blob: 79f1da775eabc8364afb9cad682da9cd2c440609 [file] [log] [blame]
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
# Base image for Erlang and Elixir. Useful choices include:
# 1.11 -> Erlang 23, Debian Buster
# 1.10 -> Erlang 22, Debian Buster
# 1.9 -> Erlang 22, Debian Buster
# Older versions based on Debian Stretch will not include
# SpiderMonkey 60, which the Dockerfile expects to be able
# to install via apt-get.
# SpiderMonkey version to install with apt-get
SM_VSN: "60"
# This should always match the value in fdb.image
FDB_VERSION: "6.2.28"
# This needs to match the name of the FoundationDB service below
# The location where the Dockerfile installs the FDB cluster file
# retrieved from the `fdb` image. CouchDB looks for the cluster file in
# this location by default. If you want to install it somewhere else you
# you need to change "[erlfdb] cluster_file" and ERL_ZFLAGS to match.
FDB_CLUSTER_FILE: /usr/local/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster
# The test suite will default to trying to start its own fdbserver
# process. This environment variable tells it to use the fdbserver
# running in the `fdb` image instead. Quite a hacky solution. An
# alternative might be to parameterize the Makefile so we can swap
# `eunit.config` for a `devcontainer.config` via an environment variable
# and maintain both config files in the repo.
ERL_ZFLAGS: "-erlfdb test_cluster_file <<\\\"/usr/local/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster\\\">>"
# Mounts the project folder to '/usr/src/couchdb'. The target path inside
# the container should match what your application expects. In this case,
# the compose file is in a sub-folder, so you will mount '..'. You would
# then reference this path as the 'workspaceFolder' in
# '.devcontainer/devcontainer.json' so VS Code starts here.
- ..:/usr/src/couchdb:cached
network_mode: service:fdb
image: foundationdb/foundationdb:6.2.28