blob: 05344100758d663901705f1f01e06b3bfd19ac87 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
couch_replicator_db_test_() ->
"Replications are started from docs in _replicator dbs",
fun couch_replicator_test_helper:start_couch/0,
fun couch_replicator_test_helper:stop_couch/1,
fun setup/0,
fun teardown/1,
?TDEF_FE(continuous_replication_created_from_doc, 15),
?TDEF_FE(normal_replication_created_from_doc, 15),
?TDEF_FE(replicator_db_deleted, 15),
?TDEF_FE(replicator_db_recreated, 15),
?TDEF_FE(duplicate_persistent_replication, 15),
?TDEF_FE(duplicate_transient_replication, 30)
setup() ->
Source = couch_replicator_test_helper:create_db(),
create_doc(Source, #{<<"_id">> => <<"doc1">>}),
Target = couch_replicator_test_helper:create_db(),
Name = ?tempdb(),
RepDb = couch_replicator_test_helper:create_db(<<Name/binary,
config:set("replicator", "stats_update_interval_sec", "0", false),
config:set("replicator", "create_replicator_db", "false", false),
config:set("couchdb", "enable_database_recovery", "false", false),
config:set("replicator", "min_backoff_penalty_sec", "1", false),
{Source, Target, RepDb}.
teardown({Source, Target, RepDb}) ->
config:delete("replicator", "stats_update_interval_sec", false),
config:delete("replicator", "create_replicator_db", false),
config:delete("couchdb", "enable_database_recovery", false),
config:delete("replicator", "min_backoff_penalty_sec", false),
default_replicator_db_is_created({_, _, _}) ->
config:set("replicator", "create_replicator_db", "true", false),
?assertEqual(ignore, couch_replicator:ensure_rep_db_exists()),
?assertMatch({ok, #{}}, fabric2_db:open(?REP_DB_NAME, [])).
continuous_replication_created_from_doc({Source, Target, RepDb}) ->
DocId = <<"rdoc1">>,
RDoc = rep_doc(Source, Target, DocId, #{<<"continuous">> => true}),
create_doc(RepDb, RDoc),
wait_scheduler_docs_state(RepDb, DocId, <<"running">>),
{Code, DocInfo} = scheduler_docs(RepDb, DocId),
?assertEqual(200, Code),
<<"database">> := RepDb,
<<"doc_id">> := DocId
}, DocInfo),
RepId = maps:get(<<"id">>, DocInfo),
<<"database">> := RepDb,
<<"doc_id">> := DocId,
<<"id">> := RepId,
<<"state">> := <<"running">>
}], couch_replicator_test_helper:scheduler_jobs()),
?assertMatch({200, #{
<<"database">> := RepDb,
<<"doc_id">> := DocId,
<<"id">> := RepId,
<<"state">> := <<"running">>
}}, scheduler_jobs(RepId)),
delete_doc(RepDb, DocId),
wait_scheduler_docs_not_found(RepDb, DocId),
?assertMatch({404, #{}}, scheduler_jobs(RepId)).
normal_replication_created_from_doc({Source, Target, RepDb}) ->
DocId = <<"rdoc2">>,
RDoc = rep_doc(Source, Target, DocId),
create_doc(RepDb, RDoc),
wait_scheduler_docs_state(RepDb, DocId, <<"completed">>),
{Code, DocInfo} = scheduler_docs(RepDb, DocId),
?assertEqual(200, Code),
<<"database">> := RepDb,
<<"doc_id">> := DocId,
<<"state">> := <<"completed">>,
<<"info">> := #{
<<"docs_written">> := 1,
<<"docs_read">> := 1,
<<"missing_revisions_found">> := 1
}, DocInfo),
wait_doc_state(RepDb, DocId, <<"completed">>),
<<"_replication_state">> := <<"completed">>,
<<"_replication_stats">> := #{
<<"docs_written">> := 1,
<<"docs_read">> := 1,
<<"missing_revisions_found">> := 1
}, read_doc(RepDb, DocId)),
delete_doc(RepDb, DocId),
wait_scheduler_docs_not_found(RepDb, DocId).
replicator_db_deleted({Source, Target, RepDb}) ->
DocId = <<"rdoc3">>,
RDoc = rep_doc(Source, Target, DocId, #{<<"continuous">> => true}),
create_doc(RepDb, RDoc),
wait_scheduler_docs_state(RepDb, DocId, <<"running">>),
fabric2_db:delete(RepDb, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
wait_scheduler_docs_not_found(RepDb, DocId).
replicator_db_recreated({Source, Target, RepDb}) ->
DocId = <<"rdoc4">>,
RDoc = rep_doc(Source, Target, DocId, #{<<"continuous">> => true}),
create_doc(RepDb, RDoc),
wait_scheduler_docs_state(RepDb, DocId, <<"running">>),
config:set("couchdb", "enable_database_recovery", "true", false),
fabric2_db:delete(RepDb, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
wait_scheduler_docs_not_found(RepDb, DocId),
Opts = [{start_key, RepDb}, {end_key, RepDb}],
{ok, [DbInfo]} = fabric2_db:list_deleted_dbs_info(Opts),
{_, Timestamp} = lists:keyfind(timestamp, 1, DbInfo),
ok = fabric2_db:undelete(RepDb, RepDb, Timestamp, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
wait_scheduler_docs_state(RepDb, DocId, <<"running">>),
config:set("couchdb", "enable_database_recovery", "false", false),
fabric2_db:delete(RepDb, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
wait_scheduler_docs_not_found(RepDb, DocId).
