blob: 4d12e813e6d0d78460af8c4fe909b5dcdcd3e258 [file] [log] [blame]
%% @private
%% === NOTE ===
%% The specification says "We are using big-endian",
%% but actually, implementations are using little-endian.
%% - Specification:
%% - Java Implementation:
-export([decode_message/1, encode_message/1]).
-define(PROTOCOL_ID, 16#82).
-define(VERSION, 1).
-define(FIELD_TRUE, 1).
-define(FIELD_FALSE, 2).
-define(FIELD_I8, 3).
-define(FIELD_I16, 4).
-define(FIELD_I32, 5).
-define(FIELD_I64, 6).
-define(FIELD_FLOAT, 7).
-define(FIELD_BINARY, 8).
-define(FIELD_LIST, 9).
-define(FIELD_SET, 10).
-define(FIELD_MAP, 11).
-define(FIELD_STRUCT, 12).
-spec encode_message(thrift_protocol:message()) -> iodata().
encode_message(Message) ->
Type =
[<<?PROTOCOL_ID, Type:3, ?VERSION:5>>,
encode_binary(Message#thrift_protocol_message.method_name) |
-spec encode_binary(binary()) -> iodata().
encode_binary(Bin) ->
[encode_varint32(byte_size(Bin)) | Bin].
-spec encode_struct(thrift_protocol:struct()) -> iodata().
encode_struct(#thrift_protocol_struct{fields = Fields0}) ->
encode_struct_fields(lists:sort(maps:to_list(Fields0)), 0).
-spec encode_struct_fields(Fields, PrevFieldId) -> iodata() when
Fields :: [{thrift_protocol:field_id(), thrift_protocol:data()}],
PrevFieldId :: thrift_protocol:field_id().
encode_struct_fields([], _PrevFieldId) ->
encode_struct_fields([{Id, Data} | Fields], PrevId) ->
Type =
case Data of
true -> ?FIELD_TRUE;
false -> ?FIELD_FALSE;
{i8, _} -> ?FIELD_I8;
{i16, _} -> ?FIELD_I16;
{i32, _} -> ?FIELD_I32;
{i64, _} -> ?FIELD_I64;
N when is_float(N) -> ?FIELD_FLOAT;
N when is_binary(N) -> ?FIELD_BINARY;
#thrift_protocol_list{} -> ?FIELD_LIST;
#thrift_protocol_set{} -> ?FIELD_SET;
#thrift_protocol_map{} -> ?FIELD_MAP;
#thrift_protocol_struct{} -> ?FIELD_STRUCT
Header =
case Id - PrevId of
Delta when 0 < Delta, Delta < 16 ->
<<Delta:4, Type:4>>;
_ ->
[<<0:4, Type:4>> | encode_data({i16, Id})]
DataBytes =
case is_boolean(Data) of
true -> [];
false -> encode_data(Data)
[Header, DataBytes | encode_struct_fields(Fields, Id)].
-spec encode_data(thrift_protocol:data()) -> iodata().
encode_data(false) -> <<0>>;
encode_data(true) -> <<1>>;
encode_data({i8, N}) -> <<N:8>>;
encode_data({i16, N}) -> encode_data({i32, N});
encode_data({i32, N}) -> encode_varint32(int32_to_zigzag(N));
encode_data({i64, N}) -> encode_varint64(int64_to_zigzag(N));
encode_data(N) when is_float(N) -> <<N/float-little>>;
encode_data(B) when is_binary(B) -> encode_binary(B);
encode_data(X = #thrift_protocol_struct{}) -> encode_struct(X);
encode_data(#thrift_protocol_map{elements = M}) when M =:= #{} ->
encode_data(X = #thrift_protocol_map{}) ->
#thrift_protocol_map{key_type = KeyType, value_type = ValueType} = X,
encode_pairs(maps:to_list(X#thrift_protocol_map.elements), KeyType, ValueType)];
encode_data(#thrift_protocol_set{element_type = Type, elements = Elements}) ->
encode_elements(Elements, length(Elements), Type);
encode_data(#thrift_protocol_list{element_type = Type, elements = Elements}) ->
encode_elements(Elements, length(Elements), Type).
-spec encode_pairs(Pairs, KeyType, ValueType) -> iodata() when
Pairs :: [{thrift_protocol:data(), thrift_protocol:data()}],
KeyType :: thrift_protocol:data_type(),
ValueType :: thrift_protocol:data_type().
encode_pairs([], _, _) -> [];
encode_pairs([{K, V} | Pairs], KeyType, ValueType) ->
KeyType = thrift_protocol:data_type(K),
ValueType = thrift_protocol:data_type(V),
[encode_data(K), encode_data(V) | encode_pairs(Pairs, KeyType, ValueType)].
