unexpected early strings binary/code

ran into errors when "binary" and "code" strings appeared before the expected count. resulting in an error when it tried to /(1024*1024), found that ensuring we use ^ to define start of word solved this. I updated all of the proposed strings to account for a chance that this occurs for others.

./erl_crashdump_analyzer.sh: line 27: let: m=0x00007f4da25e6358:SReturn addr 0xACE80DB8 (*redacted*_binary:to_utf8/1 + 128)/(1024*1024): syntax error in expression (error token is ":SReturn addr 0xACE80DB8 (*redacted*_binary:to_utf8/1 + 128)/(1024*1024)")
diff --git a/script/erl_crashdump_analyzer.sh b/script/erl_crashdump_analyzer.sh
index 1b0a760..f3b966c 100755
--- a/script/erl_crashdump_analyzer.sh
+++ b/script/erl_crashdump_analyzer.sh
@@ -8,31 +8,31 @@
 ### MEMORY ###
 echo -e "\nMemory:\n==="
-M=`grep -m 1 'processes' $DUMP | sed "s/processes: //"`
+M=`grep -m 1 '^processes' $DUMP | sed "s/processes: //"`
 let "m=$M/(1024*1024)"
 echo "  processes: $m Mb"
-M=`grep -m 1 'processes_used' $DUMP | sed "s/processes_used: //"`
+M=`grep -m 1 '^processes_used' $DUMP | sed "s/processes_used: //"`
 let "m=$M/(1024*1024)"
 echo "  processes_used: $m Mb"
-M=`grep -m 1 'system' $DUMP | sed "s/system: //"`
+M=`grep -m 1 '^system' $DUMP | sed "s/system: //"`
 let "m=$M/(1024*1024)"
 echo "  system: $m Mb"
-M=`grep -m 1 'atom' $DUMP | sed "s/atom: //"`
+M=`grep -m 1 '^atom' $DUMP | sed "s/atom: //"`
 let "m=$M/(1024*1024)"
 echo "  atom: $m Mb"
-M=`grep -m 1 'atom_used' $DUMP | sed "s/atom_used: //"`
+M=`grep -m 1 '^atom_used' $DUMP | sed "s/atom_used: //"`
 let "m=$M/(1024*1024)"
 echo "  atom_used: $m Mb"
-M=`grep -m 1 'binary' $DUMP | sed "s/binary: //"`
+M=`grep -m 1 '^binary' $DUMP | sed "s/binary: //"`
 let "m=$M/(1024*1024)"
 echo "  binary: $m Mb"
-M=`grep -m 1 'code' $DUMP | sed "s/code: //"`
+M=`grep -m 1 '^code' $DUMP | sed "s/code: //"`
 let "m=$M/(1024*1024)"
 echo "  code: $m Mb"
-M=`grep -m 1 'ets' $DUMP | sed "s/ets: //"`
+M=`grep -m 1 '^ets' $DUMP | sed "s/ets: //"`
 let "m=$M/(1024*1024)"
 echo "  ets: $m Mb"
-M=`grep -m 1 'total' $DUMP | sed "s/total: //"`
+M=`grep -m 1 '^total' $DUMP | sed "s/total: //"`
 let "m=$M/(1024*1024)"
 echo -e "  ---\n  total: $m Mb"