invalid_replication_docs({_, _, RepDb}) ->
Docs = [
<<"_id">> => <<"1">>,
<<"source">> => <<"">>
<<"_id">> => <<"1">>,
<<"target">> => <<"">>
<<"_id">> => <<"1">>
<<"_id">> => <<"1">>,
<<"source">> => <<"">>,
<<"target">> => <<"">>,
<<"create_target">> => <<"bad">>
<<"_id">> => <<"1">>,
<<"source">> => #{<<"junk">> => 42},
<<"target">> => <<"">>
<<"_id">> => <<"1">>,
<<"source">> => <<"">>,
<<"target">> => <<"">>,
<<"selector">> => #{},
<<"filter">> => <<"a/b">>
<<"_id">> => <<"1">>,
<<"source">> => <<"">>,
<<"target">> => <<"">>,
<<"doc_ids">> => 42
lists:foreach(fun(Doc) ->
?assertThrow({forbidden, _}, create_doc(RepDb, Doc))
end, Docs).
duplicate_persistent_replication({Source, Target, RepDb}) ->
DocId1 = <<"rdoc5">>,
RDoc1 = rep_doc(Source, Target, DocId1, #{<<"continuous">> => true}),
create_doc(RepDb, RDoc1),
wait_scheduler_docs_state(RepDb, DocId1, <<"running">>),
DocId2 = <<"rdoc6">>,
RDoc2 = rep_doc(Source, Target, DocId2, #{<<"continuous">> => true}),
create_doc(RepDb, RDoc2),
wait_scheduler_docs_state(RepDb, DocId2, <<"failed">>),
delete_doc(RepDb, DocId1),
delete_doc(RepDb, DocId2),
wait_scheduler_docs_not_found(RepDb, DocId1),
wait_scheduler_docs_not_found(RepDb, DocId2).
duplicate_transient_replication({Source, Target, RepDb}) ->
{ok, _Pid, RepId} = couch_replicator_test_helper:replicate_continuous(
Source, Target),
DocId = <<"rdoc7">>,
RDoc = rep_doc(Source, Target, DocId, #{<<"continuous">> => true}),
create_doc(RepDb, RDoc),
wait_scheduler_docs_state(RepDb, DocId, <<"crashing">>),
wait_reschedule_docs_state(RepDb, DocId, <<"running">>),
delete_doc(RepDb, DocId),
wait_scheduler_docs_not_found(RepDb, DocId).
scheduler_jobs(Id) ->
SUrl = couch_replicator_test_helper:server_url(),
Url = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s/_scheduler/jobs/~s", [SUrl, Id])),
{ok, Code, _, Body} = test_request:get(Url, []),
{Code, jiffy:decode(Body, [return_maps])}.
scheduler_docs(DbName, DocId) ->
SUrl = couch_replicator_test_helper:server_url(),
Fmt = "~s/_scheduler/docs/~s/~s",
Url = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Fmt, [SUrl, DbName, DocId])),
{ok, Code, _, Body} = test_request:get(Url, []),
{Code, jiffy:decode(Body, [return_maps])}.
rep_doc(Source, Target, DocId) ->
rep_doc(Source, Target, DocId, #{}).
rep_doc(Source, Target, DocId, #{} = Extra) ->
<<"_id">> => DocId,
<<"source">> => couch_replicator_test_helper:db_url(Source),
<<"target">> => couch_replicator_test_helper:db_url(Target)
}, Extra).
create_doc(DbName, Doc) ->
couch_replicator_test_helper:create_docs(DbName, [Doc]).
delete_doc(DbName, DocId) ->
{ok, Db} = fabric2_db:open(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
{ok, Doc} = fabric2_db:open_doc(Db, DocId),
Doc1 = Doc#doc{deleted = true},
{ok, _} = fabric2_db:update_doc(Db, Doc1, []).
read_doc(DbName, DocId) ->
{ok, Db} = fabric2_db:open(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]),
{ok, Doc} = fabric2_db:open_doc(Db, DocId, [ejson_body]),
Body = Doc#doc.body,
couch_util:json_decode(couch_util:json_encode(Body), [return_maps]).
wait_scheduler_docs_state(DbName, DocId, State) ->
test_util:wait(fun() ->
case scheduler_docs(DbName, DocId) of
{200, #{<<"state">> := State} = Res} -> Res;
{_, _} -> wait
end, 10000, 250).
wait_scheduler_docs_not_found(DbName, DocId) ->
test_util:wait(fun() ->
case scheduler_docs(DbName, DocId) of
{404, _} -> ok;
{_, _} -> wait
end, 10000, 250).
wait_reschedule_docs_state(DbName, DocId, State) ->
test_util:wait(fun() ->
case scheduler_docs(DbName, DocId) of
{200, #{<<"state">> := State} = Res} -> Res;
{_, _} -> wait
end, 10000, 500).
wait_doc_state(DbName, DocId, State) ->
test_util:wait(fun() ->
case read_doc(DbName, DocId) of
#{<<"_replication_state">> := State} -> ok;
#{} -> wait
end, 10000, 250).