-spec encode_elements(Elements, non_neg_integer(), thrift_protocol:data_type()) ->
iodata() when
Elements :: [thrift_protocol:data()].
encode_elements(Elements, Size, Type) when Size < 15 ->
TypeByte = thrift_protocol_byte:from_data_type(Type),
[<<Size:4, TypeByte:4>> | encode_elements(Elements, Type)];
encode_elements(Elements, Size, Type) ->
TypeByte = thrift_protocol_byte:from_data_type(Type),
[<<1111:4, TypeByte:4>>, encode_varint32(Size) | encode_elements(Elements, Type)].
-spec encode_elements([thrift_protocol:data()], thrift_protocol:data_type()) -> iodata().
encode_elements([], _Type) -> [];
encode_elements([E | Elements], Type) ->
Type = thrift_protocol:data_type(E),
[encode_data(E) | encode_elements(Elements, Type)].
-spec decode_message(binary()) -> {thrift_protocol:message(), binary()}.
decode_message(<<?PROTOCOL_ID, Type:3, ?VERSION:5, Rest0/binary>>) ->
MessageType = thrift_protocol_byte:to_message_type(Type),
{SeqId, Rest1} = decode_varint32(Rest0),
{NameLen, Rest2} = decode_varint32(Rest1),
<<Name:NameLen/binary, Rest3/binary>> = Rest2,
{Body, Rest4} = decode_struct(Rest3, 0, #{}),
Message =
method_name = Name,
message_type = MessageType,
sequence_id = SeqId,
body = Body
{Message, Rest4}.
-spec decode_struct(binary(), PrevId, Fields) -> {thrift_protocol:struct(), binary()} when
PrevId :: thrift_protocol:field_id(),
Fields :: #{thrift_protocol:field_id() => thrift_protocol:data()}.
decode_struct(<<0:8, Rest/binary>>, _PrevId, Fields) ->
{#thrift_protocol_struct{fields = Fields}, Rest};
decode_struct(<<Delta:4, Type:4, Rest0/binary>>, PrevId, Fields0) ->
{Id, Rest1} = decode_field_id(Rest0, Delta, PrevId),
{Data, Rest2} = decode_field_data(Rest1, Type),
Fields1 = maps:put(Id, Data, Fields0),
decode_struct(Rest2, Id, Fields1).
-spec decode_field_id(binary(), 0..15, thrift_protocol:field_id()) ->
{thrift_protocol:field_id(), binary()}.
decode_field_id(Bin, 0, _PrevId) ->
{{i16, Id}, Rest} = decode_data(Bin, i16),
{Id, Rest};
decode_field_id(Bin, Delta, PrevId) ->
{PrevId + Delta, Bin}.
-spec decode_field_data(binary(), byte()) -> {thrift_protocol:data(), binary()}.
decode_field_data(Bin, ?FIELD_TRUE) -> {true, Bin};
decode_field_data(Bin, ?FIELD_FALSE) -> {false, Bin};
decode_field_data(Bin, ?FIELD_I8) -> decode_data(Bin, i8);
decode_field_data(Bin, ?FIELD_I16) -> decode_data(Bin, i16);
decode_field_data(Bin, ?FIELD_I32) -> decode_data(Bin, i32);
decode_field_data(Bin, ?FIELD_I64) -> decode_data(Bin, i64);
decode_field_data(Bin, ?FIELD_FLOAT) -> decode_data(Bin, float);
decode_field_data(Bin, ?FIELD_BINARY) -> decode_data(Bin, binary);
decode_field_data(Bin, ?FIELD_LIST) -> decode_data(Bin, list);
decode_field_data(Bin, ?FIELD_SET) -> decode_data(Bin, set);
decode_field_data(Bin, ?FIELD_MAP) -> decode_data(Bin, map);
decode_field_data(Bin, ?FIELD_STRUCT) -> decode_data(Bin, struct).
-spec decode_data(binary(), thrift_protocol:data_type()) ->
{thrift_protocol:data(), binary()}.
decode_data(<<0, Bin/binary>>, boolean) -> {false, Bin};
decode_data(<<1, Bin/binary>>, boolean) -> {true, Bin};
decode_data(<<N:8/signed, Bin/binary>>, i8) -> {{i8, N}, Bin};
decode_data(Bin0, i16) ->
{{i32, N}, Bin1} = decode_data(Bin0, i32),
<<M:16/signed>> = <<N:16>>,
{{i16, M}, Bin1};
decode_data(Bin0, i32) ->
{N, Bin1} = decode_varint32(Bin0),
{{i32, zigzag_to_int(N)}, Bin1};
decode_data(Bin0, i64) ->
{N, Bin1} = decode_varint64(Bin0),
{{i64, zigzag_to_int(N)}, Bin1};
decode_data(<<N/float-little, Bin/binary>>, float) ->
{N, Bin};
decode_data(Bin0, binary) ->
{Size, Bin1} = decode_varint32(Bin0),
<<Bytes:Size/binary, Bin2/binary>> = Bin1,
{Bytes, Bin2};
decode_data(Bin, struct) ->
decode_struct(Bin, 0, #{});
decode_data(Bin0, set) ->
{Type, Elements, Bin1} = decode_elements(Bin0),
{#thrift_protocol_set{element_type = Type, elements = Elements}, Bin1};
decode_data(Bin0, list) ->
{Type, Elements, Bin1} = decode_elements(Bin0),
{#thrift_protocol_list{element_type = Type, elements = Elements}, Bin1};
decode_data(<<0, Bin/binary>>, map) ->
Map = #thrift_protocol_map{key_type = undefined, value_type = undefined, elements = #{}},
{Map, Bin};
decode_data(Bin0, map) ->
{Size, Bin1} = decode_varint32(Bin0),
<<KeyTypeByte:4, ValueTypeByte:4, Bin2/binary>> = Bin1,
KeyType = thrift_protocol_byte:to_data_type(KeyTypeByte),
ValueType = thrift_protocol_byte:to_data_type(ValueTypeByte),
{Pairs, Bin3} = decode_pairs(Bin2, KeyType, ValueType, Size, #{}),
Map = #thrift_protocol_map{key_type = KeyType, value_type = ValueType, elements = Pairs},
{Map, Bin3}.
