blob: 468bdee21bac99a8b3431730246fc80b286cb356 [file] [log] [blame]
% Copyright 2013 Cloudant
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
% Private RPC callbacks
-define(BATCH_SIZE, 1000).
-define(REXI_CALL_TIMEOUT_MSEC, 600000).
% "Pull" is a bit of a misnomer here, as what we're actually doing is
% issuing an RPC request and telling the remote node to push updates to
% us. This lets us reuse all of the battle-tested machinery of mem3_rpc.
pull_replication(Seed) ->
rexi_call(Seed, {mem3_rpc, pull_replication_rpc, [node()]}).
get_missing_revs(Node, DbName, IdsRevs, Options) ->
rexi_call(Node, {fabric_rpc, get_missing_revs, [DbName, IdsRevs, Options]}).
update_docs(Node, DbName, Docs, Options) ->
rexi_call(Node, {fabric_rpc, update_docs, [DbName, Docs, Options]}).
load_checkpoint(Node, DbName, SourceNode, SourceUUID, <<>>) ->
% Upgrade clause for a mixed cluster for old nodes that don't have
% load_checkpoint_rpc/4 yet. FilterHash is currently not
% used and so defaults to <<>> everywhere
load_checkpoint(Node, DbName, SourceNode, SourceUUID);
load_checkpoint(Node, DbName, SourceNode, SourceUUID, FilterHash) ->
Args = [DbName, SourceNode, SourceUUID, FilterHash],
rexi_call(Node, {mem3_rpc, load_checkpoint_rpc, Args}).
load_checkpoint(Node, DbName, SourceNode, SourceUUID) ->
Args = [DbName, SourceNode, SourceUUID],
rexi_call(Node, {mem3_rpc, load_checkpoint_rpc, Args}).
save_checkpoint(Node, DbName, DocId, Seq, Entry, History) ->
Args = [DbName, DocId, Seq, Entry, History],
rexi_call(Node, {mem3_rpc, save_checkpoint_rpc, Args}).
find_common_seq(Node, DbName, SourceUUID, SourceEpochs) ->
Args = [DbName, SourceUUID, SourceEpochs],
rexi_call(Node, {mem3_rpc, find_common_seq_rpc, Args}).
load_purge_infos(Node, DbName, SourceUUID, Count) ->
Args = [DbName, SourceUUID, Count],
rexi_call(Node, {mem3_rpc, load_purge_infos_rpc, Args}).
save_purge_checkpoint(Node, DbName, PurgeDocId, Body) ->
Args = [DbName, PurgeDocId, Body],
rexi_call(Node, {mem3_rpc, save_purge_checkpoint_rpc, Args}).
purge_docs(Node, DbName, PurgeInfos, Options) ->
rexi_call(Node, {fabric_rpc, purge_docs, [DbName, PurgeInfos, Options]}).
replicate(Source, Target, DbName, Timeout) when
is_atom(Source), is_atom(Target), is_binary(DbName)
Args = [DbName, Target],
rexi_call(Source, {mem3_rpc, replicate_rpc, Args}, Timeout).
load_checkpoint_rpc(DbName, SourceNode, SourceUUID) ->
load_checkpoint_rpc(DbName, SourceNode, SourceUUID, <<>>).
