Start per-node servers regardless of feature flag

Previously rexi_server_mon would fail to start per-node servers on a
node where the use of those servers in rexi:cast messages was disabled
by the "server_per_node" feature flag.  This mostly defeats the purpose
of the feature flag, which is to ensure that we can start all the
per-node servers before we try to use them.  Moreover, it cluttered up
the error logs because rexi_server_mon would crash after trying to
execute a `start_child` on rexi_server.

The fix is not DRY but it does the job well.

BugzID: 18970
diff --git a/src/rexi_server_mon.erl b/src/rexi_server_mon.erl
index 3545dba..8cee6e9 100644
--- a/src/rexi_server_mon.erl
+++ b/src/rexi_server_mon.erl
@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@
 missing_servers() ->
-    ServerIds = [rexi_utils:server_id(Node) || Node <- [node() | nodes()]],
+    ServerIds = [list_to_atom("rexi_server_" ++ atom_to_list(Node))
+        || Node <- [node() | nodes()]],
     ChildIds = [Id || {Id, _, _, _} <- supervisor:which_children(?SUP_MODULE)],
     ServerIds -- ChildIds.