blob: fa79f25f0d4f141574a22cd3402a3e0db90ef910 [file] [log] [blame]
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
% the License.
-define(DOC_COUNT, 25).
changes_fold_test_() ->
"Test changes fold operations",
fun setup_all/0,
fun teardown_all/1,
fun setup/0,
fun cleanup/1,
setup_all() ->
Ctx = test_util:start_couch([fabric]),
meck:new(erlfdb, [passthrough]),
teardown_all(Ctx) ->
setup() ->
{ok, Db} = fabric2_db:create(?tempdb(), [{user_ctx, ?ADMIN_USER}]),
Rows = lists:map(fun(Val) ->
DocId = fabric2_util:uuid(),
Doc = #doc{
id = DocId,
body = {[{<<"value">>, Val}]}
{ok, RevId} = fabric2_db:update_doc(Db, Doc, []),
UpdateSeq = fabric2_db:get_update_seq(Db),
id => DocId,
sequence => UpdateSeq,
deleted => false,
rev_id => RevId
end, lists:seq(1, ?DOC_COUNT)),
{Db, Rows}.
cleanup({Db, _DocIdRevs}) ->
ok = fabric2_db:delete(fabric2_db:name(Db), []).
fold_changes_basic({Db, DocRows}) ->
?assertEqual(lists:reverse(DocRows), changes(Db)).
fold_changes_since_now({Db, _}) ->
?assertEqual([], changes(Db, now, [])).
fold_changes_since_seq({_, []}) ->
fold_changes_since_seq({Db, [Row | RestRows]}) ->
#{sequence := Since} = Row,
?assertEqual(lists:reverse(RestRows), changes(Db, Since, [])),
fold_changes_since_seq({Db, RestRows}).
fold_changes_basic_rev({Db, _}) ->
?assertEqual([], changes(Db, 0, [{dir, rev}])).
fold_changes_since_now_rev({Db, DocRows}) ->
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db, now, [{dir, rev}])).
fold_changes_since_seq_rev({_, []}) ->
fold_changes_since_seq_rev({Db, DocRows}) ->
#{sequence := Since} = lists:last(DocRows),
Opts = [{dir, rev}],
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db, Since, Opts)),
RestRows = lists:sublist(DocRows, length(DocRows) - 1),
fold_changes_since_seq_rev({Db, RestRows}).
fold_changes_with_end_key({Db, DocRows}) ->
lists:foldl(fun(DocRow, Acc) ->
EndSeq = maps:get(sequence, DocRow),
Changes = changes(Db, 0, [{end_key, EndSeq}]),
NewAcc = [DocRow | Acc],
?assertEqual(Changes, NewAcc),
end, [], DocRows).
fold_changes_basic_tx_too_old({Db, DocRows0}) ->
DocRows = lists:reverse(DocRows0),
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors(0, 1),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db)),
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors(1, 0),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db)),
% Blow up in user fun but after emitting one row successfully.
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors({1, 1}, 0),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db)),
% Blow up before last document
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors({?DOC_COUNT - 1, 1}, 0),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db)),
% Emit one value, then blow up in user function and then blow up twice in
% fold_range. But it is not enough to stop the iteration.
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors({1, 1}, {1, 2}),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db)).
fold_changes_reverse_tx_too_old({Db, DocRows}) ->
Opts = [{dir, rev}],
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors(0, 1),
?assertEqual([], changes(Db, 0, Opts)),
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors(1, 0),
?assertEqual([], changes(Db, 0, Opts)),
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors(1, 0),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db, now, Opts)),
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors(1, 0),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db, now, Opts)),
% Blow up in user fun but after emitting one row successfully.
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors({1, 1}, 0),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db, now, Opts)),
% Blow up before last document
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors({?DOC_COUNT - 1, 1}, 0),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db, now, Opts)),
% Emit value, blow up in user function, and twice in fold_range
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors({1, 1}, {1, 2}),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db, now, Opts)).
fold_changes_tx_too_old_with_single_row_emits({Db, DocRows0}) ->
% This test does a few basic operations while forcing erlfdb range fold to
% emit a single row at a time, thus forcing it to use continuations while
% also inducing tx errors
Opts = [{target_bytes, 1}],
DocRows = lists:reverse(DocRows0),
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors(0, 1),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db, 0, Opts)),
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors(1, 0),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db, 0, Opts)),
% Blow up in user fun but after emitting one row successfully.
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors({1, 1}, 0),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db, 0, Opts)),
% Blow up before last document
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors({?DOC_COUNT - 1, 1}, 0),
?assertEqual(DocRows, changes(Db, 0, Opts)).
fold_changes_since_seq_tx_too_old({Db, Rows}) ->
% Blow up after after a successful emit, then twice
% in range fold call. Also re-use already existing basic
% fold_changes_since_seq test function.
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors({1, 1}, {1, 2}),
fold_changes_since_seq({Db, Rows}).
fold_changes_not_progressing({Db, _}) ->
% Fail in first fold range call.
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors(5, 0),
?assertError(fold_range_not_progressing, changes(Db)),
% Fail in first user fun call.
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors(0, 5),
?assertError(fold_range_not_progressing, changes(Db)),
% Blow up in last user fun call
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors({?DOC_COUNT - 1, 5}, 0),
?assertError(fold_range_not_progressing, changes(Db)),
% Blow up in user function after one success.
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors({1, 5}, 0),
?assertError(fold_range_not_progressing, changes(Db)),
% Emit value, blow up in user function, then keep blowing up in fold_range.
fabric2_test_util:tx_too_old_setup_errors({1, 1}, {1, 4}),
?assertError(fold_range_not_progressing, changes(Db)).
fold_fun(#{} = Change, Acc) ->
{ok, [Change | Acc]}.
changes(Db) ->
changes(Db, 0, []).
changes(Db, Since, Opts) ->
{ok, Rows} = fabric2_db:fold_changes(Db, Since, fun fold_fun/2, [], Opts),