load_checkpoint_rpc(DbName, SourceNode, SourceUUID, FilterHash) ->
erlang:put(io_priority, {internal_repl, DbName}),
case get_or_create_db(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]) of
{ok, Db} ->
TargetUUID = couch_db:get_uuid(Db),
NewId = mem3_rep:make_local_id(SourceUUID, TargetUUID, FilterHash),
case couch_db:open_doc(Db, NewId, []) of
{ok, Doc} ->
rexi:reply({ok, {NewId, Doc}});
{not_found, _} ->
OldId = mem3_rep:make_local_id(SourceNode, node()),
case couch_db:open_doc(Db, OldId, []) of
{ok, Doc} ->
rexi:reply({ok, {NewId, Doc}});
{not_found, _} ->
rexi:reply({ok, {NewId, #doc{id = NewId}}})
Error ->
save_checkpoint_rpc(DbName, Id, SourceSeq, NewEntry0, History0) ->
erlang:put(io_priority, {internal_repl, DbName}),
case get_or_create_db(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]) of
{ok, Db} ->
NewEntry = {
{<<"target_node">>, atom_to_binary(node(), utf8)},
{<<"target_uuid">>, couch_db:get_uuid(Db)},
{<<"target_seq">>, couch_db:get_update_seq(Db)}
] ++ NewEntry0
Body =
{<<"seq">>, SourceSeq},
{<<"target_uuid">>, couch_db:get_uuid(Db)},
{<<"history">>, add_checkpoint(NewEntry, History0)}
Doc = #doc{id = Id, body = Body},
try couch_db:update_doc(Db, Doc, []) of
{ok, _} ->
{ok, Body};
Else ->
{error, Else}
Exception ->
error:Reason ->
{error, Reason}
Error ->
find_common_seq_rpc(DbName, SourceUUID, SourceEpochs) ->
erlang:put(io_priority, {internal_repl, DbName}),
case get_or_create_db(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]) of
{ok, Db} ->
case couch_db:get_uuid(Db) of
SourceUUID ->
TargetEpochs = couch_db:get_epochs(Db),
Seq = compare_epochs(SourceEpochs, TargetEpochs),
rexi:reply({ok, Seq});
_Else ->
rexi:reply({ok, 0})
Error ->
pull_replication_rpc(Target) ->
Dbs = mem3_sync:local_dbs(),
Opts = [{batch_size, 1000}, {batch_count, 50}],
Repl = fun(Db) -> {Db, mem3_rep:go(Db, Target, Opts)} end,
rexi:reply({ok, lists:map(Repl, Dbs)}).
load_purge_infos_rpc(DbName, SrcUUID, BatchSize) ->
erlang:put(io_priority, {internal_repl, DbName}),
case get_or_create_db(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]) of
{ok, Db} ->
TgtUUID = couch_db:get_uuid(Db),
PurgeDocId = mem3_rep:make_purge_id(SrcUUID, TgtUUID),
StartSeq =
case couch_db:open_doc(Db, PurgeDocId, []) of
{ok, #doc{body = {Props}}} ->
couch_util:get_value(<<"purge_seq">>, Props);
{not_found, _} ->
Oldest = couch_db:get_oldest_purge_seq(Db),
erlang:max(0, Oldest - 1)
FoldFun = fun({PSeq, UUID, Id, Revs}, {Count, Infos, _}) ->
NewCount = Count + length(Revs),
NewInfos = [{UUID, Id, Revs} | Infos],
Status =
NewCount < BatchSize -> ok;
true -> stop
{Status, {NewCount, NewInfos, PSeq}}
InitAcc = {0, [], StartSeq},
{ok, {_, PurgeInfos, ThroughSeq}} =
couch_db:fold_purge_infos(Db, StartSeq, FoldFun, InitAcc),
PurgeSeq = couch_db:get_purge_seq(Db),
Remaining = PurgeSeq - ThroughSeq,
rexi:reply({ok, {PurgeDocId, PurgeInfos, ThroughSeq, Remaining}});
Else ->
save_purge_checkpoint_rpc(DbName, PurgeDocId, Body) ->
erlang:put(io_priority, {internal_repl, DbName}),
case get_or_create_db(DbName, [?ADMIN_CTX]) of
{ok, Db} ->
Doc = #doc{id = PurgeDocId, body = Body},
Resp =
try couch_db:update_doc(Db, Doc, []) of
Resp0 -> Resp0
T:R ->
{T, R}
Error ->
replicate_rpc(DbName, Target) ->
Opts = [{batch_size, ?BATCH_SIZE}, {batch_count, all}],
{ok, mem3_rep:go(DbName, Target, Opts)}
Tag:Error ->
{Tag, Error}
%% @doc Return the sequence where two files with the same UUID diverged.
compare_epochs(SourceEpochs, TargetEpochs) ->
compare_rev_epochs([{Node, Seq} | SourceRest], [{Node, Seq} | TargetRest]) ->
% Common history, fast-forward
compare_epochs(SourceRest, TargetRest);
compare_rev_epochs([], [{_, TargetSeq} | _]) ->
% Source has not moved, start from seq just before the target took over
TargetSeq - 1;
compare_rev_epochs([{_, SourceSeq} | _], []) ->
% Target has not moved, start from seq where source diverged
compare_rev_epochs([{_, SourceSeq} | _], [{_, TargetSeq} | _]) ->
% The source was moved to a new location independently, take the minimum
erlang:min(SourceSeq, TargetSeq) - 1.
