blob: bad0f42d1f0f59545e924ba8887d2b426393744d [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-type fabric_dict() :: [{#shard{}, any()}].
-type ring_opts() :: [atom() | tuple()].
%% @doc looks for a fully covered keyrange in the list of counters
-spec is_progress_possible(fabric_dict()) -> boolean().
is_progress_possible(Counters) ->
is_progress_possible(Counters, []).
%% @doc looks for a fully covered keyrange in the list of counters
%% This version take ring option to configure how progress will
%% be checked. By default, [], checks that the full ring is covered.
-spec is_progress_possible(fabric_dict(), ring_opts()) -> boolean().
is_progress_possible(Counters, RingOpts) ->
is_progress_possible(Counters, [], 0, ?RING_END, RingOpts).
-spec get_shard_replacements(binary(), [#shard{}]) -> [#shard{}].
get_shard_replacements(DbName, UsedShards0) ->
% We only want to generate a replacements list from shards
% that aren't already used.
AllLiveShards = mem3:live_shards(DbName, [node() | nodes()]),
UsedShards = [S#shard{ref=undefined} || S <- UsedShards0],
get_shard_replacements_int(AllLiveShards -- UsedShards, UsedShards).
-spec node_down(node(), fabric_dict(), fabric_dict()) ->
{ok, fabric_dict()} | error.
node_down(Node, Workers, Responses) ->
node_down(Node, Workers, Responses, []).
-spec node_down(node(), fabric_dict(), fabric_dict(), ring_opts()) ->
{ok, fabric_dict()} | error.
node_down(Node, Workers, Responses, RingOpts) ->
{B, E} = range_bounds(Workers, Responses),
Workers1 = fabric_dict:filter(fun(#shard{node = N}, _) ->
N =/= Node
end, Workers),
case is_progress_possible(Workers1, Responses, B, E, RingOpts) of
true -> {ok, Workers1};
false -> error
-spec handle_error(#shard{}, fabric_dict(), fabric_dict()) ->
{ok, fabric_dict()} | error.
handle_error(Shard, Workers, Responses) ->
handle_error(Shard, Workers, Responses, []).
-spec handle_error(#shard{}, fabric_dict(), fabric_dict(), ring_opts()) ->
{ok, fabric_dict()} | error.
handle_error(Shard, Workers, Responses, RingOpts) ->
{B, E} = range_bounds(Workers, Responses),
Workers1 = fabric_dict:erase(Shard, Workers),
case is_progress_possible(Workers1, Responses, B, E, RingOpts) of
true -> {ok, Workers1};
false -> error
-spec handle_response(#shard{}, any(), fabric_dict(), fabric_dict()) ->
{ok, {fabric_dict(), fabric_dict()}} | {stop, fabric_dict()}.
handle_response(Shard, Response, Workers, Responses) ->
handle_response(Shard, Response, Workers, Responses, []).
-spec handle_response(#shard{}, any(), fabric_dict(), fabric_dict(),
ring_opts()) ->
{ok, {fabric_dict(), fabric_dict()}} | {stop, fabric_dict()}.
handle_response(Shard, Response, Workers, Responses, RingOpts) ->
handle_response(Shard, Response, Workers, Responses, RingOpts,
fun stop_workers/1).
% Worker response handler. Gets reponses from shard and puts them in the list
% until they complete a full ring. Then kill unused responses and remaining
% workers.
% How a ring "completes" is driven by RingOpts:
% * When RingOpts is [] (the default case) responses must form a "clean"
% ring, where all copies at the start of the range and end of the range must
% have the same boundary values.
% * When RingOpts is [{any, [#shard{}]}] responses are accepted from any of
% the provided list of shards. This type of ring might be used when querying
% a partitioned database. As soon as a result from any of the shards
% arrives, result collection stops.
