fix enable_cluster_http for admin-party clusters
diff --git a/src/setup.erl b/src/setup.erl
index 4067956..7537173 100644
--- a/src/setup.erl
+++ b/src/setup.erl
@@ -69,14 +69,25 @@
+get_remote_request_options(Options) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(remote_current_user, Options, undefined) of
+        undefined ->
+            [];
+        _ ->
+            [
+                {basic_auth, {
+                    binary_to_list(couch_util:get_value(remote_current_user, Options)),
+                    binary_to_list(couch_util:get_value(remote_current_password, Options))
+                }}
+            ]
+    end.
 enable_cluster_http(Options) ->
     % POST to nodeB/_setup
-    RequestOptions = [
-        {basic_auth, {
-            binary_to_list(couch_util:get_value(remote_current_user, Options)),
-            binary_to_list(couch_util:get_value(remote_current_password, Options))
-        }}
-    ],
+    couch_log:notice("enable_cluster_http: ~p~n", [Options]),
+    RequestOptions = get_remote_request_options(Options),
+    couch_log:notice("enable_cluster_http RequestOptions: ~p~n", [RequestOptions]),
     Body = ?JSON_ENCODE({[
         {<<"action">>, <<"enable_cluster">>},
@@ -138,8 +149,10 @@
     case Port of
         undefined ->
-        Port ->
-            config:set("chttpd", "port", integer_to_list(Port))
+        Port when is_binary(Port) ->
+            config:set("chttpd", "port", binary_to_list(Port));
+        Port when is_integer(Port) ->
+            config:set_integer("chttpd", "port", Port)
     couch_log:notice("Enable Cluster: ~p~n", [Options]).
@@ -168,7 +181,7 @@
 add_node_int(_Options, no) ->
     {error, cluster_not_enabled};
 add_node_int(Options, ok) ->
-    couch_log:notice("add node: ~p~n", [Options]),
+    couch_log:notice("add node_int: ~p~n", [Options]),
     ErlangCookie = erlang:get_cookie(),
     % POST to nodeB/_setup
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9c45086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/bin/sh -ex
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+# show cluster state:
+# Enable Cluster on node A
+curl -d '{"action":"enable_cluster","username":"a","password":"b","bind_address":""}' $HEADERS
+# Enable Cluster on node B
+curl a:b@ -d '{"action":"enable_cluster","remote_node":"","port":"25984","username":"a","password":"b","bind_address":""}' $HEADERS
+# Add node B on node A
+curl a:b@ -d '{"action":"add_node","username":"a","password":"b","host":"","port":25984}' $HEADERS
+# Show cluster state:
+curl a:b@
+# Show db doesn’t exist on node A
+curl a:b@
+# Show db doesn’t exist on node B
+curl a:b@
+# Create database (on node A)
+curl -X PUT a:b@
+# Show db does exist on node A
+curl a:b@
+# Show db does exist on node B
+curl a:b@
+# Finish cluster
+curl a:b@ -d '{"action":"finish_cluster"}' $HEADERS
+# Show system dbs exist on node A
+curl a:b@
+curl a:b@
+curl a:b@
+curl a:b@
+# Show system dbs exist on node B
+curl a:b@
+curl a:b@
+curl a:b@
+curl a:b@
+echo "YAY ALL GOOD"