%% @doc This adds a new update sequence checkpoint to the replication
%% history. Checkpoints are keyed by the source node so that we
%% aren't mixing history between source shard moves.
add_checkpoint({Props}, {History}) ->
% Extract the source and target seqs for reference
SourceSeq = couch_util:get_value(<<"source_seq">>, Props),
TargetSeq = couch_util:get_value(<<"target_seq">>, Props),
% Get the history relevant to the source node.
SourceNode = couch_util:get_value(<<"source_node">>, Props),
SourceHistory = couch_util:get_value(SourceNode, History, []),
% If either the source or target shard has been truncated
% we need to filter out any history that was stored for
% any larger update seq than we're currently recording.
FilteredHistory = filter_history(SourceSeq, TargetSeq, SourceHistory),
% Re-bucket our history based on the most recent source
% sequence. This is where we drop old checkpoints to
% maintain the exponential distribution.
{_, RebucketedHistory} = rebucket(FilteredHistory, SourceSeq, 0),
NewSourceHistory = [{Props} | RebucketedHistory],
% Finally update the source node history and we're done.
NodeRemoved = lists:keydelete(SourceNode, 1, History),
{[{SourceNode, NewSourceHistory} | NodeRemoved]}.
filter_history(SourceSeqThresh, TargetSeqThresh, History) ->
SourceFilter = fun({Entry}) ->
SourceSeq = couch_util:get_value(<<"source_seq">>, Entry),
SourceSeq < SourceSeqThresh
TargetFilter = fun({Entry}) ->
TargetSeq = couch_util:get_value(<<"target_seq">>, Entry),
TargetSeq < TargetSeqThresh
SourceFiltered = lists:filter(SourceFilter, History),
lists:filter(TargetFilter, SourceFiltered).
%% @doc This function adjusts our history to maintain a
%% history of checkpoints that follow an exponentially
%% increasing age from the most recent checkpoint.
%% The terms newest and oldest used in these comments
%% refers to the (NewSeq - CurSeq) difference where smaller
%% values are considered newer.
%% It works by assigning each entry to a bucket and keeping
%% the newest and oldest entry in each bucket. Keeping
%% both the newest and oldest means that we won't end up
%% with empty buckets as checkpoints are promoted to new
%% buckets.
%% The return value of this function is a two-tuple of the
%% form `{BucketId, History}` where BucketId is the id of
%% the bucket for the first entry in History. This is used
%% when recursing to detect the oldest value in a given
%% bucket.
%% This function expects the provided history to be sorted
%% in descending order of source_seq values.
rebucket([], _NewSeq, Bucket) ->
{Bucket + 1, []};
rebucket([{Entry} | RestHistory], NewSeq, Bucket) ->
CurSeq = couch_util:get_value(<<"source_seq">>, Entry),
case find_bucket(NewSeq, CurSeq, Bucket) of
Bucket ->
% This entry is in an existing bucket which means
% we will only keep it if its the oldest value
% in the bucket. To detect this we rebucket the
% rest of the list and only include Entry if the
% rest of the list is in a bigger bucket.
case rebucket(RestHistory, NewSeq, Bucket) of
{Bucket, NewHistory} ->
% There's another entry in this bucket so we drop the
% current entry.
{Bucket, NewHistory};
{NextBucket, NewHistory} when NextBucket > Bucket ->
% The rest of the history was rebucketed into a larger
% bucket so this is the oldest entry in the current
% bucket.
{Bucket, [{Entry} | NewHistory]}
NextBucket when NextBucket > Bucket ->
% This entry is the newest in NextBucket so we add it
% to our history and continue rebucketing.