% * When RingOpts is [all], responses are accepted until all the shards return
% results
handle_response(Shard, Response, Workers, Responses, RingOpts, CleanupCb) ->
Workers1 = fabric_dict:erase(Shard, Workers),
case RingOpts of
[] ->
#shard{range = [B, E]} = Shard,
Responses1 = [{{B, E}, Shard, Response} | Responses],
handle_response_ring(Workers1, Responses1, CleanupCb);
[{any, Any}] ->
handle_response_any(Shard, Response, Workers1, Any, CleanupCb);
[all] ->
Responses1 = [{Shard, Response} | Responses],
handle_response_all(Workers1, Responses1)
handle_response_ring(Workers, Responses, CleanupCb) ->
{MinB, MaxE} = range_bounds(Workers, Responses),
Ranges = lists:map(fun({R, _, _}) -> R end, Responses),
case mem3_util:get_ring(Ranges, MinB, MaxE) of
[] ->
{ok, {Workers, Responses}};
Ring ->
% Return one response per range in the ring. The
% response list is reversed before sorting so that the
% first shard copy to reply is first. We use keysort
% because it is documented as being stable so that
% we keep the relative order of duplicate shards
SortedResponses = lists:keysort(1, lists:reverse(Responses)),
UsedResponses = get_responses(Ring, SortedResponses),
% Kill all the remaining workers as well as the redunant responses
stop_unused_workers(Workers, Responses, UsedResponses, CleanupCb),
{stop, fabric_dict:from_list(UsedResponses)}
handle_response_any(Shard, Response, Workers, Any, CleanupCb) ->
case lists:member(Shard#shard{ref = undefined}, Any) of
true ->
stop_unused_workers(Workers, [], [], CleanupCb),
{stop, fabric_dict:from_list([{Shard, Response}])};
false ->
{ok, {Workers, []}}
handle_response_all(Workers, Responses) ->
case fabric_dict:size(Workers) =:= 0 of
true ->
{stop, fabric_dict:from_list(Responses)};
false ->
{ok, {Workers, Responses}}
% Check if workers still waiting and the already received responses could
% still form a continous range. The range won't always be the full ring, and
% the bounds are computed based on the minimum and maximum interval beginning
% and ends.
% There is also a special case where even if the ring cannot be formed, but
% there is an overlap between all the shards, then it's considered that
% progress can still be made. This is essentially to allow for split
% partitioned shards where one shard copy on a node was split the set of ranges
% might look like: 00-ff, 00-ff, 07-ff. Even if both 00-ff workers exit,
% progress can still be made with the remaining 07-ff copy.
-spec is_progress_possible(fabric_dict(), [{any(), #shard{}, any()}],
non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), ring_opts()) -> boolean().
is_progress_possible([], [], _, _, _) ->
is_progress_possible(Counters, Responses, MinB, MaxE, []) ->
ResponseRanges = lists:map(fun({{B, E}, _, _}) -> {B, E} end, Responses),
Ranges = fabric_util:worker_ranges(Counters) ++ ResponseRanges,
mem3_util:get_ring(Ranges, MinB, MaxE) =/= [];
is_progress_possible(Counters, _Responses, _, _, [all]) ->
fabric_dict:size(Counters) > 0;
is_progress_possible(Counters, Responses, _, _, [{any, AnyShards}]) ->
InAny = fun(S) -> lists:member(S#shard{ref = undefined}, AnyShards) end,
case fabric_dict:filter(fun(S, _) -> InAny(S) end, Counters) of
[] ->
case lists:filter(fun({_, S, _}) -> InAny(S) end, Responses) of
[] -> false;
[_ | _] -> true
[_ | _] ->
get_shard_replacements_int(UnusedShards, UsedShards) ->
% If we have more than one copy of a range then we don't
% want to try and add a replacement to any copy.
RangeCounts = lists:foldl(fun(#shard{range=R}, Acc) ->
dict:update_counter(R, 1, Acc)
end, dict:new(), UsedShards),
% For each seq shard range with a count of 1, find any
% possible replacements from the unused shards. The
% replacement list is keyed by range.
lists:foldl(fun(#shard{range = [B, E] = Range}, Acc) ->
case dict:find(Range, RangeCounts) of
{ok, 1} ->
Repls = mem3_util:non_overlapping_shards(UnusedShards, B, E),
% Only keep non-empty lists of replacements
if Repls == [] -> Acc; true ->
[{Range, Repls} | Acc]
_ ->
end, [], UsedShards).
range_bounds(Workers, Responses) ->
RespRanges = lists:map(fun({R, _, _}) -> R end, Responses),
Ranges = fabric_util:worker_ranges(Workers) ++ RespRanges,
{Bs, Es} = lists:unzip(Ranges),
{lists:min(Bs), lists:max(Es)}.
get_responses([], _) ->
get_responses([Range | Ranges], [{Range, Shard, Value} | Resps]) ->
[{Shard, Value} | get_responses(Ranges, Resps)];
get_responses(Ranges, [_DupeRangeResp | Resps]) ->
get_responses(Ranges, Resps).
stop_unused_workers(_, _, _, undefined) ->
stop_unused_workers(Workers, AllResponses, UsedResponses, CleanupCb) ->
WorkerShards = [S || {S, _} <- Workers],
Used = [S || {S, _} <- UsedResponses],
Unused = [S || {_, S, _} <- AllResponses, not lists:member(S, Used)],
CleanupCb(WorkerShards ++ Unused).
stop_workers(Shards) when is_list(Shards) ->
rexi:kill_all([{Node, Ref} || #shard{node = Node, ref = Ref} <- Shards]).
