blob: 5c022c8eb06bce9696c89071074cfe6b75e794e8 [file] [log] [blame]
all() -> [scheduler_usage_diff, sublist_top_n].
scheduler_usage_diff(_Config) ->
{Active0, Total0} = {1000, 2000},
SchedStat0 = {1, Active0, Total0},
% No active or total time has elapsed. Make sure we don't divide by zero.
[{1, 0.0}] = recon_lib:scheduler_usage_diff([SchedStat0], [SchedStat0]),
% Total time has elapsed, but no active time. Make sure we get 0 usage back.
SchedStat1 = {1, Active0, Total0 * 2},
[{1, 0.0}] = recon_lib:scheduler_usage_diff([SchedStat0], [SchedStat1]),
% Check for 100% usage
SchedStat2 = {1, Active0 + 1000, Total0 + 1000},
[{1, 1.0}] = recon_lib:scheduler_usage_diff([SchedStat0], [SchedStat2]).
sublist_top_n(_Config) ->
L0 = [1,1,2,4,5,6,0,8,7,4,5,2,1,8,agbg,{t},3,[bah],"te",<<"bin">>,23.0, 23],
L = [{make_ref(), Val, [{meta,data}]} || Val <- L0],
%% former sort function used prior to integraton of sublist_top_n
Sorted = lists:usort(fun({_,A,_},{_,B,_}) -> A > B end, L),
Sub = (catch lists:sublist(Sorted, N)),
ct:pal("Sub ~p: ~p", [N, Sub]),
Sub = (catch recon_lib:sublist_top_n_attrs(L, N))
end || N <- lists:seq(0, length(L)+1)],