{_, NewHistory} = rebucket(RestHistory, NewSeq, NextBucket),
{NextBucket, [{Entry} | NewHistory]}
%% @doc Find the bucket id for the given sequence pair.
find_bucket(NewSeq, CurSeq, Bucket) ->
% The +1 constant in this comparison is a bit subtle. The
% reason for it is to make sure that the first entry in
% the history is guaranteed to have a BucketId of 1. This
% also relies on never having a duplicated update
% sequence so adding 1 here guarantees a difference >= 2.
(NewSeq - CurSeq + 1) > (2 bsl Bucket) ->
find_bucket(NewSeq, CurSeq, Bucket + 1);
true ->
rexi_call(Node, MFA) ->
rexi_call(Node, MFA, ?REXI_CALL_TIMEOUT_MSEC).
rexi_call(Node, MFA, Timeout) ->
Mon = rexi_monitor:start([rexi_utils:server_pid(Node)]),
Ref = rexi:cast(Node, self(), MFA, [sync]),
{Ref, {ok, Reply}} ->
{Ref, Error} ->
{rexi_DOWN, Mon, _, Reason} ->
erlang:error({rexi_DOWN, {Node, Reason}})
after Timeout ->
get_or_create_db(DbName, Options) ->
mem3_util:get_or_create_db_int(DbName, Options).
-define(SNODE, <<"src@localhost">>).
-define(TNODE, <<"tgt@localhost">>).
-define(SNODE_KV, {<<"source_node">>, ?SNODE}).
-define(TNODE_KV, {<<"target_node">>, ?TNODE}).
-define(SSEQ, <<"source_seq">>).
-define(TSEQ, <<"target_seq">>).
-define(ENTRY(S, T), {[?SNODE_KV, {?SSEQ, S}, ?TNODE_KV, {?TSEQ, T}]}).
filter_history_data() ->
?ENTRY(13, 15),
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
filter_history_remove_none_test() ->
?assertEqual(filter_history(20, 20, filter_history_data()), [
?ENTRY(13, 15),
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
filter_history_remove_all_test() ->
?assertEqual(filter_history(1, 1, filter_history_data()), []).
filter_history_remove_equal_test() ->
?assertEqual(filter_history(10, 10, filter_history_data()), [
?ENTRY(2, 3)
?assertEqual(filter_history(11, 9, filter_history_data()), [
?ENTRY(2, 3)
filter_history_remove_for_source_and_target_test() ->
?assertEqual(filter_history(11, 20, filter_history_data()), [
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
?assertEqual(filter_history(14, 14, filter_history_data()), [
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
filter_history_remove_for_both_test() ->
?assertEqual(filter_history(11, 11, filter_history_data()), [
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
filter_history_remove_for_both_again_test() ->
?assertEqual(filter_history(3, 4, filter_history_data()), [
?ENTRY(2, 3)
add_first_checkpoint_test() ->
History = {[]},
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(2, 3), History),
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(2, 3)
add_first_checkpoint_to_empty_test() ->
History = {[{?SNODE, []}]},
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(2, 3), History),
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(2, 3)
add_second_checkpoint_test() ->
History = {[{?SNODE, [?ENTRY(2, 3)]}]},
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(10, 9), History),
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
add_third_checkpoint_test() ->
History =
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(11, 10), History),
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(11, 10),
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
add_fourth_checkpoint_test() ->
History =
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(11, 10),
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(12, 13), History),
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(12, 13),
?ENTRY(11, 10),
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
add_checkpoint_with_replacement_test() ->
History =
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(12, 13),
?ENTRY(11, 10),
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
% Picking a source_seq of 16 to force 10, 11, and 12
% into the same bucket to show we drop the 11 entry.