% Unit tests
is_progress_possible_full_range_test() ->
% a base case
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible([], [], 0, 0, [])),
T1 = [[0, ?RING_END]],
?assertEqual(true, is_progress_possible(mk_cnts(T1))),
T2 = [[0, 10], [11, 20], [21, ?RING_END]],
?assertEqual(true, is_progress_possible(mk_cnts(T2))),
% gap
T3 = [[0, 10], [12, ?RING_END]],
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible(mk_cnts(T3))),
% outside range
T4 = [[1, 10], [11, 20], [21, ?RING_END]],
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible(mk_cnts(T4))),
% outside range
T5 = [[0, 10], [11, 20], [21, ?RING_END + 1]],
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible(mk_cnts(T5))),
% possible progress but with backtracking
T6 = [[0, 10], [11, 20], [0, 5], [6, 21], [21, ?RING_END]],
?assertEqual(true, is_progress_possible(mk_cnts(T6))),
% not possible, overlap is not exact
T7 = [[0, 10], [13, 20], [21, ?RING_END], [9, 12]],
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible(mk_cnts(T7))).
is_progress_possible_with_responses_test() ->
C1 = mk_cnts([[0, ?RING_END]]),
?assertEqual(true, is_progress_possible(C1, [], 0, ?RING_END, [])),
% check for gaps
C2 = mk_cnts([[5, 6], [7, 8]]),
?assertEqual(true, is_progress_possible(C2, [], 5, 8, [])),
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible(C2, [], 4, 8, [])),
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible(C2, [], 5, 7, [])),
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible(C2, [], 4, 9, [])),
% check for uneven shard range copies
C3 = mk_cnts([[2, 5], [2, 10]]),
?assertEqual(true, is_progress_possible(C3, [], 2, 10, [])),
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible(C3, [], 2, 11, [])),
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible(C3, [], 3, 10, [])),
% they overlap but still not a proper ring
C4 = mk_cnts([[2, 4], [3, 7], [6, 10]]),
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible(C4, [], 2, 10, [])),
% some of the ranges are in responses
RS1 = mk_resps([{"n1", 7, 8, 42}]),
C5 = mk_cnts([[5, 6]]),
?assertEqual(true, is_progress_possible(C5, RS1, 5, 8, [])),
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible([], RS1, 5, 8, [])),
?assertEqual(true, is_progress_possible([], RS1, 7, 8, [])).
is_progress_possible_with_ring_opts_any_test() ->
Opts = [{any, [mk_shard("n1", [0, 5]), mk_shard("n2", [3, 10])]}],
C1 = [{mk_shard("n1", [0, ?RING_END]), nil}],
RS1 = mk_resps([{"n1", 3, 10, 42}]),
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible(C1, [], 0, ?RING_END, Opts)),
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible([], [], 0, ?RING_END, Opts)),
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible([], RS1, 0, ?RING_END, Opts)),
% explicitly accept only the shard specified in the ring options
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible([], RS1, 3, 10, [{any, []}])),
% need to match the node exactly
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible([], RS1, 3, 10, Opts)),
RS2 = mk_resps([{"n2", 3, 10, 42}]),
?assertEqual(true, is_progress_possible([], RS2, 3, 10, Opts)),
% assert that counters can fill the ring not just the response
C2 = [{mk_shard("n1", [0, 5]), nil}],
?assertEqual(true, is_progress_possible(C2, [], 0, ?RING_END, Opts)).
is_progress_possible_with_ring_opts_all_test() ->
C1 = [{mk_shard("n1", [0, ?RING_END]), nil}],
?assertEqual(true, is_progress_possible(C1, [], 0, ?RING_END, [all])),
?assertEqual(false, is_progress_possible([], [], 0, ?RING_END, [all])).
