Fix recon_lib failing on long ports or proc lists

Nodes with lots of processes or ports can see their proc_count,
proc_window, inet_count, or inet_window functions fail due to a race
condition where:

1. The list of ports or processes is created;
2. The ports or processes are iteratively polled for their properties;
3. Some port or process closes;
4. A badmatch error occurs and the entire function fails.

The error specifically happens in the functions of arity 2 in recon_lib
that made the fetch to each port or process.

The interface of these functions are getting changed to:

- account for the error
- return {ok, State} or {error, Reason} depending on the case

Moreover, the functions of arity 1 in recon_lib that make use of them
are changing so that their list comprehension filters bad data --
which we do not care about anyway.

A similar change is included to respect the new API in recon's refc
binary leak function.
diff --git a/ b/
index 97053cd..77bc4cf 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,5 +12,10 @@
+- 0.4.0: fixed bug where nodes with lots of processes or ports could see their
+  count or window functions fail because a process or socket closed between the
+  time the function started and before it finished. This ends up changing the
+  API in `recon_lib` for the window and count functions that take a specific
+  pid as an argument.
 - 0.3.1: factored out some logic from `recon:info/1` into `recon_lib:term_to_pid`
   and allowed arbitrary terms to be used for pids in `recon:get_state/1`.
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 107fce2..5ed65f7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {application, recon,
  [{description, "Diagnostic tools for production use"},
-  {vsn, "0.3.1"},
+  {vsn, "0.4.0"},
   {modules, [recon]},
   {registered, []},
   {applications, [kernel, stdlib]}]}.
diff --git a/src/recon.erl b/src/recon.erl
index 5cf4049..82280d5 100644
--- a/src/recon.erl
+++ b/src/recon.erl
@@ -209,9 +209,9 @@
             fun({K1,V1,_},{K2,V2,_}) -> {V1,K1} =< {V2,K2} end,
-                {_,Pre,Id} = recon_lib:proc_attrs(binary, Pid),
+                {ok, {_,Pre,Id}} = recon_lib:proc_attrs(binary, Pid),
-                {_,Post,_} = recon_lib:proc_attrs(binary, Pid),
+                {ok, {_,Post,_}} = recon_lib:proc_attrs(binary, Pid),
                 {Pid, length(Post)-length(Pre), Id}
                 _:_ -> {Pid, 0}
diff --git a/src/recon_lib.erl b/src/recon_lib.erl
index 56378af..7084c58 100644
--- a/src/recon_lib.erl
+++ b/src/recon_lib.erl
@@ -67,16 +67,19 @@
 -spec proc_attrs(term()) -> [recon:proc_attrs()].
 proc_attrs(AttrName) ->
     [Attrs || Pid <- processes() -- [self()],
-              Attrs <- [proc_attrs(AttrName, Pid)]].
+              {ok, Attrs} <- [proc_attrs(AttrName, Pid)]].
 %% @doc Returns the attributes of a given process. This form of attributes
 %% is standard for most comparison functions for processes in recon.
--spec proc_attrs(term(), pid()) -> recon:proc_attrs().
+-spec proc_attrs(term(), pid()) -> {ok, recon:proc_attrs()} | {error, term()}.
 proc_attrs(AttrName, Pid) ->
-    [{_, Attr}, {registered_name,Name}, Init, Cur] =
-        process_info(Pid, [AttrName, registered_name,
-                           current_function, initial_call]),
-    {Pid, Attr, [Name || is_atom(Name)]++[Init, Cur]}.
+    case process_info(Pid, [AttrName, registered_name,
+                            current_function, initial_call]) of
+        [{_, Attr}, {registered_name,Name}, Init, Cur] ->
+            {ok, {Pid, Attr, [Name || is_atom(Name)]++[Init, Cur]}};
+        undefined ->
+            {error, undefined}
+    end.
 %% @doc Returns the attributes ({@link recon:inet_attrs()}) of
 %% all inet ports (UDP, SCTP, TCP) of the node.
@@ -88,12 +91,13 @@
                      Name =:= "udp_inet" orelse
                      Name =:= "sctp_inet"],
     [Attrs || Port <- Ports,
-              Attrs <- [inet_attrs(AttrName, Port)]].
+              {ok, Attrs} <- [inet_attrs(AttrName, Port)]].
 %% @doc Returns the attributes required for a given inet port (UDP,
 %% SCTP, TCP). This form of attributes is standard for most comparison
 %% functions for processes in recon.
--spec inet_attrs(AttributeName, port()) -> recon:inet_attrs() when
+-spec inet_attrs(AttributeName, port()) -> {ok,recon:inet_attrs()}
+                                         | {error,term()} when
       AttributeName :: 'recv_cnt' | 'recv_oct' | 'send_cnt' | 'send_oct'
                      | 'cnt' | 'oct'.
 inet_attrs(Attr, Port) ->
@@ -102,9 +106,13 @@
         oct -> [recv_oct, send_oct];
         _ -> [Attr]
-    {ok, Props} = inet:getstat(Port, Attrs),
-    ValSum = lists:foldl(fun({_,X},Y) -> X+Y end, 0, Props),
-    {Port,ValSum,Props}.
+    case inet:getstat(Port, Attrs) of
+        {ok, Props} ->
+            ValSum = lists:foldl(fun({_,X},Y) -> X+Y end, 0, Props),
+            {ok, {Port,ValSum,Props}};
+        {error, Reason} ->
+            {error, Reason}
+    end.
 %% @doc Equivalent of `pid(X,Y,Z)' in the Erlang shell.