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(16, 16), History),
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(16, 16),
?ENTRY(12, 13),
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
add_checkpoint_drops_redundant_checkpoints_test() ->
% I've added comments showing the bucket ID based
% on the ?ENTRY passed to add_checkpoint
History =
{?SNODE, [
% Bucket 0
?ENTRY(15, 15),
% Bucket 1
?ENTRY(14, 14),
% Bucket 1
?ENTRY(13, 13),
% Bucket 2
?ENTRY(12, 12),
% Bucket 2
?ENTRY(11, 11),
% Bucket 2
?ENTRY(10, 10),
% Bucket 2
?ENTRY(9, 9),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(8, 8),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(7, 7),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(6, 6),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(5, 5),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(4, 4),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(3, 3),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(2, 2),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(1, 1)
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(16, 16), History),
{?SNODE, [
% Bucket 0
?ENTRY(16, 16),
% Bucket 0
?ENTRY(15, 15),
% Bucket 1
?ENTRY(14, 14),
% Bucket 1
?ENTRY(13, 13),
% Bucket 2
?ENTRY(12, 12),
% Bucket 2
?ENTRY(9, 9),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(8, 8),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(1, 1)
add_checkpoint_show_not_always_a_drop_test() ->
% Depending on the edge conditions of buckets we
% may not always drop values when adding new
% checkpoints. In this case 12 stays because there's
% no longer a value for 10 or 11.
% I've added comments showing the bucket ID based
% on the ?ENTRY passed to add_checkpoint
History =
{?SNODE, [
% Bucket 0
?ENTRY(16, 16),
% Bucket 1
?ENTRY(15, 15),
% Bucket 1
?ENTRY(14, 14),
% Bucket 2
?ENTRY(13, 13),
% Bucket 2
?ENTRY(12, 12),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(9, 9),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(8, 8),
% Bucket 4
?ENTRY(1, 1)
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(17, 17), History),
{?SNODE, [
% Bucket 0
?ENTRY(17, 17),
% Bucket 0
?ENTRY(16, 16),
% Bucket 1
?ENTRY(15, 15),
% Bucket 1
?ENTRY(14, 14),
% Bucket 2
?ENTRY(13, 13),
% Bucket 2
?ENTRY(12, 12),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(9, 9),
% Bucket 3
?ENTRY(8, 8),
% Bucket 4
?ENTRY(1, 1)
add_checkpoint_big_jump_show_lots_drop_test() ->
% I've added comments showing the bucket ID based
% on the ?ENTRY passed to add_checkpoint
History =
{?SNODE, [
% Bucket 4
?ENTRY(16, 16),
% Bucket 4
?ENTRY(15, 15),
% Bucket 4
?ENTRY(14, 14),
% Bucket 4
?ENTRY(13, 13),
% Bucket 4
?ENTRY(12, 12),
% Bucket 4
?ENTRY(9, 9),
% Bucket 4
?ENTRY(8, 8),
% Bucket 4
?ENTRY(1, 1)
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(32, 32), History),
{?SNODE, [
% Bucket 0
?ENTRY(32, 32),
% Bucket 4
?ENTRY(16, 16),
% Bucket 4
?ENTRY(1, 1)
add_checkpoint_show_filter_history_test() ->
History =
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(16, 16),
?ENTRY(15, 15),
?ENTRY(14, 14),
?ENTRY(13, 13),
?ENTRY(12, 12),
?ENTRY(9, 9),
?ENTRY(8, 8),
?ENTRY(1, 1)
% Drop for both
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(10, 10), History),
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(10, 10),
?ENTRY(9, 9),
?ENTRY(8, 8),
?ENTRY(1, 1)
% Drop four source
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(10, 200), History),
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(10, 200),
?ENTRY(9, 9),
?ENTRY(8, 8),
?ENTRY(1, 1)
% Drop for target. Obviously a source_seq of 200
% will end up droping the 8 entry.
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(200, 10), History),
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(200, 10),
?ENTRY(9, 9),
?ENTRY(1, 1)
add_checkpoint_from_other_node_test() ->
History =
{<<"not_the_source">>, [
?ENTRY(12, 13),
?ENTRY(11, 10),
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
% No filtering
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(1, 1), History),
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(1, 1)
{<<"not_the_source">>, [
?ENTRY(12, 13),
?ENTRY(11, 10),
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)
% No dropping
add_checkpoint(?ENTRY(200, 200), History),
{?SNODE, [
?ENTRY(200, 200)
{<<"not_the_source">>, [
?ENTRY(12, 13),
?ENTRY(11, 10),
?ENTRY(10, 9),
?ENTRY(2, 3)