blob: 713e32ea2aea21b8e080a8640344f22b65c345ea [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
create(Db, Indexes, Selector, Opts) ->
FieldRanges = mango_idx_view:field_ranges(Selector),
Composited = composite_indexes(Indexes, FieldRanges),
{Index, IndexRanges} = choose_best_index(Db, Composited),
Limit = couch_util:get_value(limit, Opts, mango_opts:default_limit()),
Skip = couch_util:get_value(skip, Opts, 0),
Fields = couch_util:get_value(fields, Opts, all_fields),
Bookmark = couch_util:get_value(bookmark, Opts),
IndexRanges1 = mango_cursor:maybe_noop_range(Selector, IndexRanges),
{ok, #cursor{
db = Db,
index = Index,
ranges = IndexRanges1,
selector = Selector,
opts = Opts,
limit = Limit,
skip = Skip,
fields = Fields,
bookmark = Bookmark
explain(Cursor) ->
opts = Opts
} = Cursor,
BaseArgs = base_args(Cursor),
Args = apply_opts(Opts, BaseArgs),
{include_docs, Args#mrargs.include_docs},
{view_type, Args#mrargs.view_type},
{reduce, Args#mrargs.reduce},
{start_key, maybe_replace_max_json(Args#mrargs.start_key)},
{end_key, maybe_replace_max_json(Args#mrargs.end_key)},
{direction, Args#mrargs.direction},
{stable, Args#mrargs.stable},
{update, Args#mrargs.update},
{conflicts, Args#mrargs.conflicts}
% replace internal values that cannot
% be represented as a valid UTF-8 string
% with a token for JSON serialization
maybe_replace_max_json([]) ->
maybe_replace_max_json([?MAX_JSON_OBJ | T]) ->
[<<"<MAX>">> | maybe_replace_max_json(T)];
maybe_replace_max_json([H | T]) ->
[H | maybe_replace_max_json(T)];
maybe_replace_max_json(?MAX_STR) ->
maybe_replace_max_json(EndKey) ->
base_args(#cursor{index = Idx} = Cursor) ->
{StartKey, EndKey} =
case Cursor#cursor.ranges of
[empty] ->
{null, null};
_ ->
mango_idx:start_key(Idx, Cursor#cursor.ranges),
mango_idx:end_key(Idx, Cursor#cursor.ranges)
view_type = map,
reduce = false,
start_key = StartKey,
end_key = EndKey,
include_docs = true,
extra = [
{ignore_partition_query_limit, true}
execute(#cursor{db = Db, index = Idx, execution_stats = Stats} = Cursor0, UserFun, UserAcc) ->
Cursor = Cursor0#cursor{
user_fun = UserFun,
user_acc = UserAcc,
execution_stats = mango_execution_stats:log_start(Stats)
case Cursor#cursor.ranges of
[empty] ->
% empty indicates unsatisfiable ranges, so don't perform search
{ok, UserAcc};
_ ->
BaseArgs = base_args(Cursor),
#cursor{opts = Opts, bookmark = Bookmark} = Cursor,
Args0 = apply_opts(Opts, BaseArgs),
Args = mango_json_bookmark:update_args(Bookmark, Args0),
Result =
case mango_idx:def(Idx) of
all_docs ->
CB = fun ?MODULE:handle_all_docs_message/2,
AllDocOpts = fabric2_util:all_docs_view_opts(Args),
fabric2_db:fold_docs(Db, CB, Cursor, AllDocOpts);
_ ->
CB = fun ?MODULE:handle_message/2,
% Normal view
DDocId = mango_idx:ddoc(Idx),
{ok, DDoc} = fabric2_db:open_doc(Db, DDocId),
Name = mango_idx:name(Idx),
couch_views:query(Db, DDoc, Name, CB, Cursor, Args)
case Result of
{ok, LastCursor} ->
NewBookmark = mango_json_bookmark:create(LastCursor),
Arg = {add_key, bookmark, NewBookmark},
{_Go, FinalUserAcc} = UserFun(Arg, LastCursor#cursor.user_acc),
Stats0 = LastCursor#cursor.execution_stats,
FinalUserAcc0 = mango_execution_stats:maybe_add_stats(
Opts, UserFun, Stats0, FinalUserAcc
FinalUserAcc1 = mango_cursor:maybe_add_warning(
UserFun, Cursor, Stats0, FinalUserAcc0
{ok, FinalUserAcc1};
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason}
% Any of these indexes may be a composite index. For each
% index find the most specific set of fields for each
% index. Ie, if an index has columns a, b, c, d, then
% check FieldRanges for a, b, c, and d and return
% the longest prefix of columns found.
composite_indexes(Indexes, FieldRanges) ->
fun(Idx, Acc) ->
Cols = mango_idx:columns(Idx),
Prefix = composite_prefix(Cols, FieldRanges),
% Calcuate the difference between the FieldRanges/Selector
% and the Prefix. We want to select the index with a prefix
% that is as close to the FieldRanges as possible
PrefixDifference = length(FieldRanges) - length(Prefix),
[{Idx, Prefix, PrefixDifference} | Acc]
composite_prefix([], _) ->
composite_prefix([Col | Rest], Ranges) ->
case lists:keyfind(Col, 1, Ranges) of
{Col, Range} ->
[Range | composite_prefix(Rest, Ranges)];
false ->
% The query planner
% First choose the index with the lowest difference between its
% Prefix and the FieldRanges. If that is equal, then
% choose the index with the least number of
% fields in the index. If we still cannot break the tie,
% then choose alphabetically based on ddocId.
% Return the first element's Index and IndexRanges.
