = joined_doc;
} else {
viewRow.doc = current.doc;
console.log("EMITTING: ", viewRow);
// ugly way to make sure references to 'emit' in map/reduce bind to the
// above emit
eval(' = ' + + ';');
if (fun.reduce && options.reduce) {
if (builtInReduce[fun.reduce]) {
console.log('built in reduce');
fun.reduce = builtInReduce[fun.reduce];
eval('fun.reduce = ' + fun.reduce.toString() + ';');
// exclude _conflicts key by default
// or to use options.conflicts if it's set when called by db.query
var conflicts = ('conflicts' in options ? options.conflicts : false);
//only proceed once all documents are mapped and joined
var checkComplete= function(){
if (completed && results.length == num_started){
results.sort(function(a, b) {
return Pouch.collate(a.key, b.key);
if (options.descending) {
if (options.reduce === false) {
return options.complete(null, {rows: results});
console.log('reducing', options);
var groups = [];
results.forEach(function(e) {
var last = groups[groups.length-1] || null;
if (last && Pouch.collate(last.key[0][0], e.key) === 0) {
groups.push({key: [[e.key,]], value: [e.value]});
groups.forEach(function(e) {
e.value = fun.reduce(e.key, e.value) || null;
e.key = e.key[0][0];
console.log('GROUPs', groups);
options.complete(null, {rows: groups});
if ( {
//console.log("RUNNING MR ON DOCS: ",;
_.each(, function(doc) {
current = {doc: doc};, doc);
}, this);
completed = true;
return checkComplete();//options.complete(null, {rows: results});
} else {
//console.log("COULD NOT FIND DOCS");
return false;
conflicts: conflicts,
include_docs: true,
onChange: function(doc) {
if (!('deleted' in doc)) {
current = {doc: doc.doc};, doc.doc);
complete: function() {
completed= true;
function httpQuery(fun, opts, callback) {
// List of parameters to add to the PUT request
var params = [];
var body = undefined;
var method = 'GET';
// If opts.reduce exists and is defined, then add it to the list
// of parameters.
// If reduce=false then the results are that of only the map function
// not the final result of map and reduce.
if (typeof opts.reduce !== 'undefined') {
params.push('reduce=' + opts.reduce);
if (typeof opts.include_docs !== 'undefined') {
params.push('include_docs=' + opts.include_docs);
if (typeof opts.limit !== 'undefined') {
params.push('limit=' + opts.limit);
if (typeof opts.descending !== 'undefined') {
params.push('descending=' + opts.descending);
if (typeof opts.startkey !== 'undefined') {
params.push('startkey=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(opts.startkey)));
if (typeof opts.endkey !== 'undefined') {
params.push('endkey=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(opts.endkey)));
if (typeof opts.key !== 'undefined') {
params.push('key=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(opts.key)));
// If keys are supplied, issue a POST request to circumvent GET query string limits
// see
if (typeof opts.keys !== 'undefined') {
method = 'POST';
body = JSON.stringify({keys:opts.keys});
// Format the list of parameters into a valid URI query string
params = params.join('&');
params = params === '' ? '' : '?' + params;
// We are referencing a query defined in the design doc
if (typeof fun === 'string') {
var parts = fun.split('/');
method: method,
url: '_design/' + parts[0] + '/_view/' + parts[1] + params,
body: body
}, callback);
// We are using a temporary view, terrible for performance but good for testing
var queryObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(fun, function(key, val) {
if (typeof val === 'function') {
return val + ''; // implicitly `toString` it
return val;
url: '_temp_view' + params,
body: queryObject
}, callback);
function query(fun, opts, callback) {
if (typeof opts === 'function') {
callback = opts;
opts = {};
if (callback) {
opts.complete = callback;
if (db.type() === 'http') {
return httpQuery(fun, opts, callback);
if (typeof fun === 'object') {
console.log("RUNNING VIEW QUERY", fun, opts, arguments);
return viewQuery(fun, opts);
throw({error: "Shouldn't have gotten here"});
var parts = fun.split('/');
db.get('_design/' + parts[0], function(err, doc) {
if (err) {
if (callback) callback(err);
map: doc.views[parts[1]].map,
reduce: doc.views[parts[1]].reduce
}, opts);
return {'query': query};
// Deletion is a noop since we dont store the results of the view
MapReduce._delete = function() { };
//Pouch.plugin('mapreduce', MapReduce);
return MapReduce();