get_shard_replacements_test() ->
Unused = [mk_shard(N, [B, E]) || {N, B, E} <- [
{"n1", 11, 20}, {"n1", 21, ?RING_END},
{"n2", 0, 4}, {"n2", 5, 10}, {"n2", 11, 20},
{"n3", 0, 21, ?RING_END}
Used = [mk_shard(N, [B, E]) || {N, B, E} <- [
{"n2", 21, ?RING_END},
{"n3", 0, 10}, {"n3", 11, 20}
Res = lists:sort(get_shard_replacements_int(Unused, Used)),
% Notice that [0, 10] range can be replaces by spawning the
% [0, 4] and [5, 10] workers on n1
Expect = [
{[0, 10], [mk_shard("n2", [0, 4]), mk_shard("n2", [5, 10])]},
{[11, 20], [mk_shard("n1", [11, 20]), mk_shard("n2", [11, 20])]},
{[21, ?RING_END], [mk_shard("n1", [21, ?RING_END])]}
?assertEqual(Expect, Res).
handle_response_basic_test() ->
Shard1 = mk_shard("n1", [0, 1]),
Shard2 = mk_shard("n1", [2, ?RING_END]),
Workers1 = fabric_dict:init([Shard1, Shard2], nil),
Result1 = handle_response(Shard1, 42, Workers1, [], [], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result1),
{ok, {Workers2, Responses1}} = Result1,
?assertEqual(fabric_dict:erase(Shard1, Workers1), Workers2),
?assertEqual([{{0, 1}, Shard1, 42}], Responses1),
Result2 = handle_response(Shard2, 43, Workers2, Responses1, [], undefined),
?assertEqual({stop, [{Shard1, 42}, {Shard2, 43}]}, Result2).
handle_response_incomplete_ring_test() ->
Shard1 = mk_shard("n1", [0, 1]),
Shard2 = mk_shard("n1", [2, 10]),
Workers1 = fabric_dict:init([Shard1, Shard2], nil),
Result1 = handle_response(Shard1, 42, Workers1, [], [], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result1),
{ok, {Workers2, Responses1}} = Result1,
?assertEqual(fabric_dict:erase(Shard1, Workers1), Workers2),
?assertEqual([{{0, 1}, Shard1, 42}], Responses1),
Result2 = handle_response(Shard2, 43, Workers2, Responses1, [], undefined),
?assertEqual({stop, [{Shard1, 42}, {Shard2, 43}]}, Result2).
handle_response_multiple_copies_test() ->
Shard1 = mk_shard("n1", [0, 1]),
Shard2 = mk_shard("n2", [0, 1]),
Shard3 = mk_shard("n1", [2, ?RING_END]),
Workers1 = fabric_dict:init([Shard1, Shard2, Shard3], nil),
Result1 = handle_response(Shard1, 42, Workers1, [], [], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result1),
{ok, {Workers2, Responses1}} = Result1,
Result2 = handle_response(Shard2, 43, Workers2, Responses1, [], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result2),
{ok, {Workers3, Responses2}} = Result2,
Result3 = handle_response(Shard3, 44, Workers3, Responses2, [], undefined),
% Use the value (42) to distinguish between [0, 1] copies. In reality
% they should have the same value but here we need to assert that copy
% that responded first is included in the ring.
?assertEqual({stop, [{Shard1, 42}, {Shard3, 44}]}, Result3).
handle_response_backtracking_test() ->
Shard1 = mk_shard("n1", [0, 5]),
Shard2 = mk_shard("n1", [10, ?RING_END]),
Shard3 = mk_shard("n2", [2, ?RING_END]),
Shard4 = mk_shard("n3", [0, 1]),
Workers1 = fabric_dict:init([Shard1, Shard2, Shard3, Shard4], nil),
Result1 = handle_response(Shard1, 42, Workers1, [], [], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result1),
{ok, {Workers2, Responses1}} = Result1,
Result2 = handle_response(Shard2, 43, Workers2, Responses1, [], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result2),
{ok, {Workers3, Responses2}} = Result2,
Result3 = handle_response(Shard3, 44, Workers3, Responses2, [], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result3),
{ok, {Workers4, Responses3}} = Result3,
Result4 = handle_response(Shard4, 45, Workers4, Responses3, [], undefined),
?assertEqual({stop, [{Shard3, 44}, {Shard4, 45}]}, Result4).
