tree: 5374e8a7b077a32e6a2f21f320eb39e147b82750 [path history] [tgz]
  1. app/
  2. assets/
  3. bin/
  4. tasks/
  5. test/
  6. couchapp.js
  8. favicon.ico
  9. Gruntfile.js
  10. index.html
  11. package.json
  13. settings.json.default
  14. settings.json.sample_external


This is the initial implementation of Fauxton, focused on fleshing out the various pieces of functionality and as a test bed for new ideas. Full functionality and design considerations will be added later.

Current items of interest:

  • Live JSON editor with dynamic JS Hinting and error popups
  • Initial plugin system
  • Minimal externally loadable plugin example
  • Data popups for additional db info on _all_dbs page
  • CouchDB API compliant urls

Setup Fauxton

A recent of node.js and npm is required.

CouchDB Setup

1. Clone the Couchdb repo: or
cd couchdb

Fauxton Setup

cd src/fauxton

# Install all dependencies
npm install

Dev Server

Using the dev server is the easiest way to use fauxton, specially when developing for it.

grunt dev

(Optional) To avoid a npm global install

# Add node_modules/.bin to your path
# export PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$PATH
	# Or just use the wrappers in ./bin/

# Development mode, non minified files
./bin/grunt couchdebug

# Or fully compiled install
# ./bin/grunt couchdb

Prepare Fauxton Release

Follow the "Fauxton Setup" section,
Edit settings.json variable root where the document will live.  eg.  "/_utils/fauxton/"


./bin/grunt couchdb

This will install the latest version of Fauxton into `/share/www/fauxton`

Running Tests

There are two ways to run the tests. `grunt test` will run the tests via the commandline. It is also possible to view them via the url
`http://localhost:8000/testrunner` when the dev server is running. Refreshing the url will rerun the tests via phantomjs and in the browser.

To Deploy Fauxton

./bin/grunt couchapp_deploy - to deploy to your local [Couchdb instance] (http://localhost:5984/fauxton/_design/fauxton/index.html)

Understang Fauxton Code layout

Each bit of functionality is its own seperate module or addon. All core modules are stored under app/module and any addons that are optional are under app/addons. We use backbone.js and Backbone.layoutmanager quite heavily, so best to get an idea how they work. Its best at this point to read through a couple of the modules and addons to get an idea of how they work. Two good starting points are app/addon/config and app/modules/databases. Each module must have a base.js file, this is read and compile when Fauxton is deployed. A resource.js file is usually for your Backbone.Models and Backbone.Collections, view.js for your Backbone.Views. The routes.js is used to register a url path for your view along with what layout, data, breadcrumbs and api point is required for the view.

Todo items

Checkout Jira for a list of items to do.