% In the future we can look into doing a cached parallel
% reduce view read on each index with the ranges to find
% the one that has the fewest number of rows or something.
choose_best_index(_DbName, IndexRanges) ->
Cmp = fun({IdxA, _PrefixA, PrefixDifferenceA}, {IdxB, _PrefixB, PrefixDifferenceB}) ->
case PrefixDifferenceA - PrefixDifferenceB of
N when N < 0 -> true;
N when N == 0 ->
ColsLenA = length(mango_idx:columns(IdxA)),
ColsLenB = length(mango_idx:columns(IdxB)),
case ColsLenA - ColsLenB of
M when M < 0 ->
M when M == 0 ->
% We have no other way to choose, so at this point
% select the index based on (dbname, ddocid, view_name) triple
IdxA =< IdxB;
_ ->
_ ->
{SelectedIndex, SelectedIndexRanges, _} = hd(lists:sort(Cmp, IndexRanges)),
{SelectedIndex, SelectedIndexRanges}.
handle_message({meta, _}, Cursor) ->
{ok, Cursor};
handle_message({row, Props}, Cursor) ->
case match_doc(Cursor, Props) of
{ok, Doc, {execution_stats, Stats}} ->
Cursor1 = Cursor#cursor{
execution_stats = Stats
Cursor2 = update_bookmark_keys(Cursor1, Props),
FinalDoc = mango_fields:extract(Doc, Cursor2#cursor.fields),
handle_doc(Cursor2, FinalDoc);
{no_match, _, {execution_stats, Stats}} ->
Cursor1 = Cursor#cursor{
execution_stats = Stats
{ok, Cursor1};
Error ->
?LOG_ERROR(#{what => load_doc_failure, details => Error}),
couch_log:error("~s :: Error loading doc: ~p", [?MODULE, Error]),
{ok, Cursor}
handle_message({execution_stats, ShardStats}, #cursor{execution_stats = Stats} = Cursor) ->
{docs_examined, DocsExamined} = ShardStats,
Cursor1 = Cursor#cursor{
execution_stats = mango_execution_stats:incr_docs_examined(Stats, DocsExamined)
{ok, Cursor1};
handle_message(complete, Cursor) ->
{ok, Cursor};
handle_message({error, Reason}, _Cursor) ->
{error, Reason}.
handle_all_docs_message({row, Props}, Cursor) ->
case is_design_doc(Props) of
true -> {ok, Cursor};
false -> handle_message({row, Props}, Cursor)
handle_all_docs_message(Message, Cursor) ->
handle_message(Message, Cursor).
handle_doc(#cursor{skip = S} = C, _) when S > 0 ->
{ok, C#cursor{skip = S - 1}};
handle_doc(#cursor{limit = L, execution_stats = Stats} = C, Doc) when L > 0 ->
UserFun = C#cursor.user_fun,
UserAcc = C#cursor.user_acc,
{Go, NewAcc} = UserFun({row, Doc}, UserAcc),
{Go, C#cursor{
user_acc = NewAcc,
limit = L - 1,
execution_stats = mango_execution_stats:incr_results_returned(Stats)
handle_doc(C, _Doc) ->
{stop, C}.
apply_opts([], Args) ->
apply_opts([{conflicts, true} | Rest], Args) ->
NewArgs = Args#mrargs{conflicts = true},
apply_opts(Rest, NewArgs);
apply_opts([{conflicts, false} | Rest], Args) ->
% Ignored cause default
apply_opts(Rest, Args);
apply_opts([{sort, Sort} | Rest], Args) ->
% We only support single direction sorts
% so nothing fancy here.
case mango_sort:directions(Sort) of
[] ->
apply_opts(Rest, Args);
[<<"asc">> | _] ->
apply_opts(Rest, Args);
[<<"desc">> | _] ->
SK = Args#mrargs.start_key,
SKDI = Args#mrargs.start_key_docid,
EK = Args#mrargs.end_key,
EKDI = Args#mrargs.end_key_docid,
NewArgs = Args#mrargs{
direction = rev,
start_key = EK,
start_key_docid = EKDI,
end_key = SK,
end_key_docid = SKDI
apply_opts(Rest, NewArgs)
apply_opts([{stale, ok} | Rest], Args) ->
NewArgs = Args#mrargs{
stable = true,
update = false
apply_opts(Rest, NewArgs);
apply_opts([{stable, true} | Rest], Args) ->
NewArgs = Args#mrargs{
stable = true
apply_opts(Rest, NewArgs);
apply_opts([{update, false} | Rest], Args) ->
NewArgs = Args#mrargs{
update = false
apply_opts(Rest, NewArgs);
apply_opts([{_, _} | Rest], Args) ->
% Ignore unknown options
apply_opts(Rest, Args).
match_doc(Cursor, RowProps) ->
execution_stats = Stats0,
selector = Selector
} = Cursor,
Stats1 = mango_execution_stats:incr_docs_examined(Stats0, 1),
Doc = couch_util:get_value(doc, RowProps),
case mango_selector:match(Selector, Doc) of
true ->
{ok, Doc, {execution_stats, Stats1}};
false ->
{no_match, Doc, {execution_stats, Stats1}}
is_design_doc(RowProps) ->
case couch_util:get_value(id, RowProps) of
<<"_design/", _/binary>> -> true;
_ -> false
update_bookmark_keys(#cursor{limit = Limit} = Cursor, Props) when Limit > 0 ->
Id = couch_util:get_value(id, Props),
Key = couch_util:get_value(key, Props),
bookmark_docid = Id,
bookmark_key = Key
update_bookmark_keys(Cursor, _Props) ->