handle_response_ring_opts_any_test() ->
Shard1 = mk_shard("n1", [0, 5]),
Shard2 = mk_shard("n2", [0, 1]),
Shard3 = mk_shard("n3", [0, 1]),
Opts = [{any, [mk_shard("n3", [0, 1])]}],
ShardList = [Shard1, Shard2, Shard3],
WithRefs = [S#shard{ref = make_ref()} || S <- ShardList],
Workers1 = fabric_dict:init(WithRefs, nil),
Result1 = handle_response(Shard1, 42, Workers1, [], Opts, undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result1),
{ok, {Workers2, []}} = Result1,
% Still waiting because the node doesn't match
Result2 = handle_response(Shard2, 43, Workers2, [], Opts, undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result2),
{ok, {Workers3, []}} = Result2,
Result3 = handle_response(Shard3, 44, Workers3, [], Opts, undefined),
?assertEqual({stop, [{Shard3, 44}]}, Result3).
handle_response_ring_opts_all_test() ->
Shard1 = mk_shard("n1", [0, 5]),
Shard2 = mk_shard("n2", [0, 1]),
Shard3 = mk_shard("n3", [0, 1]),
ShardList = [Shard1, Shard2, Shard3],
[W1, W2, W3] = WithRefs = [S#shard{ref = make_ref()} || S <- ShardList],
Workers1 = fabric_dict:init(WithRefs, nil),
Result1 = handle_response(W1, 42, Workers1, [], [all], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result1),
{ok, {Workers2, _}} = Result1,
% Even though n2 and n3 cover the same range, with 'all' option we wait for
% all workers to return.
Result2 = handle_response(W2, 43, Workers2, [], [all], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result2),
{ok, {Workers3, _}} = Result2,
% Stop only after all the shards respond
Result3 = handle_response(W3, 44, Workers3, [], [all], undefined),
?assertMatch({stop, [_ | _]}, Result3).
handle_error_test() ->
Shard1 = mk_shard("n1", [0, 5]),
Shard2 = mk_shard("n1", [10, ?RING_END]),
Shard3 = mk_shard("n2", [2, ?RING_END]),
Shard4 = mk_shard("n3", [0, 1]),
Workers1 = fabric_dict:init([Shard1, Shard2, Shard3, Shard4], nil),
Result1 = handle_response(Shard1, 42, Workers1, [], [], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result1),
{ok, {Workers2, Responses1}} = Result1,
Result2 = handle_error(Shard2, Workers2, Responses1),
?assertMatch({ok, _}, Result2),
{ok, Workers3} = Result2,
?assertEqual(fabric_dict:erase(Shard2, Workers2), Workers3),
Result3 = handle_response(Shard3, 44, Workers3, Responses1, [], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result3),
{ok, {Workers4, Responses3}} = Result3,
?assertEqual(error, handle_error(Shard4, Workers4, Responses3)).
node_down_test() ->
Shard1 = mk_shard("n1", [0, 5]),
Shard2 = mk_shard("n1", [10, ?RING_END]),
Shard3 = mk_shard("n2", [2, ?RING_END]),
Shard4 = mk_shard("n3", [0, 1]),
Workers1 = fabric_dict:init([Shard1, Shard2, Shard3, Shard4], nil),
Result1 = handle_response(Shard1, 42, Workers1, [], [], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result1),
{ok, {Workers2, Responses1}} = Result1,
Result2 = handle_response(Shard2, 43, Workers2, Responses1, [], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result2),
{ok, {Workers3, Responses2}} = Result2,
Result3 = node_down(n1, Workers3, Responses2),
?assertMatch({ok, _}, Result3),
{ok, Workers4} = Result3,
?assertEqual([{Shard3, nil}, {Shard4, nil}], Workers4),
Result4 = handle_response(Shard3, 44, Workers4, Responses2, [], undefined),
?assertMatch({ok, {_, _}}, Result4),
{ok, {Workers5, Responses3}} = Result4,
% Note: Shard3 was already processed, it's ok if n2 went down after
?assertEqual({ok, [{Shard4, nil}]}, node_down(n2, Workers5, Responses3)),
?assertEqual(error, node_down(n3, Workers5, Responses3)).
mk_cnts(Ranges) ->
Shards = lists:map(fun mk_shard/1, Ranges),
fabric_dict:init([S#shard{ref = make_ref()} || S <- Shards], nil).
mk_resps(RangeNameVals) ->
[{{B, E}, mk_shard(Name, [B, E]), V} || {Name, B, E, V} <- RangeNameVals].
mk_shard([B, E]) when is_integer(B), is_integer(E) ->
#shard{range = [B, E]}.
mk_shard(Name, Range) ->
Node = list_to_atom(Name),
BName = list_to_binary(Name),
#shard{name = BName, node = Node, range = Range}.