blob: 9f9b53a8122117eff2fd807283c30491d5000801 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
import mango, requests, unittest
# Re-enable once the _users db is implemented
class UsersDbFindTests(mango.UsersDbTests):
def setUpClass(klass):
raise unittest.SkipTest("Re-enable once the _users db is implemented")
def test_simple_find(self):
docs = self.db.find({"name": {"$eq": "demo02"}})
assert len(docs) == 1
assert docs[0]["_id"] == "org.couchdb.user:demo02"
def test_multi_cond_and(self):
self.db.create_index(["type", "roles"])
docs = self.db.find({"type": "user", "roles": {"$eq": ["reader"]}})
assert len(docs) == 1
assert docs[0]["_id"] == "org.couchdb.user:demo02"
def test_multi_cond_or(self):
docs = self.db.find(
{"$and": [{"type": "user"}, {"$or": [{"order": 1}, {"order": 3}]}]}
assert len(docs) == 2
assert docs[0]["_id"] == "org.couchdb.user:demo01"
assert docs[1]["_id"] == "org.couchdb.user:demo03"
def test_sort(self):
self.db.create_index(["order", "name"])
selector = {"name": {"$gt": "demo01"}}
docs1 = self.db.find(selector, sort=[{"order": "asc"}])
docs2 = list(sorted(docs1, key=lambda d: d["order"]))
assert docs1 is not docs2 and docs1 == docs2
docs1 = self.db.find(selector, sort=[{"order": "desc"}])
docs2 = list(reversed(sorted(docs1, key=lambda d: d["order"])))
assert docs1 is not docs2 and docs1 == docs2
def test_fields(self):
selector = {"name": {"$eq": "demo02"}}
docs = self.db.find(selector, fields=["name", "order"])
assert len(docs) == 1
assert sorted(docs[0].keys()) == ["name", "order"]
def test_empty(self):
docs = self.db.find({})
assert len(docs) == 3
class UsersDbIndexFindTests(UsersDbFindTests):
def setUp(self):
def test_multi_cond_and(self):
self.db.create_index(["type", "roles"])
super(UsersDbIndexFindTests, self).test_multi_cond_and()
def test_multi_cond_or(self):
self.db.create_index(["type", "order"])
super(UsersDbIndexFindTests, self).test_multi_cond_or()
def test_sort(self):
self.db.create_index(["order", "name"])
super(UsersDbIndexFindTests, self).test_sort()