-spec decode_pairs(binary(), KeyType, ValueType, non_neg_integer(), Pairs) ->
{Pairs, binary()} when
KeyType :: thrift_protocol:data_type(),
ValueType :: thrift_protocol:data_type(),
Pairs :: #{thrift_protocol:data() => thrift_protocol:data()}.
decode_pairs(Bin, _KeyType, _ValueType, 0, Pairs) ->
{Pairs, Bin};
decode_pairs(Bin0, KeyType, ValueType, Size, Pairs) ->
{Key, Bin1} = decode_data(Bin0, KeyType),
{Value, Bin2} = decode_data(Bin1, ValueType),
decode_pairs(Bin2, KeyType, ValueType, Size - 1, maps:put(Key, Value, Pairs)).
-spec decode_elements(binary()) -> {ElementType, Elements, binary()} when
ElementType :: thrift_protocol:data_type(),
Elements :: [thrift_protocol:data()].
decode_elements(<<2#1111:4, TypeByte:4, Bin0/binary>>) ->
Type = thrift_protocol_byte:to_data_type(TypeByte),
{Size, Bin1} = decode_varint32(Bin0),
decode_elements(Bin1, Type, Size, []);
decode_elements(<<Size:4, TypeByte:4, Bin/binary>>) ->
Type = thrift_protocol_byte:to_data_type(TypeByte),
decode_elements(Bin, Type, Size, []).
-spec decode_elements(binary(), ElementType, non_neg_integer(), Elements) ->
{ElementType, Elements, binary()} when
ElementType :: thrift_protocol:data_type(),
Elements :: [thrift_protocol:data()].
decode_elements(Bin, Type, 0, Acc) ->
{Type, lists:reverse(Acc), Bin};
decode_elements(Bin0, Type, Size, Acc) ->
{Data, Bin1} = decode_data(Bin0, Type),
decode_elements(Bin1, Type, Size - 1, [Data | Acc]).
-spec zigzag_to_int(integer()) -> integer().
zigzag_to_int(N) ->
(N bsr 1) bxor -(N band 1).
-spec int32_to_zigzag(integer()) -> integer().
int32_to_zigzag(N) ->
(N bsl 1) bxor (N bsr 31).
-spec int64_to_zigzag(integer()) -> integer().
int64_to_zigzag(N) ->
(N bsl 1) bxor (N bsr 63).
-spec encode_varint32(integer()) -> binary().
encode_varint32(N) ->
encode_varint(N band 16#FFFFFFFF, <<>>).
-spec encode_varint64(integer()) -> binary().
encode_varint64(N) ->
encode_varint(N band 16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, <<>>).
-spec encode_varint(non_neg_integer(), binary()) -> binary().
encode_varint(N, Acc) ->
A = N band 2#01111111,
B = N bsr 7,
case B =:= 0 of
true -> <<Acc/binary, 0:1, A:7>>;
false -> encode_varint(B, <<Acc/binary, 1:1, A:7>>)
-spec decode_varint32(binary()) -> {integer(), binary()}.
decode_varint32(Bin0) ->
{N, Bin1} = decode_varint(Bin0, 0, 5, 0),
<<M:32/signed>> = <<N:32>>,
{M, Bin1}.
-spec decode_varint64(binary()) -> {integer(), binary()}.
decode_varint64(Bin0) ->
{N, Bin1} = decode_varint(Bin0, 0, 10, 0),
<<M:64/signed>> = <<N:64>>,
{M, Bin1}.
-spec decode_varint(binary(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) ->
{non_neg_integer(), binary()}.
decode_varint(<<0:1, N:7, Bin/binary>>, I, _, M) ->
{(N bsl (I * 7)) + M, Bin};
decode_varint(<<1:1, N:7, Bin/binary>>, I, Max, M) when I =< Max ->
decode_varint(Bin, I + 1, Max, (N bsl (I * 7)) + M).